Yet, The Last of Us is one of the highest rated games of the past decade. Won more awards than any recent PC exclusive. Name me 2-3 quality PC exclusives released in the last 3 yrs that have a metacritic score of 90, or higher.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
Yet, The Last of Us is one of the highest rated games of the past decade. Won more awards than any recent PC exclusive. Name me 2-3 quality PC exclusives released in the last 3 yrs that have a metacritic score of 90, or higher.
Yet, The Last of Us is one of the highest rated games of the past decade. Won more awards than any recent PC exclusive. Name me 2-3 quality PC exclusives released in the last 3 yrs that have a metacritic score of 90, or higher.
There are exactly 3:
Dota 2
Guild Wars 2
Shogun 2
In 7 days Shogun 2 will older than 3 years.
so a moba, mmorpg and strategy game. yay /s
But while checking that it seems that in the end the PC shines in favorable reviewed exclusives according to MC's yearly reports.
The previous years don't include the PC in detail, but just counting myself, in 2012 PC also smokes the rest of systems in high scoring games and exclusives on MC. Counted 4 Universal Acclaim games (lower than 6 and 7 of PS3 and 360,1 Wii/Wiiu) but 52 Favorable exclusives(compared to 6 and 8 of PS3 and 360, 6 for Wii/WiiU).
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
You obviously have no clue wtf you are talking about, delete your account.
My friend, look at figures for the desktop market then look at figures for the tablet and mobile market. These house bricks are a thing of the past. A relic. It's a factually based comment.
Yet, The Last of Us is one of the highest rated games of the past decade. Won more awards than any recent PC exclusive. Name me 2-3 quality PC exclusives released in the last 3 yrs that have a metacritic score of 90, or higher.
There are exactly 3:
Dota 2
Guild Wars 2
Shogun 2
In 7 days Shogun 2 will older than 3 years.
so a moba, mmorpg and strategy game. yay /s
But Shogun 2 and Guild Wars 2 are better than any console exclusive.
Yet, The Last of Us is one of the highest rated games of the past decade. Won more awards than any recent PC exclusive. Name me 2-3 quality PC exclusives released in the last 3 yrs that have a metacritic score of 90, or higher.
There are exactly 3:
Dota 2
Guild Wars 2
Shogun 2
In 7 days Shogun 2 will older than 3 years.
so a moba, mmorpg and strategy game. yay /s
But while checking that it seems that in the end the PC shines in favorable reviewed exclusives according to MC's yearly reports.
The previous years don't include the PC in detail, but just counting myself, in 2012 PC also smokes the rest of systems in high scoring games and exclusives on MC. Counted 4 Universal Acclaim games (lower than 6 and 7 of PS3 and 360,1 Wii/Wiiu) but 52 Favorable exclusives(compared to 6 and 8 of PS3 and 360, 6 for Wii/WiiU).
a. 4 of the top 5 games of the year aren't on pc, gta v last of us and mario and fire emblem.
b. most pc games are indie, and while some are great, let's face it they are not near the best aaa franchises.
c. the rest are moba or mmorpgs, 2 genres that do not apppeal to many people including myself
d. pc is the best for multiplats, but again, face it, exclusives? lol no.
Yet, The Last of Us is one of the highest rated games of the past decade. Won more awards than any recent PC exclusive. Name me 2-3 quality PC exclusives released in the last 3 yrs that have a metacritic score of 90, or higher.
There are exactly 3:
Dota 2
Guild Wars 2
Shogun 2
In 7 days Shogun 2 will older than 3 years.
so a moba, mmorpg and strategy game. yay /s
Am I missing something? These are the most played and highest skill-cap games on the planet?
Was naming them supposed to be an insult? Am I supposed to think a 4 hour long QTE Movie-Game is somehow a more solid genre? LOL?
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
You obviously have no clue wtf you are talking about, delete your account.
My friend, look at figures for the desktop market then look at figures for the tablet and mobile market. These house bricks are a thing of the past. A relic. It's a factually based comment.
Actually if you look at the figures they point out that in a few years if the trend continues they could be a thing of the past. Which is clearly different from what you wrote.
Was naming them supposed to be an insult? Am I supposed to think a 4 hour long QTE Movie-Game is somehow a more solid genre? LOL?
