Xbox One
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One company makes and supports their machine with far more 1st party exclusives, the other makes a few 1st party exclusives and buys timed exclusives deals. Those games almost always released later on the other platform(s).
One company buys less timed exclusive content, and the other buys far more timed exclusive content, relying on that timed content far too much.
The thing is though, we know very little about any of these games and how they will turn out, score, rate,, we'll see. I have both machines reserved in the first shipment, so I'll find out soon enough.
We can however, look up developers and their track record and metascores on their games...and that's when things get easier to predict.
I've already done that, so I'm not too excited for the Dead Rising 3, RYSE, or Killer Instinct for instance.
I will enjoy Quantum by Remedy when that releases, but if Alan Wake is anything to go by, that could take 5+ years.
Alan wait was shown off before the 360 came out(!), and I waited a LONG, LONG, LONG time HYPing the game for years before it released only to find it was drastically changed anyways. I will enjoy that though.
Finally, there are many unannounced exclusives that both companies just aren't talking about ( for example, 30 1st Party PS4 Games in Development by SONY Worldwide Studios themselves, 20 of those games are Out in First Year, 12 New IPs ). This is because Xbox and Playstation don't want to overshadow or cannibalize their sales of new IPS like The Order, RYSE, Deep Down, Crimson, Sunset, Quantum, or KNACK.
1.) One company makes far more 1st party exclusives, the other company relies on temporary timed exclusives to fill the widening gap.
2.) We know very little, but going by developer history, choices are much easier to make.
3.) Many unannounced exclusives inbound.
Here is a picture that drives home the point of how many games are coming from each company.
You can see here M$ only has three slots left to reveal for 2014. The competition has 15 exclusive games still to reveal.
The sort of blew their load for this E3 including titles for 2014 (and beyond if Remedy takes their time).
considering we know very little about like half of them, nothing seems very intriguing
Despite not having much info I wouldn't go so far as to say some games aren't intriguing.
Descriptions like "Made by the dev of Deadly Premonition", "Brought to you by the developer of Max Payne", and "Spiritual Success to Panzer Dragoon" are enough to be intriguing.
Whether they turn out good, or not is a different story, but you can at least be interesting in the libraries a little bit.
considering we know very little about like half of them, nothing seems very intriguing
Despite not having much info I wouldn't go so far as to say some games aren't intriguing.
Descriptions like "Made by the dev of Deadly Premonition", "Brought to you by the developer of Max Payne", and "Spiritual Success to Panzer Dragoon" are enough to be intriguing.
Whether they turn out good, or not is a different story, but you can at least be interesting in the libraries a little bit.
yeah, intriguing is the best word i could think of, i guess i should say nothing screams "must have" at the moment
One company makes and supports their machine with far more 1st party exclusives, the other makes a few 1st party exclusives and buys timed exclusives deals. Those games almost always release later on the other platform or platforms.
The thing is though, we know very little about any of them and how they will turn out, score, rate,, we'll see. I have both machines reserved in the first shipment, so I'll find out soon enough.
We can however, look up developers and their track record and metascores on their games...and that's when things get easier to predict.
I've already done that, so I'm not too excited for the Dead Rising 3, RYSE, or for instance.
I will enjoy Quantum by Remedy when that releases, but if Alan Wake is anything to go by, that could take 5+ years.
Alan wait was shown off before the 360 came out(!), and I waited a LONG, LONG, LONG time HYPing the game for years before it released only to find it was drastically changed anyways. I will enjoy that though.
Finally, there are many unannounced exclusives that both companies just aren't talking about ( for example, 30 1st Party PS4 Games in Development by SONY Worldwide Studios themselves, 20 of those games are Out in First Year, 12 New IPs ). This is because Xbox and Playstation don't want to overshadow or cannibalize their sales of new IPS like The Order, RYSE, Deep Down, Crimson, Sunset, Quantum, or KNACK.
1.) One company makes far more 1st party exclusives, the other company relies on temporary timed exclusives to fill the widening gap.
2.) We know very little, but going by developer history, choices are much easier to make.
