Right now the Xbox One X version is a mess but it will be fixed eventually. When it is fixed, it will be considerably better than the PC version. Allow me to explain why with my infallible logic.
There are two reasons, just two that will have you in the end agreeing with me. You will say damn, I never thought of that but he's right. Unless you're a rabid cow then you will find every reason to clown what I say even though you know I'm right.
Ok, on to the two reasons.
1. Cheating - On PC the cheaters are there. I know they are cracking down on them as they should be but there is no cheating on XBox, it's not possible. On PC there will always be some cheating, even if the game code is perfection, people will cheat. You have to be out of your mind to disagree with this.
The only credible argument on the PC side is that you think the devs will get cheating under control and that it won't affect you. That is true to some degree but if you want to rid yourself of cheating entirely, Xbox is where you want to be.
2. Graphics cheaters - This is different than regular cheaters that install a program that lets them cheat. This is when players cheat by setting their graphical settings to ultra low. That way they can see when you're hiding in the grass. There may be grass in your game because you have a good PC and set the settings to high. However, the cheaters even if they have a 1080 ti, they will set their graphical settings to low and their gamma higher so that they can see people hiding in shadows and foliage.
Of course anyone can do this so you can counter these efforts by changing your settings to ultra low with high gamma. At that point it will be fair but it sucks that you have to make your game look like @ss just to compete with these cheaters. If you want a fair balanced game with good graphics, you will need to get the Xbox one X version.
Yes it's true that right now the Xbox version is in preview mode and the code sucks but they will eventually fix it. When they do, this will be the best way to play this game by far.
You will see in the replies everyone will talk about how I'm an idiot because the PC has great graphics although you can't use them if you want to be competitive. They will also say i'm an idiot because the devs will eliminate all cheating on the PC even though everyone knows this is laughable and not true.
But the main thing people will say I'm an idiot and attack me for is because currently the Xbox version is a mess as it's in early preview code. Everyone will ignore that I said it will be fixed and pretend I am ignoring the fact that the PC version looks and runs a lot better and the Xbox version is a mess. They will say I'm a troll and idiot for not saying the Xbox version sucks and shutting up.
On PC the graphics have to be set to garbage with ridiculous gamma just to be competitive. On Xbox you get the real graphics and no cheating.
I have given my arguments and they are as solid as a block of steel. I have given my two reasons and I am right. This game is a lot better on the Xbox. I'm sorry but it's true.
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