I agree my friend, it's a very silly comment to make. Generally speaking, all the genres listed above have more game in them than any bare bones movie game the young people play, Indeed, the majority of the young people complain about it. Yet (for some reason) attempt to bash, actual games. Incredibly odd.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
You obviously have no clue wtf you are talking about, delete your account.
My friend, look at figures for the desktop market then look at figures for the tablet and mobile market. These house bricks are a thing of the past. A relic. It's a factually based comment.
"A thing of the past" that perform 5 to 10 times better than the most expensive tablet. It sound very progressive, I can't resist to get one LOL
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
You obviously have no clue wtf you are talking about, delete your account.
My friend, look at figures for the desktop market then look at figures for the tablet and mobile market. These house bricks are a thing of the past. A relic. It's a factually based comment.
"A thing of the past" that perform 5 to 10 times better than the most expensive tablet. It sound very progressive, I can't resist to get one LOL
But my friend... nobody actually cares. Not reviewers, not Publishers, not the general public. The argument of "oh well it's really powerful". It's also incredibly bulky, expensive and problematic. Typical Joe Public would rather have a little square thing in which one only has to touch the screen like star trek. This is the reality now. A factually based one that is inarguable. Yet, alas, you try.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
You obviously have no clue wtf you are talking about, delete your account.
My friend, look at figures for the desktop market then look at figures for the tablet and mobile market. These house bricks are a thing of the past. A relic. It's a factually based comment.
"A thing of the past" that perform 5 to 10 times better than the most expensive tablet. It sound very progressive, I can't resist to get one LOL
But my friend... nobody actually cares. Not reviewers, not Publishers, not the general public. The argument of "oh well it's really powerful". It's also incredibly bulky, expensive and problematic. Typical Joe Public would rather have a little square thing in which one only has to touch the screen like star trek. This is the reality now. A factually based one that is inarguable. Yet, alas, you try.
The only sad part about all of this is that you are actually serious.
@ProjectPat187: I was thinking the same thing. He has convinced himself that what he is saying is true. The power of rationalization. It's sad and funny at the same time when you see it.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
You obviously have no clue wtf you are talking about, delete your account.
My friend, look at figures for the desktop market then look at figures for the tablet and mobile market. These house bricks are a thing of the past. A relic. It's a factually based comment.
"A thing of the past" that perform 5 to 10 times better than the most expensive tablet. It sound very progressive, I can't resist to get one LOL
But my friend... nobody actually cares. Not reviewers, not Publishers, not the general public. The argument of "oh well it's really powerful". It's also incredibly bulky, expensive and problematic. Typical Joe Public would rather have a little square thing in which one only has to touch the screen like star trek. This is the reality now. A factually based one that is inarguable. Yet, alas, you try.
You can't play Sony exclusives on the PC. PC might have its advantages in terms of graphics, but in my opinion it offers inferior exclusives compared to consoles.
Also, the vast majority of PC multiplats aren't night and day better visually than the console versions. They are basically up ports with better image quality options, but far from the dramatic leap that some of those PC elitists make them out to be. Sure, when you take screen shots and point out the differences its noticeable, but when you're actually playing the game those little details don't really make a huge difference. I'm talking about when compared to the next-gen consoles not the PS3/360.
At the end of the day, all the horsepower in the world can't make up for inferior exclusives.
Yet there millions of posts regarding the PS4 graphical superiority over Xbox One as the key thing in this generation.
I totally agree by the way, the graphics are close enough across xbox One, PS4 and PC so that other things such as exclusive games and experiences make the difference.
@NFJSupreme:Have you never been through a console launch before? Developers didn't even know how much memory the ps4 was going to have until it was almost out.
Console won over PC despite COD being a launch port? SELFOWN hahaha. Even Steam admitted that half of PC gamers have rigs that couldn't produce visuals that compare to the 360 version of GTA5, an almost decade old console. So it's no surprise that next gen consoles beat the vast majority of PCs.
High end PCs are for video editors or graphic designers.
Console won over PC despite COD being a launch port? SELFOWN hahaha. Even Steam admitted that half of PC gamershave rigs that couldn't produce visuals that compare to the 360 version of GTA5, an almost decade old console. So it's no surprise that next gen consoles beat the vast majority of PCs.