3.) Many unannounced exclusives inbound
You do realize Below is basically 2D Demon's/Dark Souls right?considering we know very little about like half of them, nothing seems very intriguing
[QUOTE="SolidTy"]One company makes and supports their machine with far more 1st party exclusives, the other makes a few 1st party exclusives and buys timed exclusives deals. Those games almost always release later on the other platform or platforms.
The thing is though, we know very little about any of them and how they will turn out, score, rate,, we'll see. I have both machines reserved in the first shipment, so I'll find out soon enough.
We can however, look up developers and their track record and metascores on their games...and that's when things get easier to predict.
I've already done that, so I'm not too excited for the Dead Rising 3, RYSE, or for instance.
I will enjoy Quantum by Remedy when that releases, but if Alan Wake is anything to go by, that could take 5+ years.
Alan wait was shown off before the 360 came out(!), and I waited a LONG, LONG, LONG time HYPing the game for years before it released only to find it was drastically changed anyways. I will enjoy that though.
Finally, there are many unannounced exclusives that both companies just aren't talking about ( for example, 30 1st Party PS4 Games in Development by SONY Worldwide Studios themselves, 20 of those games are Out in First Year, 12 New IPs ). This is because Xbox and Playstation don't want to overshadow or cannibalize their sales of new IPS like The Order, RYSE, Deep Down, Crimson, Sunset, Quantum, or KNACK.
1.) One company makes far more 1st party exclusives, the other company relies on temporary timed exclusives to fill the widening gap.
2.) We know very little, but going by developer history, choices are much easier to make.
3.) Many unannounced exclusives inbound.
Here is a picture that drives home the point of how many games are coming from each company.
I didn't even go into the CODishness of Dead Rising 3's reveal (or the fact that Blue Castle/Capcom Vancouver's direction for DR2 was a let down). Capcom did the same for the 360 with Dead Rising 1 and Lost Planet 1. Wouldn't be surprised of a DR3 Sigma when Capcom decides to pull a RE4 with DR3, although I am not interested after DR2.
My other disappointment was finding out that they had Double Helix touch Killer Instinct. No matter how much help RARE (who themselves have been gutted) pitches in, they should have partnered what is left of RARE with a talented Fighting developer like Capcom, Namco, Sega, SNK, Netherrealm, etc. Instead, they have to work with Double Helix and try to salvage the KI brand. I hope that turns out well. This is what I mean by following developers.
I believe all of the titles on Microsoft's side are either owned IP's, funded, or published such as Below, Crimson Dragon, Sunset Overdrive, and D4. So if these titles are both funded and published (or even just published) they won't likely be timed exclusive.
Meh. not super impressed with either lineup, tbh. Each has only 3 games I'd even consider buying, and none of them tempt me to buy near launch. And that's fine... I've become somewhat jaded about launch games in general, and both systems will be showcasing much better games by the end of their first year.
I believe all of the titles on Microsoft's side are either owned IP's, funded, or published such as Below, Crimson Dragon, Sunset Overdrive, and D4. So if these titles are both funded and published (or even just published) they won't likely be timed exclusive.
Like Ninja Gaiden 2 also published by them?
What about Mass Effect 1 which also was at one time Only for Xbox.
Even Bioshock was only on Xbox/PC at one time, no longer though.
There are a lot more examples than I want to post, but I will post a few below. Yes, at one time these games were exclusive, hence the "timed exclusive" aspect to consider with many of these games where the IP is not owned by the console manufacturer.
Notice that Ninja Gaiden 2 not only was published by them, it also says "only on Xbox 360."
Here's a second example of a game published by M$ in 2012 that eventually came to PC, Vita, and PS3in 2012.
Not even XBLA games published from M$ are safe from multiplatforming. This game came out on XBLA last year, and released months later on PC Vita, and PS3.
Here is a third example of a M$ published title that went multiplatform.Notice again "Only on Xbox 360"
Another example of a M$ published title that was exclusive to XBLA, but went mulitplatform:
Another example of a M$ published title that was exclusive to XBLA, but went multiplatform:
One Example of M$ publishing a RETAIL game that goes multiplatform should be enough to drive the point home, but I'll provide a SIXTH example of a game published by M$ that went multiplatform (Mass Effect 1):
Gears of War is another example of a one time published by M$ "Only on Xbox 360" exclusive:
CAPCOM (Dead Rising 3) has done this before (Only on Xbox 360):
Capcom is no stranger to porting after making a deal as they also did with Dead Rising 1:
Bioshock was published by 2K, but at one time it was "only for Xbox /Windows."
