[QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="Onizuka36"] [QUOTE="tango90101"]bluray is a disasterOnizuka36
Hardly! bluray is owning HD-DVD's right now. Nobody can deny that.
hd dvd players are outselling bluray players 4 to 1 in North America
hd dvd is being backed by the EU, not so much for bluray.
hd dvd is being backed by porn...bluray isn't....
bluray movies sales are being artificially inflated by counting the free movies bundles with the ps3...;)
oh...and Walmart and China are in the works to create cheap hd dvd players...
You didn't include PS3's in your sales figures, screw the EU (:P I have nothing to argue that one), porn is stilling using ONLY DVD's. They haven't gone HD yet. lol, they often still use VHS. Inflated sales or not, the are clearly still selling much faster than HD-DVD's.
the ps3 doesn't really count as it's a game machine.. much like the way ps2 are not included in total dvd player sales...
um...vivid video has a nice collection of hd dvd movies...in fact they had them at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Vegas in 06...
at this point it's not about how many movies are sold but how many players they can sell...
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