PSP completely destroys NDS this year

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#51 mariokart64fan
Member since 2003 • 20828 Posts

does psp even get goldeneye 007?

i didnt think so

and those flemsy umds, omg ,,

how can you stand them its ok if you like spending 50 on the same game each time the casing breaks

and nothing can compare to ds's 150 million unit sales mark even the ps2 lol

as for consoles go nothign gonna tap into the 80 milion wiis sold world wide

so as far as your post goes its nintendo all down the board

with ps3 sitting 2nd by the time this gen is done

psp is dead last with 360 following

lets not forget , every itteration of the nintendo line of handhelds has succeeded even dsixl

but the psp go how ever failed epically ,

that goes to show you which handhelds the best

the handheld that can have bthe most games and sell the most is always the winner same for console

regardless of the so called hardcore a udience thinks of the WII



just cause i dont like majority of 360s games dont make me any less a gamer then any one else how can you stand paying 60 dollars each time you go into a store and buy a first person shooter , which is no different then the majority of the fpses out

look at halo , each time its been the same , no change sure a map editor but timesplitters 3 had a better one

and had more stuff on it

face it nothing compares to the following list of fpses

1-goldeneye 007-the first ever mp shooter on consoles that took off

2 perfect dark

3 doom

4 duke nukem

5 timesplittters 1-3

6 quantum of solace

7 call of duty

8 medal of honor up til this gen

and 9 and 10 rainbow six vegas 1 and 2

of course theres metroid red steel and conduit

but like i said to many fps=to many fps to begin with

so ya im done buying cod every year the only 2 fpses i see in my distant future so far are 2 007 titles -blood stone goldeneye,

and conduit 2

gta like titles and racing titles is the only reason i am keeping my 360 ,

i had not bought a ps3 game since resistance 2

but am looking forward to twisted metal and gran turismo 5 and driver 5 -ill buy all 3 of those

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#53 SexySasquatch11
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Sales havent changed pokemon in 10 years though also has a bad effect.110million

Some people don't want change. Look at the new Zelda, people a complaining about it not having voice acting, but if it did I probably wouldn't buy it. It doesn't need it ans I think it would ruin the experience. Pokemons a casual game and casuals like the familiar.

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#54 ZIVX
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[QUOTE="110million"] brb playing sales. 110million

This is the dumbest comment I always here. EVERYONE plays sales, EVERYONE. If the PS1 sold 100 consoles world wide, would the PS2 have been released? If no one bought Persona 1 would Persona 2 have been made? EVERY sequel, EVERY, is made because it sold well. So yes you play sales just like everyone else. So please quit using that stupid arguement.

Sales havent changed pokemon in 10 years though also has a bad effect.

I don't know if you're talking about the sales keeping Pokémon the same or if due to being the same the sales have decreased (which is wrong since DP have sold more than GS and RS). Well they finally seem to be innovating this gen with the crapload of features being slammed into the games. And thanks to their barrage of advertisements in Japan, the games have already become the fastest selling DS titles through pre-orders.

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#55 farnham
Member since 2003 • 21147 Posts

[QUOTE="110million"] brb playing sales. 110million

This is the dumbest comment I always here. EVERYONE plays sales, EVERYONE. If the PS1 sold 100 consoles world wide, would the PS2 have been released? If no one bought Persona 1 would Persona 2 have been made? EVERY sequel, EVERY, is made because it sold well. So yes you play sales just like everyone else. So please quit using that stupid arguement.

Sales havent changed pokemon in 10 years though also has a bad effect.

i dont think so. the reason why pokemon did not change (well it did. you have voice chat and online battle as well as online trading. how many ds games have that) largely comes from the fact that pokemon as it is is a near to perfect game. you can give and take features but the basics are hard to change in a convincing new way. graphical changes wont bring much voice acting wont bring much. all that i can think of is either better online features (black and white gets camera chat in addition to voice chat) and well designed pokemon.
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#56 ZIVX
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[QUOTE="110million"] Sales havent changed pokemon in 10 years though also has a bad effect.SexySasquatch11

Some people don't want change. Look at the new Zelda, people a complaining about it not having voice acting, but if it did I probably wouldn't buy it. It doesn't need it ans I think it would ruin the experience. Pokemons a casual game and casuals like the familiar.

