Watch them trying to play the game with a controller :lol: I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
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Watch them trying to play the game with a controller :lol: I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
I played like that when I was 8.
EDIT: I should stop insulting my 8 year old self. What I meant to say is: "I'll probably play like that if I get lobotomized by a machete."
Console version takes more skillzzz.
Watch them trying to play the game with a controller I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
Watch them trying to play the game with a controller :lol: I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
lol must be a PC gamer playing with controller, I seen it before and it aint pretty
Watch them trying to play the game with a controller :lol: I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
lol must be a PC gamer playing with controller, I seen it before and it aint pretty
I'd have thought all the PC gamers would be playing Quake Live.
Watch them trying to play the game with a controller :lol: I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
lol must be a PC gamer playing with controller, I seen it before and it aint pretty
I'd have thought all the PC gamers would be playing Quake Live.
Or Quake III which doesn't have a controller input I think.
[QUOTE="Orchid87"]Console version takes more skillzzz.
Watch them trying to play the game with a controller I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
The learning curve of pad controllers are way shorter than from mouse & keyboard, plus most of shooters in console had autoaim, so there's always less skill involved in consoles.
This is the only player I known (jook) that plays with controller in a similar grade of skill as a k+m pro:
But is an exception o a well established rule.
Wasn't that bad but I lol'd when he started spraying the lightning gun like it was the proton pack from Ghost Busters. :P But yeah, Quake + controller = No.
What does it matter to you i'f hes playing with a controller :? Is your experience being hindered ?Sp4rtan_3
Well the player's experience certainly is, since he's playing a twitch-shooter using a slow and innaccurate controller.
It's sort of like playing GT5 with a d-pad - sure, you can steer...just. :P
This is the only player I known (jook) that plays with controller in a similar grade of skill as a k+m pro:
But is an exception o a well established rule.
True, that's actually pretty good, although he still has to stand perfectly still to aim with a shock rifle, which probably wouldn't work at all on the PC.
[QUOTE="Sp4rtan_3"] What does it matter to you i'f hes playing with a controller :? Is your experience being hindered ?Planeforger
Well the player's experience certainly is, since he's playing a twitch-shooter using a slow and innaccurate controller.
It's sort of like playing GT5 with a d-pad - sure, you can steer...just. :P
That's so awful it looks like me when I first played Quake ... when I was 9 ... and had little experience with a mouse ... fail
Sadly, Q3's been on quite a few consoles.
Sadly, Q3's been on quite a few consoles.
Sadly? What the hell? More people get to enjoy the game, you should be happy.
I think whats worse is its on XBLA, which means you'd have to buy it. Which is... something we've had on PC for free...
I think. I saw people talking about Quake Live, so I just assumed >_>
I think. I saw people talking about Quake Live, so I just assumed >_>
They are essentially the same game.
I think. I saw people talking about Quake Live, so I just assumed >_>
They are essentially the same game.
Yeah. That was just to cover myself in case I was wrong :P I don't really play Quake. Always liked Unreal Tournament better. ...should I run now?[QUOTE="Orchid87"][QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"]
I think. I saw people talking about Quake Live, so I just assumed >_>
They are essentially the same game.
Yeah. That was just to cover myself in case I was wrong :P I don't really play Quake. Always liked Unreal Tournament better. ...should I run now?Running won't help you.
Yeah. That was just to cover myself in case I was wrong :P I don't really play Quake. Always liked Unreal Tournament better. ...should I run now?[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"][QUOTE="Orchid87"]
They are essentially the same game.
Running won't help you.
UT for me as well quake was all ways inferior in my opinion to the unreal franchise.
[QUOTE="hypoty"][QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"] Yeah. That was just to cover myself in case I was wrong :P I don't really play Quake. Always liked Unreal Tournament better. ...should I run now?WilliamRLBaker
Running won't help you.
UT for me as well quake was all ready inferior in my opinion to the unreal franchise. Unreal Tournament ftw! It's a shame that UT3 was such a let down... I hope they haven't killed off the series and make a new one after Gears 3.I hate crybaby pcgamers...srs...i do. now run off and tell a moderator that I posted this so it can get deleted, i can get points deducted and you can go on bashing everything console..but still...please for the sake of all pc gamers...shut up, you give your "crew" a bad rep.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="hypoty"]UT for me as well quake was all ready inferior in my opinion to the unreal franchise. Unreal Tournament ftw! It's a shame that UT3 was such a let down... I hope they haven't killed off the series and make a new one after Gears 3.Running won't help you.
I have played many UT games..Im sorry, but UT3 is the exact same game as all the other ones I have played.With the exception of Championship which absolutely blew to high heaven.I have UT3 for PS3 and its of the best games out as far as im concerned.
When I see people bash UT3 it makes me think of people bashing movies that are the same like the new Star Wars movies..Transformers 2, ect ect..Great movies...all with stories leading up to the next in the series...why bash?? Poeple just complain cause its easier then liking sometimes..
quake is definitely not controller friendly, they are going to have to make some major balanace changes if they expect to pull it off on 360, like the dreamcast back in the day.
Watch them trying to play the game with a controller :lol: I love the original game but what's the point of making a mouseless port?
how in hell are you suppose to strafe jump efficiently with a controller :lol:
[QUOTE="Sp4rtan_3"] What does it matter to you i'f hes playing with a controller :? Is your experience being hindered ?Sp4rtan_3
Well the player's experience certainly is, since he's playing a twitch-shooter using a slow and innaccurate controller.
It's sort of like playing GT5 with a d-pad - sure, you can steer...just. :P
Yeah Quake 3 is bad on the gamepad. But I remember a time when Quake 3 Revolution on the PS2 looked really cool to me and I was phantasising of Quake 3 on the N64 :P
Most have a good enough PC for Quake Live, so rather play that if you can.
Quake 3 on the DC supported online play and mouse and keyboard, though.
One minute they're compairing DS to the 360 controller and sub HD gfx and the next, they're all over PC gamers for being "elitist" about their "slightly" superior graphics and "slightly" superior controls..
Oh the double standards......
As one poster already stated how exactly is the k/m "superior" when it comes to the likes of DMC4 and SF VI?Consolites..
One minute they're compairing DS to the 360 controller and sub HD gfx and the next, they're all over PC gamers for being "elitist" about their "slightly" superior graphics and "slightly" superior controls..
Oh the double standards......
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