High end PCs are for video editors or graphic designers.
@NFJSupreme:Have you never been through a console launch before? Developers didn't even know how much memory the ps4 was going to have until it was almost out.
few things here. I get your point and it's valid but I'm not talking about graphical fidelity here we're talking about performance. It is true that over the life of a console graphical fidelity improves drastically. This is well documented and I have stated this before. But it is also true that throughout the life of a console performance does not iimprove drastically. In fact it stays pretty much the same and might actually decrease as the console gets pushed to it's limits. Don't believe me? Google the resolution and fps of games like Uncharted, Halo, Call of Duty, Killzone, and other last gen PS360 games and google their resolution and fps for each of their games. You will find that not only do they stay pretty much the same with some slight improvements some of them actually had lower resolution in later installments even though the later installment clearly looked better. Yes judging performance with launch games is valid so long as the games aren't broken (if they were using AC4 or COD launch code this would be pointless cause those games launched not in their final form.) This mid range PC will outperform next gen consoles for their entire generation same way the 8800GT outperformed the PS360 through out it's life.
@mr-powers said:
Console won over PC despite COD being a launch port? SELFOWN hahaha. Even Steam admitted that half of PC gamers have rigs that couldn't produce visuals that compare to the 360 version of GTA5, an almost decade old console. So it's no surprise that next gen consoles beat the vast majority of PCs.
High end PCs are for video editors or graphic designers.
your post is irrelevant to this thread. What does it have to do with the fact that this mid level PC and others with similar specs outperform all the next gen consoles? Or that the PS4 gives you mid range PC performance for entry level price. Or that the xbone gives you entry level performance and costs almost as much as the midrange PC? In understand you are insecure about your console but try to add something useful to the discussion.
Also no one cares about the people who choose to game on lower powered PCs because they play shit like DOTA 2 or LoL. We are talking about what is available to the consumer. If the number of people who have capable gaming PCs (lets just say as strong as the xbone or stronger) is a valid argument for whatever it is you are trying to argue then the next gen consoles are completely invalidated because even less people have those than capable gaming PCs. A lot less people actually. Go back to the drawing board and come back when you have a legitimate comment to make.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
but I think the question is why.
Why has something that is technically superior in all ways become 'antiquated'.
Has anyone who claims PC gaming is dying ever actually looked up the numbers? Because if they did they would see that PC gaming is actually growing while the rest of the industry is in decline. But people don't actually research or care to fact check themselves here. They just talk out their asses.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
but I think the question is why.
Why has something that is technically superior in all ways become 'antiquated'.
antiquated according to who? Has anyone one of you who claim PC gaming is dying ever actually looked up the numbers? Because if you did you would see that PC gaming is actually growingwhile the rest of the industry is in decline. But you guys don't actually research or care to fact check yourself here. You just talk out your asses.
either way my point is antiquated and sales are not the same thing. 'Antiquated' refers to technology that is no longer relevant which in the case of the PC doesn't make any sense.
Everyone running around playing games on a 5" monitor and 1gb of ram saying the PC is 'antiquated' has their head up the old ass
yeah the way the market is going PC is for gaming and productivity and tablets are for dicking around on the internet.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
but I think the question is why.
Why has something that is technically superior in all ways become 'antiquated'.
Has anyone who claims PC gaming is dying ever actually looked up the numbers? Because if they did they would see that PC gaming is actually growing while the rest of the industry is in decline. But people don't actually research or care to fact check themselves here. They just talk out their asses.
Edit: misread your post. all is well.
I would note though that PC gaming growth does not necessarily mean that the desktop form factor, ie. the traditional conception of a gaming PC with a powerful graphics card inside, is growing in popularity. It just means that PC software revenue is increasing from all sources.
PC gaming is a huge and highly profitable segment but most of that growth is not coming from the high-end desktop market. I own a traditional gaming rig myself (and think it's the best platform by far for gaming, so I'm happy to cling desperately to it) but the estimated shipment numbers [] make it pretty clear that desktops are not the number one player in the PC market anymore. It is fair to say it is widely considered an "antiquated" consumer-end form factor even if the technology inside it is cutting edge.
