I tend to default towards optimism when it comes to gaming--this is a fun, light-hearted hobby to me and while I am passionate about gaming, it's not something I get upset about too much--but honestly if I was a Sony fan I would not expect much from 2025 given how 2024 went.
Sony would need a real "come to Jesus" moment, admit how much they fouled up, and then talk about course correction. Instead all I've heard is them doubling down and staying the course.
Also the whole "medium term" thing about single-player and and live-service is ambiguous; first off, how long is "medium term?" And second, what's after medium-term? They transitioning solely to live-service? Is the single-player focus just a stop-gap measure to bide time and keep the fans suckling at the teat so they can be drip-bled dry later with microtransactions?
Sony is on its way to becoming the hardware equivalent of Ubisoft; mismanaged and failing upwards until the reckoning comes and hits them on the head.
No way Sony’s first party doesn’t have anything in the oven!
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