Why whould anyone want a console that doesn't even play the whole library its supposed to have, not every PsP game is available for download on the Playstation Store, there are countless third party games people will miss out on just because sony thought it be teh funny to release a DD only hand held and halt piracy a little
Why whould anyone want a console that doesn't even play the whole library its supposed to have, not every PsP game is available for download on the Playstation Store, there are countless third party games people will miss out on just because sony thought it be teh funny to release a DD only hand held and halt piracy a littleAgentA-Mi6
Because not everyone has to have the whole library. All the average person does is buy and play the 2-5 games per year they really want to play anyway , right ? Most of the key titles will be available for download anyway , probably pretty quickly -MGS , FF games , all of Sony's hits.
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