Also, negative reviews stacking up on Amazon and more and more complaints of RLod, wobble and rampant over heating. Guess that internal power brick was not such a hot idea. hur hur.
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Oh yes because confirmed purchasers of the console is lol worthy eh? Whats alarming is there are about 50 1 star reviews by people who got bricked. Most of those are confirmed purchasers. .04% my ass. Closer to 20%. Dont believe me? Go over the the Playstation official tech forums. Theres a damn riot going on over there.
I have a question. Can anybody just put up a review on a product in Amazon without having bought that product?
No problems to report here, works just as nice as they said it would. It's a lot quieter than my old PS3. PSN was down late last night i believe but it worked fine when i played this morning before i headed to work.
No bricking, no overheating, nothing crazy...just games!
No problems to report here, works just as nice as they said it would. It's a lot quieter than my old PS3. PSN was down late last night i believe but it worked fine when i played this morning before i headed to work.
No bricking, no overheating, nothing crazy...just games!
Let's hope it stays that way and there won't be issues popping up anymore.
I have a question. Can anybody just put up a review on a product in Amazon without having bought that product?
They always send me a prompt to review a product a week or so after I receive it.
@jer_1: mine too! It's been working smooth as butter. I don't know if I got lucky, or the interwebs are blowing things out of proportion.
it will straighten out, but I bet xbox live wont have these issues, or the durable hand vetted xbox one. Everything has had a hand on it to check it. every component. day 1 nov 22nd I don't have to pray it will work. Sony should of launched globablly nov 29th and let xbox one go through this. epic strategy mistake I think. Consumer talk goes a far way, I don't know right now if its glowing. Nov 22nd I think we will know more, I wonder what the reviews are gonna be? Arcstechnia is gonna give the console a high score I believe.
I have a question. Can anybody just put up a review on a product in Amazon without having bought that product?
Yes, but if it says confirmed purchase next to their name then that user actually bought the items they are reviewing from Amazon. So one would figure that those people are giving honest reviews if they actually bought the item.
Just googled for an answer and it seems anybody can review the product without even having purchased the product. You can separate the people who really purchased the product by the "Amazon Verified Purchase" line next to the name of the buyer.
it will straighten out, but I bet xbox live wont have these issues, or the durable hand vetted xbox one. Everything has had a hand on it to check it. every component. day 1 nov 22nd I don't have to pray it will work. Sony should of launched globablly nov 29th and let xbox one go through this. epic strategy mistake I think. Consumer talk goes a far way, I don't know right now if its glowing. Nov 22nd I think we will know more, I wonder what the reviews are gonna be? Arcstechnia is gonna give the console a high score I believe.
Alot of truth in there. WE shall see.
Xbox Live has always been superior to PSN due to the fact that Xbox Live is subscription based. Maybe Sony will improve the servers now that you are required to pay a subscription to play multiplayer games.
Amazon reviews dropping by the minute. 65 out of 219 are bricked. 30%
Xbox Live has always been superior to PSN due to the fact that Xbox Live is subscription based. Maybe Sony will improve the servers now that you are required to pay a subscription to play multiplayer games.
We've been gaming online on our PS4s all day and it's great.
Oh yes because confirmed purchasers of the console is lol worthy eh? Whats alarming is there are about 50 1 star reviews by people who got bricked. Most of those are confirmed purchasers. .04% my ass. Closer to 20%. Dont believe me? Go over the the Playstation official tech forums. Theres a damn riot going on over there.
BS! My 2 PS4s run great all day. WTF are all these BS rumors, Xfans making crap up again?!
PS4? What about reports of the PSN being down? Also, I play both Xbox 360 and PS3. Trust me when I say that Xbox Live is superior to PSN.
Also, you can check the reviews on Amazon and see whether the person really bought the console, as there is a tag that says "Amazon Verified Purchase" below the name of the buyer, so I don't believe people are making stuff up.
Why so many damn lies about the PS4?! Both of mine have worked great all day and we've played online about 8 hours today with CoD Ghosts, KZ SF, and Battlefield 4. It reminds me of the size of the PS2 a lot. I love the controllers and it's cool how they made the eject and power buttons hidden in the line in the front of the console.
Lies? Or are you just exhibiting bias? Denial? As I have said, you can check the reviews on Amazon and see whether the person really bought the console from Amazon, as there is a tag that says "Amazon Verified Purchase" below the name of the buyer, so I don't believe people are making stuff up.
Also here's a source for the connection issues.
Oh yes because confirmed purchasers of the console is lol worthy eh? Whats alarming is there are about 50 1 star reviews by people who got bricked. Most of those are confirmed purchasers. .04% my ass. Closer to 20%. Dont believe me? Go over the the Playstation official tech forums. Theres a damn riot going on over there.
