I'm curious as to what other distinctions you think there are between the SPE and PPE. I already mentioned the big one, that SPE's are cut off from main memory. But I'm not sure what it is you think they can't do functionality-wise.AnnoyedDragon
What do you want me to say? I probably look into it more than most PS3 users, but that doesn't mean I'm an expert in hardware architecture. So no I am not clear on the exact limitations, I only know they are specialised in their capabilities after repeatedly reading/hearing about it over the years.
One example of it being said. (1m forward)
So what is someone in my position supposed to think? Stick with what I have heard to be the case since the PS3s launch, something that only seemed to become a problem now. Or call PS3 Cell a 7 core processor when I specifically remember it being debunked at some point.
If it is a 7 core processor then I haven't seen any PS3 games demonstrate that sort of performance, of course that could be the memory bottleneck.
Cell is a multi-core process, even Carmack said it there. Each unit is a fully functional processor. It's doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the central unit, but that doesn't make it not a core.
What would be correct to say is Cell isn't a symetric multi-core processor, where all the core are essentially identical. Specialization means the cores are good at somethings, lousy at others, making programming more complex that working in the symetrical environment where you can count on each core doing any task assigned to it equally as well as any other core.
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