[QUOTE="nameless12345"][QUOTE="darkdude2k12"] The Saturn nor the N64 could produce graphics along the lines of Driver, Smackdown, or basically anything without blockiness. The PS1only lacked in resolution; especially when compared to the Saturn. (super sharp visuals)
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PS1 not having blocky graphics is the most lulzy thing I've ever read.
Here are some real PS1 shots:
PS1 being stronger than N64 is a nice Sony fanboy joke...
Yes. Let's post the worst PS1 pics you're able to find. I can pop in MGS right now; and it DOES NOT look like that. Nice fail. Also, how nice of you to ignore how blocky, blurry and flat looking N64 games were. The Saturn definitely trumped the 64. (Just look at Virtua Fighter 2. That game still looks great to this day) Meanwhile, the PS1 had great 3D models, no blockiness, and was a poly-pushing monster. In conclusion, I don't really care about your stupid Youtube videos that prove NOTHING!!!! Youtube videos lose tons of quality and aren't a good or accurate representation of anything. 64's best looking games were Conker and the ultra craptacular (7 frames per second or less) Perfect Dark. Next!!!!! NEXT!!!! NEXT!!! NEXT PLEASE!!!! I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me here, but all PS1 3D games looked like pixelated crap...
Also, Saturn and N64 could both do more polys than the PS1 (as proven in games like Panzer Dragoon Zwei/Saga and Star Wars: Battle For Naboo).
You seem a little confused to me about hardware and graphics and such things...
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