sure square makes some pretty medicore spinoff sometimes an some very nice games sometimes
but they made a epic game called kingdom hearts 2 that was superior to the first one in everyway an in some ways rebuilt
yet it got 8.5'd over its predesccor which was a 9 plus on ign
i feel like ign/gamespot feel like they can downrate square games more then bioware cuz its a japanese styledrpg
i dunni just feels like ppl r alot harder on square an even blizzard's game world of warcraft should have gotten a 10 or close to it since it was the best rpg ever made again ppl r very hard on blizz/square enix but when it comes to bioware hey i played kotor on the pc i know for a fact that piece of thing shouldn't have been my goty or even close it or been rated higher then half the games i listed
now plz dont take offense to this all im sayin is review sites seem to give bioware a free ride on the rating train an make blizzard/square earn there points much harder imo same with bethesda some of there games lik e oblivion an marrowind get 9.5's i mean have they even played world of warcraft holy crap man oblvion is about 1/100 the size of wow an plays worse in everyway an got rated lower rediculous
ive played so many better rpg's and star wars games that gave me so much more fun then kotor1/2 i couldn't count them all on my fingers an that keep bringin me bak for more yet it gets goty an 9.9'd an all this stuff
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