It seems that whenever exclusives or sales come up in a 360 and Ps3 argument, people want to automatically remove the Xbox 360's first year. It annoys me that people use the 1 year's start argument because it doesn't make sense. I mean if we look at video game history the person in the lead usually get beaten by something that comes out later. Let's see the trend from the beginning of consoles (no comparisons for the first 2 gens because of no records):
First gen winner: Magnavox Odyssey 1st console to come out and the winner with 330,000 units sold.
Second generation winner: The Atari 2600 was the 4th console to come out and winner with 30 mil units sold.
Third generation: First console was the Nes. 2 years later the Sgea Master System was released. Winner: Nes with 60 mil units sold.
Fourth gen: First console was The Turbo Grafix. 3 years later the SNES came out. Winner: SNES with 49 mil units sold.
Fifth gen: First console was the 3D0. 1 year later the PS1 came out. Winner: Ps1 with 102.49 mil units sold.
Sixth gen: First console was the Dreamcast. 2 years later the Ps2 came out. Winner: Ps2 with 140 mil units sold.
Seventh gen as of March 31, 2009: First console was the Xbox 360. 1 year later the Wii came out. Winner: Wii with 50.39 mil units sold.
As you can see there are only 2 gens where the winner was the first console out(1st and 3rd). Unlike the the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th gen the 360 isn't a complete faliure. So now can we quit with the 1 year head start BS?!?!?!
EDIT: It is an advantage but next time please don't dismiss the first year is all I'm saying. :cry: And also people the Gen isn't over. Maybe the Ps3 or 360 can make a comeback. ;)
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