The lesson is, even as a publisher that may not be enough.
It comes down to who owns the actual IP. I am certain for instance that Halo, a game they own will no doubt be exclusive, same for Fable or Forza. The doubt only exists for existing IPs owned by other companies. Not every game does go multiplatform though, it's true, but the majority of them do.
We saw this strategy being used on Xbox against PS2 as well many times...
Notice the Only on Xbox:
Games I want to play PS4: 5 X1: 3 But I'm guessing half of them will become multiplat or be om pc too, so it's I'll stay a PC/PS gamer this gen too I guess.trasherheadIf the three you chose were either Crimson Dragon, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, or RYSE they will NOT be coming to PC.
For now I'm not that interested in any of them, I would need to see more.
Forza and Drive Club aren't going to matter to me since I don't like racing games, Ryse looks bad and I have heard no positive things from the peopel who played it, and with other fighters out I have no real interest in Killer Instinct.
I'm sure the PS3 will end up with better games since they support indie developers though.
PS4 by far. There are also big PS4 games in development that we will hear about soon. Naughty Dog ;)
As for X1 games, most of them you will be able to get on PC eventually.
yeah ND is on another level now :cool:Easy, since PS4 is much more powerful than X1, Naughty Dog will make X1 owners weep like little girls...
i am intrested in a scale from 1-10
driveclub 6-10
infamous 7-10
killzone 10-10(will own this day1 for multi)
knack 8-10
the order 7-10
deep down 7-10(will this be even an exclusive? )
xbox one
crimson dragon 10-10 (i am a huge fan of panzer series)
killer instinct 6-10 (the payway league of legends style pay for characters is too much for me if they release a player 2 weeks)
quantum break 10-10(i enjoyed alan wake i will enjoy this)
sunset overdrive 1-10 (dont even ask)
dead rising 3 5-10(didnt like 2,hope this turns better)
forza 5 7-10 (dont like racing games)
ryze 6-10(qte fest hooray)
i dont even mention below cause its indie game, if so why didnt you list the exclusives indie for ps4? we saw like 8 titles (dont know if they are exclusives but even one isnt?)
so in gereral i am more interested in ps4 exclusives but there are 2 games that i am very interested in xbox one crimson dragon and quantum break ,the first i see as an arcade shooter and the 2nd will take years to come probably so yeah no huge reason to own an xbox one day 1 for me(exclusive wise)
[QUOTE="ShoulderOfOrion"]Also TC you forgot Fantasia: Music Evolved and Halo. edidili
and project spark
Project spark is not exclusive, its coming for the pc as well
Agreed. Highest chance of having hardware problems, shitty launch software, highest possible price, least amount of games. It's generally foolish to buy systems @ launch.Meh. not super impressed with either lineup, tbh. Each has only 3 games I'd even consider buying, and none of them tempt me to buy near launch. And that's fine... I've become somewhat jaded about launch games in general, and both systems will be showcasing much better games by the end of their first year.
X1 titanfall. Just stop and think before you says its not exclusive. Can you play it on that hunk of sh7t PS4? Thought so.FoxbatAlphaTo be honest, nobody will be playing this game for probably atleast 6 months after release of the consoles. The Xbots seem to think that TF is a launch or launch window game and it simply is not! Respawn doesn't have the ballz to launch TF against Ghosts, BF4 and even Killzone! The game would be sales/commercial disaster. So stop acting like on the day you get you X1 in November you will also be coming home with Titanfall.