Well you can say that it appeals to casuals with its pick-up-and-play style, but I don't think a monster-taming RPG that takes about 50 hours to beat qualifies as casual. Some of my friends never finish the game because they whine about its difficulty and those who continue playing put more hours into it than most casuals ever would.

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#57 Funconsole
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Pokemon>>Better than all
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#58 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts
, but no, you can't debunk the entire PSP lineup with Pokemon, which has been unchanged for like 10 years.110million
thats sort've the point of a remake
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#59 LegatoSkyheart
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You know, I don't know why the PSP got destroyed by the DS. I played Final Fantasy Dissidia the other day with my friend and we had a blast! not only that but Guilty Gear X2 on the PSP was amazing.

although the DS has Mario, Zelda, Megaman, Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, etc.

not only that but the DS also has a huge line up of RPGs.

not to mention Golden Sun Dark Dawn is coming!

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#60 deactivated-63f6895020e66
Member since 2004 • 21177 Posts

Sorry, but the DS oblitirates the psp's upcoming lineup, just as it always has.bowser3

There's a 2D Sonic Colors DS coming! :shock:

Wow, the DS lineup for this year does not stop to surprise me.

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#61 sergemyster8
Member since 2006 • 1749 Posts

:lol:Not in sales or games buddy.

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#62 WAIW
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PSP wins in hyped games and big names, but the stats are showing the DS is ahead and it'll probably stay that way.

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#63 Zeppy007
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#64 SexySasquatch11
Member since 2008 • 500 Posts


[QUOTE="110million"] Sales havent changed pokemon in 10 years though also has a bad effect.ZIVX

Some people don't want change. Look at the new Zelda, people a complaining about it not having voice acting, but if it did I probably wouldn't buy it. It doesn't need it ans I think it would ruin the experience. Pokemons a casual game and casuals like the familiar.

Well you can say that it appeals to casuals with its pick-up-and-play style, but I don't think a monster-taming RPG that takes about 50 hours to beat qualifies as casual. Some of my friends never finish the game because they whine about its difficulty and those who continue playing put more hours into it than most casuals ever would.

thats another reason i say there is no such thing as a casual game or a hardcore game. games can be targeted at a certain crowd but the amount of time a person plays that game determines what type of gamer they are for that game. i know people that play halo for hours a day, and for them that a hardcore game. while i only play a few matches a month its a casual gamw for me. so people that play pokemon just to play it are casuals while the people that get all the pokemon get shinny versions and get them to the max level are hardcore. games are allowed to go both ways lol

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#65 g0ddyX
Member since 2005 • 3914 Posts

DS will sell well regardless if it has good or bad games.

With time, people progress on from Pokemon to other genres.

Depends what games your into and hence your handheld > other handheld.

Its a really biased debate.

FF7:Crisis Core is the best experience ive had between both the DS and PSP.

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#66 gameboy700
Member since 2007 • 82 Posts

I always liked psp games better. I can't get into ds.

This after my psp broke i decided to get a ds because of all the talk about how its the holy grail of handheld gaming but i can honestly say i miss my psp :( I enjoyed the type of games on psp alot more then ds.

It's your opinion
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#67 AmayaPapaya
Member since 2008 • 9029 Posts

The DS wins for me. I'd otherwise they are even.

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#68 gangstaa9
Member since 2007 • 258 Posts

This is hard to say because Im a pretty big sheep.

Ihave both and I have to give this year to the PSP.

That being said DS still beats the PSP in overall library.:P

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#69 Bobzfamily
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Concering Ghost of Sparta, I'm still immensely disappointed by the announcement of that game. I don't understand why people are excited about a PSP iteration of a console series. It's known for it's large, epic scale settings which will carry over poorly on to a four inch, poor res screen.

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#70 205212669269561485377169522720
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Pokemon Heart GoldDiviniuz

You know as much as I'd like to agree, this pretty much owned anything that came out on the PSP this year.:P (Besides MGS of course)

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#71 thehunter1900
Member since 2010 • 309 Posts

Well this the way i see it. either psp or nds wasn't really interresting, but if i needed to choise between them. i would consider the following

games n1

graphics n2

innovation ( i want something new ) n3

battery life n4

screens n5

device look(s) and useage n6

while i look at the nds:

n1) It has alot of games for basicly everything, so thats a big plus for me ( i growed up with mario, goldeneye, zelda so i basicly know there willl be games for me ) besides that it has alot of side games from 3th party developers like call of duty etc ) so for everything there is enought.

