Sony is buying up console exclusive. Despite that, I hope MS doesn't follow suit.
Huh? They are doing it already. Just as much.
I don't understand how a disk drive constitutes a $100 price diff... but, alright.
I think Sony might be taking a little loss on that one, the disc drive is definitely not worth anything close to 100$.
It's probably aggressive pricing to rival the X|S price.
I don't understand how a disk drive constitutes a $100 price diff... but, alright.
They were most likely gonna price it at $449, but because the SS is this cheap, they had to get as close as possible to their price point. $100 less for a drive makes no sense in 2020. If we were in 2006, then i'd understand.
So the inferior console is the same price.
Yeah lets ignore that there was a $399 PS5..😂
Xbox series X $100 more than PS5 21% more powerful,same amount of ram,faster bandwidth bigger SSD,but much slower ssd.
PS5 $100 than series S 150% more powerful than series S,much faster SSD,bigger ssd,more ram,faster ram bigger bandwidth.
Oh it could have been worse you know more expensive and weaker like on 2013.
@hardwenzen: enjoy playing Diversity Man.
Will do.
All other companies should take note, Sony has shown everyone how a show is made. Zero bullshit, 95% gameplay. The only thing i wish is for it to be 2h lol.
You got to admit, most of that was multi platform titles we have already seen and console exclusives so pc too.
That was a pretty great show, wow! And fantastic price on the all digital Ps5. Xbox had a bit of momentum with the S announcement. But this kills it completely. Sony wins!
@lundy86_4: Same, even if I was like 90% digital on the ps4, I'm not ready to go all digital yet.
Yeah, I only go digital for consoles if I have no other option. Might bump this purchase to early 2021, as my PC is getting an upgrade first.
£450 for the disc version and £350 for digital version... sounds a little steep to me. I'll just wait for a price drop.
@jaydan: Gamers love playing the same thing regardless of platform. Its just how the market works.
It's a load of hypocrisy, I say. Being excited for a remake is fine and dandy, but fanboys will always talk shit on remakes on other platforms. Sony fanboys have been hyping remakes and "Royal" editions all last gen like they're brand new titles.
Nothing struck me new about Demon's Souls. Exact same layout and everything. Pretty graphics much wow. /brand new game
The only thing that got my attention was Deathloop and Harry Potter.
I'm definitely interested in seeing more of that Hogwarts game, looks pretty cool.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a LAUNCH TITLE for #PlayStation5
— Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) September 16, 2020
Spiderman is a launch title. :D
Incredible. Can't wait. I'm actually torn between which PS5 to get. All I do know is I have to pick one of them. Aside from the games I'm really excited that Monster Hunter World will be free for ps plus on PS5. At least that's what I hope I'm understanding. I need to look up some info today lol.
Sony is buying up console exclusive. Despite that, I hope MS doesn't follow suit.
Huh? They are doing it already. Just as much.
With what?
Multiple 3rd party devs working on xbox exclusives already came out that xbox bought the game exclusivity. The Gunk dev is a recent one.
Oh wow, straight from the Playstation blog. That is awesome and welcome news. And when you do buy a PS5 you get the game as a free download if you have already bought it on PS4?! Thanks Insomniac!
Wow so after all the shit they will have a PS4 version? well at least lemmings now can have mental peace after all the shit they did crying for the game to be on PS4.
Multiple 3rd party devs working on xbox exclusives already came out that xbox bought the game exclusivity. The Gunk dev is a recent one.
The Gunk was a paid exclusive deal? You and the other said multiple. What are these multiple games you speak of?
Xbox Series X most powerful console at the same price as the disk PS5 (like for like).
£349/$399 digital version is a really good option, if the PlayStation plus collection is free and with launch that would add to the attraction for those on Xbox (like me).
As for the show it was poor really, no new exclusives and most games available on PC.
I'll hold final decision until next Microsoft show but at the moment I'm thinking PS5 digital play through collection games and any decent next gen exclusives before switching to PC or to series X.
Oh wow, straight from the Playstation blog. That is awesome and welcome news. And when you do buy a PS5 you get the game as a free download if you have already bought it on PS4?! Thanks Insomniac!
Wow so after all the shit they will have a PS4 version? well at least lemmings now can have mental peace after all the shit they did crying for the game to be on PS4.
Yes, PS4 as well with a free upgrade to PS5.
There was a Xbox show few months ago. There were like 20. Most notably Stalker 2.
Stalker 2 is one of those first on exclusives.
I thought you were talking about "timed console exclusives" there's plenty on both but very few actual "console exclusives" I don't see any on PS5, which ones are you talking about?
There was a Xbox show few months ago. There were like 20. Most notably Stalker 2.
Stalker 2 is one of those first on exclusives.
I thought you were talking about "timed console exclusives" there's plenty on both but very few actual "console exclusives" I don't see any on PS5, which ones are you talking about?
FFXVI was just announced as console exclusive.
@Pedro: phantasy star online 2 is an obvious one. Season 5 is coming exclusive to xbox even though the game is out on PS and Nintendo platform in japan for ages.
Yes MS is also paying up for a lot of these first on console games. The funny Tetris Effect online update, Yakuza and so on. I don't know I think perhaps there is a distinction with FF16 saying its a console exclusive. It seems like it will never appear on other console like SF5 did. Its not a play it first on playstation thing.
@Pedro: phantasy star online 2 is an obvious one. Season 5 is coming exclusive to xbox even though the game is out on PS and Nintendo platform in japan for ages.
That is not listed as an exclusive. I read somewhere that it will be coming to other platforms.
Very underwhelming
Demon soul was the saving grace and I hate souls games
Sony was very vague about what are launch titles and what aren't!
Ps+ collection is the same games allover again! Are they enhanced in anyway?
Also where is silent hill?
@kuu2: inferior how? Sony is the bigger brand. Supply and demand bud. No one gives a rats ass about a 18 percent difference that will result to nothing in real world performance. PS4 had a bigger difference yet you guys played Xbox One games and lived. Deal with it.
Oh wow, straight from the Playstation blog. That is awesome and welcome news. And when you do buy a PS5 you get the game as a free download if you have already bought it on PS4?! Thanks Insomniac!
Wow so after all the shit they will have a PS4 version? well at least lemmings now can have mental peace after all the shit they did crying for the game to be on PS4.
Says the person who said it couldn't be done without making the game totally not what they wanted.
You know nothing.
"Man why is it so hard for you to understand that what sony wanted to deliver with this game wasn't possible on PS4 without totally watering down the experience."
"Now you accuse sony of charging for graphics upgrades when this game is not on PS4, Spiderman Miles morales is not on PS4 and is not a PS4 game no matter how much you try to make such false claim."
just a couple of your quotes.
For a person who claims he apologies when he wrong instantly all the time, I'm still waiting for it.
You where so wrong its laughable.
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