If the three you chose were either Crimson Dragon, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, or RYSE they will NOT be coming to PC. Only Sunset Overdrive. And I have little faith in games not going multiplat in some way. Just look at BioShock and Mass Effect this gen. I might be interested in Dead Rising 3 at some point.[QUOTE="trasherhead"]Games I want to play PS4: 5 X1: 3 But I'm guessing half of them will become multiplat or be om pc too, so it's I'll stay a PC/PS gamer this gen too I guess.Samus3D
[QUOTE="ShoulderOfOrion"]Also TC you forgot Fantasia: Music Evolved and Halo. edidili
and project spark
Spark is coming to PC.X1 titanfall. Just stop and think before you says its not exclusive. Can you play it on that hunk of sh7t PS4? Thought so.FoxbatAlpha
Not yet, but I can play it on my PC and I can get a 360 and the game for a thrid of the price.
Is all bold the new all caps now?One company makes and supports their machine with far more 1st party exclusives, the other makes a few 1st party exclusives and buys timed exclusives deals. Those games almost always release later on the other platform or platforms.
The thing is though, we know very little about any of them and how they will turn out, score, rate,, we'll see. I have both machines reserved in the first shipment, so I'll find out soon enough.
We can however, look up developers and their track record and metascores on their games...and that's when things get easier to predict.
I've already done that, so I'm not too excited for the Dead Rising 3, RYSE, or for instance.
I will enjoy Quantum by Remedy when that releases, but if Alan Wake is anything to go by, that could take 5+ years.
Alan wait was shown off before the 360 came out(!), and I waited a LONG, LONG, LONG time HYPing the game for years before it released only to find it was drastically changed anyways. I will enjoy that though.
Finally, there are many unannounced exclusives that both companies just aren't talking about ( for example, 30 1st Party PS4 Games in Development by SONY Worldwide Studios themselves, 20 of those games are Out in First Year, 12 New IPs ). This is because Xbox and Playstation don't want to overshadow or cannibalize their sales of new IPS like The Order, RYSE, Deep Down, Crimson, Sunset, Quantum, or KNACK.
1.) One company makes far more 1st party exclusives, the other company relies on temporary timed exclusives to fill the widening gap.
2.) We know very little, but going by developer history, choices are much easier to make.
3.) Many unannounced exclusives inbound
So far only inFAMOUS Second Son intrigues me out of those... Ryse is taking points away from Microsoft's side if anything :p
One company makes and supports their machine with far more 1st party exclusives, the other makes a few 1st party exclusives and buys timed exclusives deals. Those games almost always release later on the other platform or platforms.
The thing is though, we know very little about any of them and how they will turn out, score, rate,, we'll see. I have both machines reserved in the first shipment, so I'll find out soon enough.
We can however, look up developers and their track record and metascores on their games...and that's when things get easier to predict.
I've already done that, so I'm not too excited for the Dead Rising 3, RYSE, or for instance.
I will enjoy Quantum by Remedy when that releases, but if Alan Wake is anything to go by, that could take 5+ years.
Alan wait was shown off before the 360 came out(!), and I waited a LONG, LONG, LONG time HYPing the game for years before it released only to find it was drastically changed anyways. I will enjoy that though.
Finally, there are many unannounced exclusives that both companies just aren't talking about ( for example, 30 1st Party PS4 Games in Development by SONY Worldwide Studios themselves, 20 of those games are Out in First Year, 12 New IPs ). This is because Xbox and Playstation don't want to overshadow or cannibalize their sales of new IPS like The Order, RYSE, Deep Down, Crimson, Sunset, Quantum, or KNACK.
1.) One company makes far more 1st party exclusives, the other company relies on temporary timed exclusives to fill the widening gap.
2.) We know very little, but going by developer history, choices are much easier to make.
3.) Many unannounced exclusives inbound
I didn't even go into the CODishness of Dead Rising 3's reveal (or the fact that Blue Castle/Capcom Vancouver's direction for DR2 was a let down). Capcom did the same for the 360 with Dead Rising 1 and Lost Planet 1. Wouldn't be surprised of a DR3 Sigma when Capcom decides to pull a RE4 with DR3, although I am not interested after DR2.
My other disappointment was finding out that they had Double Helix touch Killer Instinct. No matter how much help RARE (who themselves have been gutted) pitches in, they should have partnered what is left of RARE with a talented Fighting developer like Capcom, Namco, Sega, SNK, Netherrealm, etc. Instead, they have to work with Double Helix and try to salvage the KI brand. I hope that turns out well. This is what I mean by following developers.
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