n2) grahpics, well while it is a massive upgrade from the GBA, its just not that great to watch. they said at the launche its there first 3D gaming handheld, but at the end it was more a maxed 2d gaming handheld, there where 3D games but they just looked way to outdated, even on the little screen ( 3th party developers) While mario 64 was a good buying point, and 3d mario kart. there never came a beloved 3d zelda.

the 2D + lesser graphics is just a big - for me

n3) innovation, big big plus. i hated the gba throught its sun screen, you needed to be in the sun in order to actually see stuff, the 2 screens where cool to look at, while i found the first version of it to kiddy looking. the DS lite was just a really great product.

not to forget the touchscreen, wifi etc. Just a great solution. The dsi and dsi xl i really didn't bother to even give it a try. it isn't a new generation it adds for me compleet nothing then bigger screens, but the compleet lack on processing power / gpu power, makes the jiggies even more bigger which already ennoyed me ALOT.

n4) Main reason i play a handheld, because i dont got the room or dont wanna spend space to place a console next to my pc. my room is little. and i prefer handheld gaming, simple because you can drop it everywhere and pick it up everywehere. Its just a better solution for me. i had basicly every handheld already besides the gameboy color, which i really didn't found a big enought upgrade besides color, which where awfull at those times mostly.

With handheld gaming for me = wireless ( dont mean wifi with this, but without a cable) gaming for a long time. i just wanna chill out somewhere without having to plug in cables etc. The DS had about a 15 hour + gaming time which was perfectly. specially if you play a game on a long session. so basicly this was a big plus for me

n5) screen(s), main problems where, damaging ( protector plates for the screen ) the screen, and no backlight, while the backlight got solved at the DS version, the protection for the screens where just super. Cant say any different. you can close the DS and the screens wont be harmed. this saves me alot of trouble with getting dirty / reflecting screen protectors which i always had etc. big plus for this one too

so basicly, the DS only had a rought time for me, that the graphics just didn't worked out that well. Still the first party games did go very well with it atleast.

n6) loved the device, simple because it could protect itself as a shell.

And now the PSP:

n1) i basicly love final fantasy, the kingdom heartz games for my ps2, besides that gta was ofcourse really doable, but after gta3 on the pc, i had seen about everything. The other games where either just lacking interrest on me, because i just didn't liked to play any sports games to start with, and the fps games i mostly just could play on my system. While there where great titles, it just lacked a overal potention of a 3D zelda ( which never came anyway ), but overal mario. A handheld without mario was just a big issue for me. But other games where interresting, only the DS just won the overal game feeling

so we can keep it save on this place 50/50, but when i needed to make a choise atm, i still would go with the nds, nothing beats a simple mario game tho, and there are enought other games. specialy when ff and kingdom hearts did came towards the DS also.

n2) what can i say? psp is the choise here. cant blame it. If i would only made a dicision on this deparment i would directly jump towards the PSP.

n3) innovation, i wont lie to you. i just dont see it. overal the nds got a better innovation score here, i just dont see the innovation behind the psp, besides graphics. other then that there is non.

n4) battery life is horrible, its just way to short. if i'm correct itslike 2-3 hours max? its way to short for me. i dont wanna run around with a accupack/cable etc.

n5) screens, while the screen wa superior towards the DS version. i just hated the way that psp just couldn't protect it screen itself.

n6) the game device looked really good, but was overal too big for

psp had basicly more downsizes for me if you compare it towards a DS. while i really just found both a bit on the lacking on either graphical deparment or innovating deparments.

I lost kinda interrest in handhelds until a few months ago, throught lack on improvements. either the psp didn't got the improvements on later models which i wanted innovation. even teh psp go was just a compleet failure, the DSi and XL just didn't gave me the improvements what i wanted, they just increased the problem overal by making the screens bigger.

Now that the 3DS is announced, i cant wait. basicly next gen graphics + full 3D games which have 3D effects. i finally hope that nintendo is moving towards compleet 3D gaming, the support of 3th party developers is way better, and the graphical lacking power system is just perfect. The 3D zelda oot is just what i wanted etc. With a good battery lifetime of about 13+ hours. which is just great.

While the PSP2 probably will be launched soonish next to the 3DS, i do know that PSP2 graphics will be way superior like they did with there PSP version against the DS. Still its basicly the same deal with the DS vs PSP again a few years ago ( still yet to date ).

the 3DS has finally some good 3D looking titels + effect + touchscreen + 2 screens which can make your life easyer. keeping the DS shell is just perfect for me as protection for the device, my last weakness of the DS = look. the look is fine now, like the lite etc. 3D effect movies and photo's is just brilljan to just place it like that.

