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Just make it backwards compatible and long battery life with San andreas ported and i will be happy (i played that game for a year straight)
Unless the PSP2 is BC with PSP, PS2 games at launch or has a launch Ys, Castlevania, Dark Cloud, Tales title I will have zero interest in it in contrast to the 3DS.
You dont know last generation everyone thought PS3 will be the king of this generation because it the successor of the current king but look what happened the successor of the king isnt always guaranteed to be the king :P.
There is only one problem. Ehn has Nintendo ever have a threat against its portable system? The problem here is that Nintendo has pokemon. That alone will demolish the psp. The great thing about this if it actually does have GC graphics then we can finally get a true next gen hopefully 3D style pokemon game. I so hop They make a Golden Sun for it too. I see fun times coming. The PSP2 is already dead before its announced.if it is coming i hope it uses dvds , or compact disc instead of digital download or umd , these arent my kind of things umds break easily , , and digital download means no sales no game collection and if your unit breaks youll have a hard time getting the games again along with memory issues , ,
for instance think about how many mem sticks we will need, if we are forced to download full games, now ps1 games are fine but ps2 and psp game are 1 gig or more ,,
thats like killer right there ,a 16 gig would only fit about 10 games -12 is pushing it because of save files etc
ill pick a psp and ds 2 up if they are 200 or under , if they are 300 i will not pay 300 for a handheld , thats just about pushing it 300 for console yes handheld no , ,
as for the psp 2, yes. sony may announce it this E3. it's been known/rumored for months that it will come out in 2010. it seems they may push it back to 2011 to give the pspgo a second chance. the psp2 should rival the original xbox in terms of raw power (a handheld more powerful than the wii :lol: ).
well the wii is slightly more powerful then xbox , so how is xbox more powerful then wii , , ugh , also i doubt xbox/wii visuals maybe gc visuals , -slightly better then psp , , and in line with rumored ds2 , the battery has to be over 4 hours! of gameplay , if its anything less then a ds ,, hmmLOL, where's 'No'? :Pking_bobo
Well thats the problem lol, i didnt want to make a poll cuz i wasnt sure what more options to add but it was posted anyways lolz.. so on topic i seriously hope they annouce one with touch screen
I hope PSP2 contains
1. BC with UMD/PSN games and memory stick
2. 2 analog sticks
3. L2/R2
4. Improved UMD drive(faster) and capacity(space)
5. same size as PSP 2-3000
6. Rumble
7. Improved network features such as internet, internet radio, skype etc.
8. longer battery
9. Improved speaker( is it me or the PSP volume seems low?)
10. Fair price point
[QUOTE="king_bobo"]LOL, where's 'No'? :Pfinalstar2007
Well thats the problem lol, i didnt want to make a poll cuz i wasnt sure what more options to add but it was posted anyways lolz.. so on topic i seriously hope they annouce one with touch screen
So why not just get a DS? Why do all these handhelds have to be the same.[QUOTE="finalstar2007"][QUOTE="king_bobo"]LOL, where's 'No'? :Ptoo_much_eslim
Well thats the problem lol, i didnt want to make a poll cuz i wasnt sure what more options to add but it was posted anyways lolz.. so on topic i seriously hope they annouce one with touch screen
So why not just get a DS? Why do all these handhelds have to be the same.DS has crappy graphics IMO and has 2 screens which i personally find annoying, i have one indeed but just dont use it anymore so i gave it to my little sister, i own a psp since it launched the very first psp 1000 5 years ago and still feels like its new, i use it everyday mainly for songs or even watching videos, dont use it for games that much cuz im more focused on the PS3 now
So why not just get a DS? Why do all these handhelds have to be the same.[QUOTE="too_much_eslim"][QUOTE="finalstar2007"]
Well thats the problem lol, i didnt want to make a poll cuz i wasnt sure what more options to add but it was posted anyways lolz.. so on topic i seriously hope they annouce one with touch screen
DS has crappy graphics IMO and has 2 screens which i personally find annoying, i have one indeed but just dont use it anymore so i gave it to my little sister, i own a psp since it launched the very first psp 1000 5 years ago and still feels like its new, i use it everyday mainly for songs or even watching videos, dont use it for games that much cuz im more focused on the PS3 now
I just can't believe how you say that the DS has crappy games while hyping all of these PS3 RPGs.
[QUOTE="too_much_eslim"] So why not just get a DS? Why do all these handhelds have to be the same.Yandere
DS has crappy graphics IMO and has 2 screens which i personally find annoying, i have one indeed but just dont use it anymore so i gave it to my little sister, i own a psp since it launched the very first psp 1000 5 years ago and still feels like its new, i use it everyday mainly for songs or even watching videos, dont use it for games that much cuz im more focused on the PS3 now
I just can't believe how you say that the DS has crappy games while hyping all of these PS3 RPGs.