@uninspiredcup: When tablets have better graphics and games than desktops I'll move on. Android and iOS games not only have the worst controls but also lack the quality of PC, console and handheld games because of being free and full of ads.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
Gaming PCs are in the growth phase while casual PCs are in decline.
this little fact is what I have been trying to explain to a lot of people in regards to Microsoft's possible strategies in the future.
For years the main reason people had a PC in the home is for web and games. with tablets that leaves only games. That will affect microsoft decisions.
its funny how some will say 'the PC is dying' and as soon as I bring up the point above they all come and argue that the home market for Excel is huge.
Well, Intel Slivermont SoC tablets got about ~12 percent of X86 PC market in a very short time.
I have Dell Venue 8 Pro (8 inch tablet) which is based on Intel Silvermont SoC with ~2.5 watts. It can record 1920x1080p videos with ease which blows away Apple's iPad Mini Retina's 1280x720 video record capability. I also have Apple iPad Mini A5 SoC variant. Dell Venue 8 Pro rivals my Apple iPad Mini in size.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
but I think the question is why.
Why has something that is technically superior in all ways become 'antiquated'.
Has anyone who claims PC gaming is dying ever actually looked up the numbers? Because if they did they would see that PC gaming is actually growing while the rest of the industry is in decline. But people don't actually research or care to fact check themselves here. They just talk out their asses.
Edit: misread your post. all is well.
I would note though that PC gaming growth does not necessarily mean that the desktop form factor, ie. the traditional conception of a gaming PC with a powerful graphics card inside, is growing in popularity. It just means that PC software revenue is increasing from all sources.
PC gaming is a huge and highly profitable segment but most of that growth is not coming from the high-end desktop market. I own a traditional gaming rig myself (and think it's the best platform by far for gaming, so I'm happy to cling desperately to it) but the estimated shipment numbers [] make it pretty clear that desktops are not the number one player in the PC market anymore. It is fair to say it is widely considered an "antiquated" consumer-end form factor even if the technology inside it is cutting edge.
"Global PC Gaming Hardware Sales Shrug off PC Market Decline"
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
7.6 million concurrent users, and 65+ million users on Steam. I wouldn't say that it's a "tiny group". That's a lot of people to have playing at one time. That's more users than the Gold subscription.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
By that logic consoles are also "antiquated". But anyways my PC is connected to my 55" TV with an HDMI cable and I use Logitech's F710 wireless gamepad to play my games. It doesn't really feel like an antiquated setup.
Most people play on tablets and mobiles than "desktop". The very concept of "desktop" pc is antiquated. A tiny group of elitists desperately clinging to the past while the rest of the world moves on.
bored with your trolling personality already and switching back?
There's plenty of good things about PC, but the way that Steam and other DD services seamlessly transfer over your library from gen to gen is amazing.
Let's get real and consider that any desktop quad paired with a newer ~$150 GPU can handle games as good as next-gen systems. How much of need is there to build an entirely new system from scratch?
@uninspiredcup: When tablets have better graphics and games than desktops I'll move on. Android and iOS games not only have the worst controls but also lack the quality of PC, console and handheld games because of being free and full of ads.
Most new android games (can't speak to ios because I don't have an apple device) support full fledged console style controllers now.
Although I agree that right now most of those games are a microtransaction shitfest.
@NFJSupreme:Have you never been through a console launch before? Developers didn't even know how much memory the ps4 was going to have until it was almost out.
few things here. I get your point and it's valid but I'm not talking about graphical fidelity here we're talking about performance. It is true that over the life of a console graphical fidelity improves drastically. This is well documented and I have stated this before. But it is also true that throughout the life of a console performance does not iimprove drastically. In fact it stays pretty much the same and might actually decrease as the console gets pushed to it's limits. Don't believe me? Google the resolution and fps of games like Uncharted, Halo, Call of Duty, Killzone, and other last gen PS360 games and google their resolution and fps for each of their games. You will find that not only do they stay pretty much the same with some slight improvements some of them actually had lower resolution in later installments even though the later installment clearly looked better. Yes judging performance with launch games is valid so long as the games aren't broken (if they were using AC4 or COD launch code this would be pointless cause those games launched not in their final form.) This mid range PC will outperform next gen consoles for their entire generation same way the 8800GT outperformed the PS360 through out it's life.