If the psp only comes out with improved graphics (tegra2) which eats again power, the shell isn't changed. i simple will keep the 3DS, and just do not even bother to go for a psp2 at all.

To get to some really concreet points.

The DS sold way way way better then the PSP, if you wanna compare this towards eachother you can say i cant play sales, well actually you can. if there are more sales, more developers are attracted towards the handheld system = more people that buy it = more profit for company's and gamers themself.

Sales is what its all about, are the sales bad, and the company is big enought like metroid prime last title. they can still throw out a entire new game + alot of promotion around it to make it successfull. if the company is a just starting one / older one without much hit titles, it will fall or drop its interrest really fast.

The DS basicly sold more consoles which means, more people are playing games, which means bigger sales on game deparments etc.

While the DS on statistics is more interresting for basicly everybody. the PSP didn't do a really bad job.

i just hope they gona announce a psp2 soon, just to keep pressure on the 3DS price. But we will see.

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#72 J-WOW
Member since 2010 • 3105 Posts

I always liked psp games better. I can't get into ds.

this. I stole a DS back in 9th grade and after a week I gave it to a friend cuz I didnt like it. I stick too my PSP thank you very much
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#73 Sp4rtan_3
Member since 2010 • 3495 Posts
The psp has been flopping for year so a couple games isn't going to change that.
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#74 Ragnarok1051
Member since 2007 • 20238 Posts

I like how DS fans get mad when someone says the PSP had a slightly better year than the DS, but yet expect everyone to agree when they over-exaggerate with "obliterating" the PSP lineup.

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#75 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

DS AA+ games in 2010 according to Metacritic: Pokemon SS and HG (87), Dragon Quest IX (87), America's Test Kitchen: Let's Get Cooking (87) (only a few reviews, don't count it if you don't want), Spotto (84), Dark Void Zero (84), Picross 3-D (83), Pop-Island Paperfield (83), Warioware DIY (83), X-Scape (82), Starship Defense (82), KORG DS-10 Plus (81), Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (81)

PSP AA+ games in 2010 according to Metacritic: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable (91) (a remake, I don't think DS fans counted the Chrono Trigger remake as a AAA for that year so this doesn't really count), Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (89), Valkyria Chronicles 2 (83), Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (83), Blazblue Calamity Trigger (81), Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip (80), Lunar: Silver Star Harmony (80)

DS- 13 (if HG and SS count as 2) 12 (if count as 1), average score 83.9

PSP- 7 (if remake counts), 6 (if it doesn't), average score 83.8

That's some destruction you got there, apparently 7 > 12... having a AAA remake and an 89 doesn't help much either when all the rest of the AAs are down in the 83 range. Less AA+ and a lower average score in the AA+ range.

The sad thing is this is easily the closest the PSP has gotten to the DS :lol:. Even with the DS lineup slowly dying down and making way for the 3DS next year it still completely owns the PSP with almost twice as many AA+ games.

Better luck next gen Sony, not that it'll do ya much good, the 3DS launch lineup has already pretty much outdone most of the whole PSP lineup combined and the system looks damn impressive.

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#76 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

I like how DS fans get mad when someone says the PSP had a slightly better year than the DS, but yet expect everyone to agree when they over-exaggerate with "obliterating" the PSP lineup.


We aren't exaggerating. 13 vs. 7 or 12 vs. 6 AA+ for 2010. For all time the DS has 99 AA+ games with 7 AAA games. The PSP has 82 AA+ and 3 AAA. More than twice as many AAA and almost 20 more AA+ games... I'd consider that obliteration, especially when you consider the majority of the PSP's AA+ games are in the low 80s range while a large portion of the DS' are around 86 and 87.

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#77 110million
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Some people don't want change. Look at the new Zelda, people a complaining about it not having voice acting, but if it did I probably wouldn't buy it. It doesn't need it ans I think it would ruin the experience. Pokemons a casual game and casuals like the familiar.