DS is too small man :P with ps3 i can play them on an HD screen but what crappy games? the only crappy games i see on ps3 are last rebillion and cross edge :P, seriously i tried many times to play on DS but i just cant, screen too small, graphics are annoying. i couldnt even finish KH yet on there, ah its complicated lolz i just dont game on handhelds that much anymore overall.
DS has crappy graphics IMO and has 2 screens which i personally find annoying, i have one indeed but just dont use it anymore so i gave it to my little sister, i own a psp since it launched the very first psp 1000 5 years ago and still feels like its new, i use it everyday mainly for songs or even watching videos, dont use it for games that much cuz im more focused on the PS3 now
I'm not sure why the two screens is such a deal breaker... most games only use one for the actual gameplay "window", putting menus or other miscellaneous information to glance at in the other... but anyway, by some accounts the 3DS will be comparable to the Gamecube. That would give it significantly better graphical performance over the current PSP.
DS has crappy graphics IMO and has 2 screens which i personally find annoying, i have one indeed but just dont use it anymore so i gave it to my little sister, i own a psp since it launched the very first psp 1000 5 years ago and still feels like its new, i use it everyday mainly for songs or even watching videos, dont use it for games that much cuz im more focused on the PS3 now
I just can't believe how you say that the DS has crappy games while hyping all of these PS3 RPGs.
DS is too small man :P with ps3 i can play them on an HD screen but what crappy games? the only crappy games i see on ps3 are last rebillion and cross edge :P, seriously i tried many times to play on DS but i just cant, screen too small, graphics are annoying. i couldnt even finish KH yet on there, ah its complicated lolz i just dont game on handhelds that much anymore overall.
Even though handhelds are smaller and they have dated graphics they still have better games. I seriously would rather buy a game with superior gameplay (that is also cheaper) than a $60 game that is average but with good graphics and a large screen. If you really love JRPGs don't secluded yourself from all of these great games your missing out on.
Also, you can buy a cable to hook your PSP up to the TV, I do it for better sound quality and a larger screen.
I just can't believe how you say that the DS has crappy games while hyping all of these PS3 RPGs.
DS is too small man :P with ps3 i can play them on an HD screen but what crappy games? the only crappy games i see on ps3 are last rebillion and cross edge :P, seriously i tried many times to play on DS but i just cant, screen too small, graphics are annoying. i couldnt even finish KH yet on there, ah its complicated lolz i just dont game on handhelds that much anymore overall.
Even though handhelds are smaller and they have dated graphics they still have better games. I seriously would rather buy a game with superior gameplay (that is also cheaper) than a $60 game that is average but with good graphics and a large screen.
Also, you can buy a cable to hook your PSP up to the TV, I do it for better sound quality and a larger screen.
Yeah but i own a psp1000 which cant be played on a TV, it started with the 2000 nd above, i do own a psp 2000 but my brother is now using it more, hopefully if Sony comes out with the next psp i'll buy it and start playing on my TV, overall i just havent played that many on the go gaming lately, i been really into ps3 recently, i only really play a game on my psp if im traveling, other than that psp for music, videos and fast web browsing while im in my university ( way better than getting my laptop just to check my timetable ) and ps3 for real gaming :P
[QUOTE="cowgriller"]well the wii is slightly more powerful then xbox , so how is xbox more powerful then wii , , ugh , also i doubt xbox/wii visuals maybe gc visuals , -slightly better then psp , , and in line with rumored ds2 , the battery has to be over 4 hours! of gameplay , if its anything less then a ds ,, hmmas for the psp 2, yes. sony may announce it this E3. it's been known/rumored for months that it will come out in 2010. it seems they may push it back to 2011 to give the pspgo a second chance. the psp2 should rival the original xbox in terms of raw power (a handheld more powerful than the wii :lol: ).
technically, the xbox is more powerful than the wii because it uses actual pc components. also, almost every xbox game uses AA whereas not a single wii game does. the original xbox also played games in HD whereas the wii still can't/doesn't. moving on.
given the PowerVR chip that is rumored to be used, it gives the same performance as the xbox in terms of graphics (which means it'll make wii games look terrible, more so than they do now.) the chip is also power efficient. for all we know, one could game on it for 10 or more hours. hell the zune hd let's you watch 8.5 hours of video before the battery dies. this could be similar. evidently you believe that the more powerful something is, the more energy it requires, which is just not true. look at the Tegra chip, or mobile processors. though not as powerfl as desktop solutions, they offer very good processing power and can last up to 10 hours.
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