Halo O.D.S.T is offering something new and original for Halo fans, and new comers. the Campaign, art design, and multiplayer game play have poised Halo O.D.S.T to be the best version ever. Halo over the last 10 years has evolved into one of gaming's biggest franchise's. unfortunately, it has not always been the highest quality franchise. Though garnering much critical acclaim with each induction to the series, most Halo fans would agree that Halo Combat Evolved was the best version of the game. The first Halo's Epic single player campaign is the reason most gamers love the game, which is the very thing that catapulted Master Chief to the iconic status he enjoys today.
Well, it seems Bungie has return to their roots with Halo O.D.S.T, and in terms of story, game play, and Epic-ness they have created a true single player sequel to the original. Finally we get a Next-Gen Halo Experience. Halo O.D.S.T turns it up on almost everything, graphically the game is a major improvement over Halo 3. While still running at the awkward 1152 X 640 HD resolution, Bungie has put a lot of polish into the textures & lighting, they also have added a much richer color palette which makes the game look more on par with current high-end Xbox 360 games.
However, the greatness of Halo O.D.S.T doesn't stop there. Multiplayer game play in the Halo franchise has been the reason most have purchased the game, and it still remains one of the most played games online. With Halo O.D.S.T, Bungie has kept all the things you loved about Halo 3, including forge and all your favorite maps. They also have added some things you didn't know you missed, like the Halo 1 pistol. If your one of the few who don't like the halo one pistol, than your more than likely a phony Halo fan. To be frank about it, the halo one pistol is BEASTY!. Bungie has kept almost all the weapons of halo 3, and added some updates and adjustments. Halo O.D.S.T re-invents the Halo experience, this is done mostly by the removal of Master Chief, however, even mores so by making you a regular O.D.S.T Trooper. Being a regular trooper does have its limitations, but to make up for Master Chief's "Awesomeness" you now have some very useful technology at your disposal, which changes the game in some very powerful ways.
The biggest game changing piece of technology is the VISR. On a technical level this is nothing more than a small change in the games color, and the addition of some highlights added to outline specific elements in the environment. Yet, this little difference adds a whole new element to the game play. With the environments being more dark, and gritty, the low-light vision enhancement is a much needed feature in the game. The absents of life can create a feeling of panic and it makes the levels feel massive. There is also a more open world design to the game that adds to the feeling of exploration, and plays directly into the narrative of the story. All these things make the VISR you most valuable peace of hardware. Though the VISR is pretty much you new HUD, it dose a lot for the feel of the game. It handles Mission Data, Map Info, and stores audio files you find along the way. One of the coolest features is its ability to scan the environment for mission clues and to detect enemy's
Halo O.D.S.T 's single player campaign is leaps and bounds above all previous Halo's, and the addition of all these new features and enhancements make the game feel like a total new experience. The biggest improvements' to Halo O.D.S.T is it's story, and for the first time the story is told to you directly through the game play. For example you may pick up a audio file that give's you some background on what happen to the destroyed section of the city, or when you find an artifact you will play what happens before the destruction occurred. The narrative is embedded in the game play and is less reliant on sometimes distracting cut scenes. As you find more artifacts the story is told to you through flash backs of fights that happen before the destruction of New Mombasa. As you progress through the game the past and the present meet , which is the climax of O.D.S.T's experience. The story in Halo O.D.S.T is epic, and is likely the best of any Halo game to date. For the first time in years, the Halo franchise is finally going to have a triple A single player campaign, to complement its genre defining multiplayer. This game will definitely be a Game Of The Year candidate.
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