Well you can say that it appeals to casuals with its pick-up-and-play style, but I don't think a monster-taming RPG that takes about 50 hours to beat qualifies as casual. Some of my friends never finish the game because they whine about its difficulty and those who continue playing put more hours into it than most casuals ever would.

thats another reason i say there is no such thing as a casual game or a hardcore game. games can be targeted at a certain crowd but the amount of time a person plays that game determines what type of gamer they are for that game. i know people that play halo for hours a day, and for them that a hardcore game. while i only play a few matches a month its a casual gamw for me. so people that play pokemon just to play it are casuals while the people that get all the pokemon get shinny versions and get them to the max level are hardcore. games are allowed to go both ways lol

Yeah everytime I've ever seen a kid with a DS or GBA, its always Pokemon their playing, I'm willing to bet at least half of the sales are to children. Not that its a bad thing, I expect the majority of them do not beat it, but good for them if they enjoy the experience they can get out of it.
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#78 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts


I always liked psp games better. I can't get into ds.


this. I stole a DS back in 9th grade and after a week I gave it to a friend cuz I didnt like it. I stick too my PSP thank you very much

Um wow first off you're a douchebag for stealing a DS, if you are telling the truth. That's a decently expensive piece of technology and you're costing the store, who may be struggling to turn a profit, money. I guess when you're so hardcore you steal the "kiddy" games on the DS just aren't enough for you, you need more violent hardcore games for the PSP because you're so hard that you steal DSs.

Also, you gave it to a friend after a WEEK? A week is hardly enough time to fully experience a single game, much less everything a platform has to offer.

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#79 Half-Way
Member since 2010 • 5001 Posts

Okamiden, Super Scriblenauts , professor layton and the unwound future disagree, aswell those games that are allready released

like Pokemon Heartgold and Dragon quest

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#80 Half-Way
Member since 2010 • 5001 Posts

DS will sell well regardless if it has good or bad games.

With time, people progress on from Pokemon to other genres.

Depends what games your into and hence your handheld > other handheld.

Its a really biased debate.

FF7:Crisis Core is the best experience ive had between both the DS and PSP.


what isnt.

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#81 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

Okamiden, Super Scriblenauts , professor layton and the unwound future disagree, aswell those games that are allready released

like Pokemon Heartgold and Dragon quest

Are those all coming out this year? If so then the PSP can literally consider this one of the years the DS beat it worst.
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#82 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts


DS will sell well regardless if it has good or bad games.

With time, people progress on from Pokemon to other genres.

Depends what games your into and hence your handheld > other handheld.

Its a really biased debate.

FF7:Crisis Core is the best experience ive had between both the DS and PSP.


what isnt.

Yeah but the issue is System Wars becomes largely a battle of higher scores. In that battle Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core has an 83, so it's definitely some godly game that makes the PSP win somehow. In fact it scores lower than more than 50 DS games.

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#83 Dr_Corndog
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It took the release of KH:BbS to remind me that yes, they are still making PSP games.
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#84 Dr_Corndog
Member since 2004 • 3245 Posts


I always liked psp games better. I can't get into ds.


this. I stole a DS back in 9th grade and after a week I gave it to a friend cuz I didnt like it. I stick too my PSP thank you very much

Um wow first off you're a douchebag for stealing a DS, if you are telling the truth. That's a decently expensive piece of technology and you're costing the store, who may be struggling to turn a profit, money. I guess when you're so hardcore you steal the "kiddy" games on the DS just aren't enough for you, you need more violent hardcore games for the PSP because you're so hard that you steal DSs.

Also, you gave it to a friend after a WEEK? A week is hardly enough time to fully experience a single game, much less everything a platform has to offer.

I was thinking the same thing. Casually mentioning that you stole a DS is dumb, but still not as dumb as stealing something in the first place.
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#85 110million
Member since 2008 • 14910 Posts

Okamiden, Super Scriblenauts , professor layton and the unwound future disagree, aswell those games that are allready released

like Pokemon Heartgold and Dragon quest

Are those all coming out this year? If so then the PSP can literally consider this one of the years the DS beat it worst.

Not when it has an awesome Metal Gear and Kingdom Hearts title, both up to console par even. Peace Walker has more content than all past MG games combined, and its a blast, metal gear in co-op is a match made in heaven, the most fun I've had with any handheld game this year. The first scribblenauts sucked, and Okami lost all of its charm by being in low res on a handheld, Pokemon is the same as always, Professor Layton is amazing, but its about the only DS title I'm crazy about this year.
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#86 Aidenfury19
Member since 2007 • 2488 Posts

I'm not disappointed to have gotten my PSP, although I haven't played it as much as I used to play my old GBA, this is more because my time is becoming more valuable so I game less in general.

