I'm ok with DD as an option but the day hard copies die will be a very dark day for gaming...
Seriously, I won't be able to buy games used for cheaper, sell my used games, borrow games, lend games, all of that will be gone.
I simply like to actually OWN what I buy. Today most DD games have some form of restrictive DRM that cripples it. Even Steam... What if something happens to it? All your games will be gone! And the case is even worse with cloud computing services. The only great DD service out there right now is gog.com imo because it actually let's you do what the hell you want with what you bought. Even burn it to a CD if you want.
I can understand that some people prefer DD but it's allways good to have an option. And I highly doubt people who prefer hard copies are a minority.
And let's not forget the fact that many people today (me included) don't like using their credit cards online. Many don't even have credit cards.
There are still many people like me who like owning things. Why do you think EA droped Securom activations?
And really, the vynil example is a really bad one. cd's > vynil in every single way. They are both physical. The ipod/itunes in the other hand, while successful, haven't taken over CD's. And I doubt they will anytime soon.
Let's be fair here. There are 2 reasons why mp3 players are so successful:
1- You can still buy hard copies of your albums and then put them into the mp3. So they don't really affect hard copies as much as you make it seem.
2- Unfortunatelly, the second reason is piracy... Many people don't even bother buying the music. Or do you think people who carry mostly pirated music on their ipods are a rare breed?
nº1 doesn't really apply to games and nº 2, well, music piracy is much more widespread...
On the go!: It's retarded really. Appart from size, (and that's discussible) there is absolutely no reason to buy a go over a 3000. The 3000 is (much) cheaper, has a bigger screen, and, guess what, you can get DD with it as well! With the added bonus that you can also get UMD games if you want to.
Seriously everything the Go! does the 3000 does better. I'm betting this thing will flop very hard...
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