Jeez, quite a list of things going wrong: discs stuck in the console; PS4 won't take discs; discs won't read; games keep crashing; bluetooth headsets and controllers won't sync with PS4; randomly being yanked back to the app screen; downloadable games won't play after downloading because it can't check for rights; console crashes during 1.50 update download/install: bricked out of box consoles; HDMI connection issues (bent connectors or internal board problems): excessively loud fans; stuck on please wait screen; won't power on; no 3D Blu-ray playback; WiFi connection issues; consoles turn on for a few seconds and turn off; getting error codes mid-game; won't play games; won't restart; won't turn on; mics not working; Vita remote play not working; game progress not saving; flashing red light and 3 beeps; really long download and install times for larger full games; 12 month PS+ codes not working; redeeming codes for games but can't download; noisy HDDs; loose HDDs; fans making clicking noises; more fans making clicking noises (from videos and sound I wonder if it's actually the HDD read/write head grinding on the platters); PSN won't recognize peoples credit cards; loosing WiFi connection every 2-3 minutes; PS4 keeps trying to eject disc that isn't there; game save data being corrupted; blurry text; console stuck in safe mode; console overheating; freezing; games won't install; can't connect to PS Network; power cord won't stay in; slow download/upload speeds; won't recognize USB drive; party chat not working...
on top of that, from what I'm reading it can take hours on the phone to speak to tech support, and nobody mentioned if they have a callback service, and all problems people are saying they get a box to ship their console to Sony in 2 weeks, and up to 5 weeks to get it back, icing on the cake's like looking at a book of potential STDs one could get, makes you not want to get one :P
to be honest this wouldn't make me feel any better about getting a launch X1, I guess this just shows anything that can go wrong will go wrong
No problems to report here, works just as nice as they said it would. It's a lot quieter than my old PS3. PSN was down late last night i believe but it worked fine when i played this morning before i headed to work.
No bricking, no overheating, nothing crazy...just games!
Exactly... mines been working great...and no wobble, lems been grasping at straws and hating fierce. And whats up with the idiots with playstation avatars on gs like that ratch guy, if he hates the ps brand shouldn't he have a master cheif avatar..i don't get it. Bro gaming American hyper frat boys with a junior high school maturity level.. Making mountains out of molehills.
Oh and Killzone 4 is freaking amazing!!!! Haven't even got into AC4 yet. Remote play has been flawless too.
I've been playing BF4 and KZ all day. Dunno what you're talking bout OP. Seems like you are reaching.
Just pointing out what I'm seeing on IGN, Amazon, neogaf and the playstation website. Not making anything up. Its all there for you to see.
Well I'm telling you what's happening in real life over here. I've been logging out and logging into PSN all day, playing BF4 and KZSF. No problems here. In fact, I'm playing BF4 online right now.
Amazon reviews dropping by the minute. 65 out of 219 are bricked. 30%
You do realize that any fakeboy can make a review and post it to Amazon, right?
When will people learn not to pay to beta test consoles at launch. The Lems claiming ownage are in for a surprise next week. They will have their own issues.
This launch is honestly way better than the Wii U's launch
The Wii U didn't have networking or hardware problems, still hasn't after one year. Plus they're new to networking and HD hardware. Also far as I'm concerned, the Wii U launch lineup destroyed PS4's, so what made Wii U's launch so bad, sales?
its been back up for 1 hour... downloaded resogun and flower... and most of my games have needed updates, FIFA,Killzone.
This launch is honestly way better than the Wii U's launch
The Wii U didn't have networking or hardware problems, still hasn't after one year. Plus they're new to networking and HD hardware. Also far as I'm concerned, the Wii U launch lineup destroyed PS4's, so what made Wii U's launch so bad, sales?
I remember plugging in my Wii U and having to wait to play it because of that stupid long firmware update. Wasn't the OS system incredibly slow as well? I also think there were hardware problems if you unplugged the console during the firmware update, but yeah the Miiverse worked nice.The firmware update and slow OS hindered the launch of the Wii U experience for me. So far the PS4 experience for me has been awesome. I love the OS, and Killzone and Resogun are addicting and visually stimulating to look at while playing plus the controller is amazing, I will say though the Wii U launch library was awesome too. ZombiU and New Super Mario Brothers were really underrated.
Also, negative reviews stacking up on Amazon and more and more complaints of RLod, wobble and rampant over heating. Guess that internal power brick was not such a hot idea. hur hur.
I heard faulty fans not spinning up correctly.
Also, negative reviews stacking up on Amazon and more and more complaints of RLod, wobble and rampant over heating. Guess that internal power brick was not such a hot idea. hur hur.
I was shocked that they included the power brick inside the small casing of the PS4. Then I saw the small fan and just shook my head. Many hermits on here was questioning the design of the innards of the PS4. I said they were going to need a bigger fan. It seems like the fan isn't even working in many of the PS4s. Mine is still sealed in the box. I might put it back up for sale on Ebay since it didn't sell the first time.
Oh yes because confirmed purchasers of the console is lol worthy eh? Whats alarming is there are about 50 1 star reviews by people who got bricked. Most of those are confirmed purchasers. .04% my ass. Closer to 20%. Dont believe me? Go over the the Playstation official tech forums. Theres a damn riot going on over there.
You mean this forum?
Lot of angry PS4 fanboys on this site.
This launch is honestly way better than the Wii U's launch
The Wii U didn't have networking or hardware problems, still hasn't after one year. Plus they're new to networking and HD hardware. Also far as I'm concerned, the Wii U launch lineup destroyed PS4's, so what made Wii U's launch so bad, sales?
Ps4 has hundreds of thousands of ppl trying to log in,,,,,,,, on wiiu like 500. Which one do you expect to have problems?
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