That in of itself should be cause for celebration when you're talking about a company going up against Nintendo in the handheld gaming world. Game Gear came closest before and you bet your butt I would have been disappointed to have only had that compared to the Gameboy.

But when it comes to the generation it is difficult to argue objectively that the PSP had a better library overall the the NDS, even if the NDS also had a lot of substandard dreck thrown in there compared to the PSP. Nor is it really possible to argue that the PSP won in any way when it comes to sales. The NDS and the PSP are both winding down now though and we can expect the PSP2 to be announced relatively soon is Sony really cares to continue trying (and I sure hope they do).

It seems inconceivable to me that Sony wouldn't consider the PSP to overall be a pretty reasonable success. In a generation and despite fewer hardware refreshes they've taken a third of the portable gaming market away from Nintendo hardware-wise at least. That is a pretty major accomplishment however you want to spin it.

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#87 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

Okamiden, Super Scriblenauts , professor layton and the unwound future disagree, aswell those games that are allready released

like Pokemon Heartgold and Dragon quest

Are those all coming out this year? If so then the PSP can literally consider this one of the years the DS beat it worst.

Not when it has an awesome Metal Gear and Kingdom Hearts title, both up to console par even. Peace Walker has more content than all past MG games combined, and its a blast, metal gear in co-op is a match made in heaven, the most fun I've had with any handheld game this year. The first scribblenauts sucked, and Okami lost all of its charm by being in low res on a handheld, Pokemon is the same as always, Professor Layton is amazing, but its about the only DS title I'm crazy about this year.

Pokemon is the same as always? Alright... so is Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Buh-buh-buh Peace Walker has tons of cooonteeeent!!!!! So do Pokemon: HG and SS. I've logged 30 hours and my Pokedex is only around 40 out of what around 300? My Pokemon are around level 50, I've only caught 4 legendaries out of the possible 20 or so if you participate in Wi-Fi events. I've only gotten 1 or 2 badges in Kanto and I'm currently trying to do a bunch of side quests and stuff rather than power on through the story. Even when I beat Red I'll try to complete my legendary collection, I'll keep battling friends online, and I'll do my best to fill up the Pokedex. Then there are all the side mini games like the little Colosseum area or whatever it's called where they compete in sports... So it looks like both MGS:PW and SS/HG are games very similar to old ones with a ton of content and some improvements. I'll grant you in a Gamespot Award for "Best Handheld Game" Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker would probably win 2010, yes. However that's one game, one that's accompanied by only 5 or 6 other AA+ titles while the DS has 11 others, not to mention with a higher average Metascore. KH:BbS is hardly up to console standards with its 83. Are you implying all Okami had going for it was graphics and charm? It had great gameplay too, the art style, which it retains just fine, was only one part of the experience. Being able to use the DS touch screen to paint is pretty much a dream come true. The first Scribblenauts did not SUCK, it has a 79 on Metacritic and an 8.0 here. In fact it was quite a good game with a couple big issues. One, the controls were crap and begged for a D-Pad option, and two, you couldn't use adjectives to get creative with your solutions, it was usually just a few very obvious solutions involving rope. Super Scribblenauts fixes both, you can use the D-Pad to move now, and you can attach adjectives to the nouns to get creative with your solutions to the puzzles. Maybe you liked the PSP better this year. Good for you have fun with it. But in System Wars the DS won yet again.
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#88 DivineSword  Moderator
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Speaking games wise it all comes down to personal preference, but overall the DS is still the more successful handheld this year.

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#89 Wanderer5
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Okamiden, Super Scriblenauts , professor layton and the unwound future disagree, aswell those games that are allready released

like Pokemon Heartgold and Dragon quest


Are those all coming out this year? If so then the PSP can literally consider this one of the years the DS beat it worst.

Okamiden is coming out next year. Not sure about Scriblenauts and Professor Layton comes out next week. I really need to start playing the second Professor Layton game.>_>

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#90 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts

Okamiden, Super Scriblenauts , professor layton and the unwound future disagree, aswell those games that are allready released

like Pokemon Heartgold and Dragon quest

Are those all coming out this year? If so then the PSP can literally consider this one of the years the DS beat it worst.

