@jhonMalcovich said:
In my opinion, Sony VR will be such a flop. We haven't seen any working copy of it so far, only claims by Sony's marketing department lol. It's no good when the company is afraid to show their tech. Usually it's because they are waaaay behind the competition. No surprise though, as Sony haven't come up with any revolutionary technology for ages. They have lost cellphones war, tv war, laptop war, etc. Their PS4 is just a multiplat pre-built PC from the regular cheapest components that runs Sony's OS.
All VR will flop specially on PC where is more expensive and you need even more juice to run it is a gimmick in both platforms.
You haven't see VR from sony in what hole have you being they have demo it several times and people have try it,so no sony isn't scare in fact the last PS show on December was mostly about VR and they have another showing on March 15.
That is funny because sony has more work on actual headset than any company working for VR,is the reason why sony's VR feel so comfortable they know.
Isn't the xbox one the same.? wasn't the 360 the same hell wasn't the freaking first xbox the same a pentiun 3 with an Nvidia GPU,ethernet port,dvd drive and HDD on a custom mother board sound like a freaking laptop without a screen to me.
Yet no one say nothing you post read like true bitter fanboy that is mad because its favorite platform is being match by a weak ass one.
Sony making VR work on those specs is a freaking miracle specially when on PC a Jaguar with a 7850 will not do that job.
VR is destine to flop everywhere.
@RyviusARC said:
Just like how the PS3 is a supercomputer.
Yah right.
You have fun with your PS4 VR baby toy while us other gamers enjoy the real VR experience.
Ready for Vive gaming and will pre-order tomorrow.
Hahahaa i see some egos got hurt here..hahahahaaa
@bunchanumbers said:
PS3 is a supercomputer and PS2 lets you plug into the matrix. And didn't they say PS4 is a supercharged PC?
I think you people are taking this the wrong way no were on that article that is imply in any way.
During his presentation, shown below, Marks revealed that the PS4 was effectively 60 percent more efficient than same-spec PC computers at handling VR processing.
The PS4 is 60% more efficient than a Jaguar and a R265 GPU on PC which would not be that off since a Jaguar and a R265 are under the specs require to run VR on PC,so yeah like i already stated it is a miracle they are even running it because the requirement on PC are higher than the PS4 specs.
This ^^ doesn't imply at all anything about a super computer people are just jumping the gun.
"PSVR is extremely close to being on par with Vive and the Rift w/ a gtx970 based on the tests I've done. The team from Epic (Nick & Tom) have also stated the same in at least one of their VR Twitch streams. If your app runs at 90Hz on a PC with a gtx970 then you should be very close to 60 on the ps4. And with the 120Hz reprojection applied it's glassy smooth."
And the part about the being close to a 970gtx come from a developer not sony,so there is more weight to it that if sony was implying it.
Nothing on this article make a bold claim at all,in fact it was 18ms latency do to having fixed hardware true.this has being known for years targeting 1 spec is better than targeting 10 or 20.
@GoldenElementXL said:
Has anyone looked at the PSVR games? They are in no way on the same level as the PC VR titles. I wonder why??
That is another reason to is not like PS4 VR will be pushing even Uncharted 4 graphics on VR let alone Star Citizen,it works because well it will push graphics up to the the performance permit so.
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