Well, right. The specs are the specs. My point is there are always issues with launch window multiplats, games like Quake4 and Prey ran and looked like ass on consoles, but ran great on my pentium 4 with a radeon x800.
You can't play Sony exclusives on the PC. PC might have its advantages in terms of graphics, but in my opinion it offers inferior exclusives compared to consoles.
Also, the vast majority of PC multiplats aren't night and day better visually than the console versions. They are basically up ports with better image quality options, but far from the dramatic leap that some of those PC elitists make them out to be. Sure, when you take screen shots and point out the differences its noticeable, but when you're actually playing the game those little details don't really make a huge difference. I'm talking about when compared to the next-gen consoles not the PS3/360.
At the end of the day, all the horsepower in the world can't make up for inferior exclusives.
Maybe if sony's exclusives were actually good you would have a point ,the AI in the last of us is similar to pac man. All the good games get released on all systems anyway, even games that once were sony's exclusives (like dark souls) and the pc always has the best version. The Xbox console may be a bit weaker than the ps4 but at least they cater an operating system (windows) for the pc that runs games with the latest hardware.
Real shame a lot of lemmings bought an ps4 now because they think the power is that much better, well it actually is but not after xbox1's overclock, and the ps4 is still an entry level pc lol, not midrange.
I hope sony didn't make a lot of profit on their ps4 sales , because the only reason that ms pushed the kinect onto the user is probably because of VR, they patented the tech for their console a year before sony did. Since sony doesn't have a kinect, that will be a big downside for VR experiences. Microsoft did sell a lot less consoles but if vr takes off, the dev market has a real market there, because i can't see any big sales anymore on today's games.
Have you seen anyone that was excited over a new game lately, probably not. The reason is lack of innovation, but vr will bring that and microsoft has the best cards here. With the kinect, and the windows system, the oculus rift is happening on the pc, the pc runs windows, xbox runs windows. Can you smell it? I can , to hell with sony, they disgraced the innovation of computergames since the nineties with their stupid playstations.
@NFJSupreme:Have you never been through a console launch before? Developers didn't even know how much memory the ps4 was going to have until it was almost out.
few things here. I get your point and it's valid but I'm not talking about graphical fidelity here we're talking about performance. It is true that over the life of a console graphical fidelity improves drastically. This is well documented and I have stated this before. But it is also true that throughout the life of a console performance does not iimprove drastically. In fact it stays pretty much the same and might actually decrease as the console gets pushed to it's limits. Don't believe me? Google the resolution and fps of games like Uncharted, Halo, Call of Duty, Killzone, and other last gen PS360 games and google their resolution and fps for each of their games. You will find that not only do they stay pretty much the same with some slight improvements some of them actually had lower resolution in later installments even though the later installment clearly looked better. Yes judging performance with launch games is valid so long as the games aren't broken (if they were using AC4 or COD launch code this would be pointless cause those games launched not in their final form.) This mid range PC will outperform next gen consoles for their entire generation same way the 8800GT outperformed the PS360 through out it's life.
Well, right. The specs are the specs. My point is there are always issues with launch window multiplats, games like Quake4 and Prey ran and looked like ass on consoles, but ran great on my pentium 4 with a radeon x800.
Games later in the gen, not so much.
The reason for that was because the games were still being developed with only single core usage and non shader intensive engines. It took almost two years for the 360 to see games use all three cores and actually see engines that were more shader based(making use of the new standard of unified shader architecture) . And then for the PS3 it also took almost two years to tap into the unused SPU's from the Cell to complement the RSX. These new consoles are nothing like their predecessors.
These new consoles are cut from the same cloth as PC's using x86 based cpu's, and using current low to mid ranged gpu's. Developers know what they have and dont have to wait for the software to mature to make use of all the cpu cores nor have to design engines that can make use of the gpu's. Most of the work has been done already. The only things they have to do is tweak the minor details. While we will see improvements as time goes on it will not be anything like what happened from 7th gen or earlier since Pc has already made the standards years ago. Once these cross generational games get phased out where the PS3/360 are the lcd the quality standard in general will improve.
Also like to point out that these console's have very weak cpu's along with only 6 cores available for games and the OS+features memory allocation eats 3-3.5 gb of the 8gb.
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