Not when it has an awesome Metal Gear and Kingdom Hearts title, both up to console par even. Peace Walker has more content than all past MG games combined, and its a blast, metal gear in co-op is a match made in heaven, the most fun I've had with any handheld game this year. The first scribblenauts sucked, and Okami lost all of its charm by being in low res on a handheld, Pokemon is the same as always, Professor Layton is amazing, but its about the only DS title I'm crazy about this year.

didn't BBS only get 7.5? and like I said and what exactly is the problem with pokemon being the same as always. It's a remake of G/S with a bunch of new features :?
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#91 crippled_ram
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Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Dragon Quest IX Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Super Scribblenauts Golden Sun Dark Dawn Ghost Trick Dementium II Waioware D.I.Y. Okamiden Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Final Fantasy: 4 Warriors of Light Call of Duty: Black Ops Goldeneye 007 James Bond Blood Stone Dragon Quest VI Sonic Colors No.
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#92 110million
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[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="oldkingallant"] Are those all coming out this year? If so then the PSP can literally consider this one of the years the DS beat it worst.Shinobishyguy
Not when it has an awesome Metal Gear and Kingdom Hearts title, both up to console par even. Peace Walker has more content than all past MG games combined, and its a blast, metal gear in co-op is a match made in heaven, the most fun I've had with any handheld game this year. The first scribblenauts sucked, and Okami lost all of its charm by being in low res on a handheld, Pokemon is the same as always, Professor Layton is amazing, but its about the only DS title I'm crazy about this year.

didn't BBS only get 7.5? and like I said and what exactly is the problem with pokemon being the same as always. It's a remake of G/S with a bunch of new features :?

Sorry, I was talking about the games themselves, not what number gamespot assigned to them. I know this is system wars, but I was not arguing scores, I was saying I've been enjoying PSP titles far more this year than DS, and it is not some major obvious domination.

Also, with Pokemon having "so much content" when its doing 500 of one thing, its not so special, peace walker has varying things to do, find documents, destroy huge weapons, theres missions where every enemy is hiding in the grass and their super hard to see, others their wearing helmets and you can't just shoot them in the head, etc etc, some people have put over 100 hours into it, because there is a lot to do. If it was like Pokemon where its catching pokemon after pokemon, I would not have enjoyed it nearly as much.

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#93 YuriSH
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Ghost Trick and 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors will determine if I had more fun with PSP or DS to me.

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#94 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="110million"] Not when it has an awesome Metal Gear and Kingdom Hearts title, both up to console par even. Peace Walker has more content than all past MG games combined, and its a blast, metal gear in co-op is a match made in heaven, the most fun I've had with any handheld game this year. The first scribblenauts sucked, and Okami lost all of its charm by being in low res on a handheld, Pokemon is the same as always, Professor Layton is amazing, but its about the only DS title I'm crazy about this year.110million
didn't BBS only get 7.5? and like I said and what exactly is the problem with pokemon being the same as always. It's a remake of G/S with a bunch of new features :?

Sorry, I was talking about the games themselves, not what number gamespot assigned to them. I know this is system wars, but I was not arguing scores, I was saying I've been enjoying PSP titles far more this year than DS, and it is not some major obvious domination.

I know, the psp is having a great year so far.. but still pokemon hg/ss is pretty great. It's definitely a credit to the ds's library rehash or not
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#95 ZIVX
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Ghost Trick and 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors will determine which if I had more fun with PSP or DS to me.YuriSH
I just read about 999 it seems to be a visual novel with puzzle elements

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#96 Infinite_Access
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PSP sold enough when it came out to make up for any losses now. Plus it still gets good games.. I have no clue why people say the thing is dieing.

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#97 VideoGameGuy
Member since 2002 • 7695 Posts
those are very niche games you 've mentioned, BUT either way DS has already blown the PSP out of the water thusfar this year.
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#98 hakanakumono
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Maybe in Japan, but idk about NA.

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#99 110million
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[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"] but still pokemon hg/ss is pretty great. It's definitely a credit to the ds's library rehash or not

Thats fine, of course it adds to it. But so many of these threads go "Psp has x good games" "BUT DS HAS POKEMON, THREAD OVER, PSP LOSES AGAIN!"
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#100 deactivated-5d6e91f5c147a
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PSP had a great year this year, been playing it a ton this year. Looking forward to DJ Max Portable 3 and Knights in the Nightmare. With Valkyria Chronicles 2, Ys Seven and Persona 3 Portable to really keep me busy until then.