[QUOTE="cheatymcshifty"][QUOTE="RahnAetas"][QUOTE="jimjam198"][QUOTE="fuman3"][QUOTE="RahnAetas"][QUOTE="TekkenMaster606"] [QUOTE="RahnAetas"]Sony as the company might be doing fine, but their gaming division isn't. Been bleeding money for the past 4 quarters, and I seriously doubt any forecasts they make will see it make money for the next year or two. There is a realistic chance that Sony ends up shutting down their gaming division, or ending up like Sega and going software only. They took a huge investment and gamble on the PS3 and it has not been paying off for them, at all.RahnAetas
It's been a few months. Talk about jumping the gun.
4 quarters. The last 3 quarters Sony has reported losses from it's gaming division (just over 1 billion dollars). When the 4th quarter releases are out, it will be a full year of reporting losses (estimated 1.7 billion total for the year). The company itself is forcasted to make 3.4 billion dollars. So roughly one *third* of the company's potential profits were consumed by the faulting gaming division. The people working in their gaming division will be fighting for their lives when the 4th quarter reports come out, when they have to explain to the higher ups, and the investors on how bleeding millions of dollars each month for the next year or two, will turn them profits 5+ years down the road.
Would you guys stop trying to be financial Freaking analisist and just be freaking gamers cause obviously you dont know what your talking about. If guys want to look up financial data then look up sony for the ps1 and ps2. They were loses too at first. THEY ALL ARE!!! If you think sony is going the way of SEGA then your smoking some crazy stuff. Your tlaking about SONY and SEGA???? SEGA had 1 really successfull console. SONY has 2 and the ps3 will be the 3rd. SONY is a much larger company then SEGA so do the math.
See the problem is that Sony is a massive corperation, they have to think about all of their divisions, and big corperations know how to make money, and how to stop losing it, they cut off the hand to save the rest of the body, i'm not saying that they will for sure, but if the sales don't pick up, they will, becuase when one part of a company starts looking bad, people lose faith, and when people lose faith, stocks lose thier value. You may say that all of the financial talk has nothing to with the topic, but it does, you forget that if people outside the gaming public don't want to support the company, they will have no funding and go out of business. Sure the PS3 and PSP could end up doing well, but the way things are going, it doesn't seem that likely. Now you could say that none of the PS consoles have sold well from the start, but they didn't have the problems that the PS3 has, and they didn't cost you $600 for theconsole with a limited number of "good" games, theyhad a pretty good lineup from the start. point is, if you don't accept even the chance that Sony will not do well, you are fooling yourself, I personally have always liked Nintendo, but through the last two generations I had my doubts about how well they were doing, there was always that chance that they could lose it all, it never happpened, but it could have.
Exactly. People are dillusional if they think Sony will keep supporing the PS3 if it continues to cause them millions of dollars in losses month after month. They will very likely drop support for the PS3 if they can't show themselves to at least get a decent sized chunk of the console market. They are losing developer support, their PR is miserable, their Europe launch turned from the fastest selling to the fastest drop in sales ever.
After this year, Sony's gaming division will have to recouperate almost 2 billion dollars in losses before they can start even to think about making a profit on the PS3. If the trend of money loss continues throughout the next year, which it most likely will, they will be down to 3-4 billion dollars in loss to recouperate. Which means it's going to be 3+ years before they can turn a profit, and that's an ideal situation. A conservative estimate would put it at 5+ years before they see profits, if ever.
Why do you people think they'll cut off support, companies dont spend hundreds of millions of dollars on R&D, make billions of dollars on previous versions of the product, and then put it out for a price point that loses them more than 100 dollars per unit sold, then expect to turn a profit the first 6 months.
Sony is not going to say, "oh, well, it's been 6 months, and... we've sold 3 million units, more than ps1 or ps2 did there first 6 months, but... looks like we're gonna fail, looks like a bust, we failed, awell, lets just drop support and not worry about all the money we've invested into the playstation 3, blu-ray, and the cell, screw it, STOPING PS3 PRODUCTION... oh, and those games we've spent 10's of millions of dollars on, forget those too, fire the employees, and scrap them all."
Looks like lems/sheep arent better at business than Sony, like they seem to think.
That might have been their initial plan, but that plan was dependant on the PS3 doing as well, or better than the PS2. Nothing in the market recently has shown that will be the case. The Wii is far outpacing the PS3, and the PS3 is *not* closing the gap between itself and the 360. It's public relations is dismil, and you have people from developers to gamers chastizing the PS3 for a myraid of reasons.
Sony will not make money on the PS3 if it does not sell. In addtion, they won't even make money if it *does* sell because they are forced to take losses on each unit sold. When it comes time for the Sony executives to make a hard decision, the gaming department will have a hard time selling themselves. They will have to sell to Sony that if they take another few years of losses, that in the long run they *might* make a profit.
Unlike Microsoft, which can soak up losses easily, and unlike Nintendo which makes a profit each time around, Sony isn't making profit, and they can't soak up thoses losses.
Good response, but sony isint full of idiots, and business like profits, weather it's in 2 years or today, they know it's an investment, just like MS does, except sony actually has turned a profit in the past, rather than lost billions of dollars in the video games industry.
And, no matter what happens, they WONT drop out, and just call it quits, even if ps3 for some reason failed miserably (which, really, theres almost no chance of, the only systems that have truely failed have done so because of a lack of games, ps3 has many more released/slated than any failed system, not to mention the biggest name brand in videogames) they would ride this generation out, still cementing Blu-ray as the format war victor, pushing the cell, and getting a return on there investements into R&D of the playstation.
People saying "ps3 is teh failz, sony will pull it soon" have no business sense, and are blind fanboys, the absolute worst could possibly happen (to any of the 3 companies, actually) is that they wont make a console next generation, absolutly worst case (for that companies video game division).
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