@cainetao11 said:
@kinectthedots: just saying lems are good at bashing something until it is on their system and then they suddenly have no complaints and think it's all great.
Sort of like paying for multiplayer last gen, but now its no big deal. High and mighty morals disappeared fast. They all do it.
Sorry cainetao11 but I don't see cows "fanboying" the fact that they "have" to pay for it. There is a big difference. Cows didn't bash lems for that because they had to pay for XBL, they bashed them because they hyped and defended that fact with stupidity. Cows "have" to pay for PSN now if they want to play online, but I don't see any cows saying how great it is that they have to pay.
Sorry but your attempt put cows in the same league of contradicting actions that lems play out doesn't work, at least with that example. It's just like the PSN wand, like kinect and wii mote it was available but cows never really made it a big deal or argument point like lems did with kinect. You are not really good at looking at situations and breaking them down rationally.
"I" will give you an example of cows being slightly hypocritical and help you make your point. The "superior multiplat" is something that a lot of cows said didn't matter last gen. That is closer to what would make your point. There were enough cows who said that which would make me agree but it's funny that even then...LEMS were the ones who ORIGINALLY made that argument and now totally flop flop and pretend like it doesn't matter when the gap is far wider than last gen, so even if that is used it's more like cows calling lems out than simply being hypocritical.
In any case, I still wish we had free online. And I still think exclusives are the main attraction to any system. That's me, but please stop jumping to defend lemmings every time someone points out their BS.
My example about lems going ape shit over Infamous Second Son having no "real time day night cycle" is on point and YOU WERE THERE, but those same argument and gripes are NON-EXISTENT in any of the Sunset Overdrive threads by any of the lems who tried to tear Infamous down because an open world/sandboys game somehow had to have it. Also the long time cult like bashing by lems of Uncharted or any Sony games are for being linear is well documented.
Lems act like these "linear" games are not even worthy to buy so yeah I thought I'd point that out for the next time the jump to bash like hypocrites when it's a Sony game. I don't even know why you stepped to make a comment when even FoxbatAlpha (someone who doesn't even deny being a lem. One of the very few) didn't challenge my statement. You should learn when to back down, there was nothing of value for you to say concerning my comment which was completely on point.
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