"NO Dreamcast 2,Shenmue 3..Just NO"-Sega

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3 consoles is enough already.
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#52 balindos
Member since 2003 • 2424 Posts

I loved my dreamcast also but dreamcast 2 is basically the xbox. If you really think about it, the controller, 4 ports on the console, online gaming, and remember the dreamcast ran on Windows CE. That is why I own a 360.

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#53 Norg
Member since 2002 • 15959 Posts
Sega says no to common sense !!!
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#54 J_Swayze
Member since 2007 • 493 Posts

Shenmue was one of my all time favorite games and I was hoping for a sequel:(

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#55 Vyse_The_Daring
Member since 2003 • 5318 Posts

What I don't understand is why the dreamcast is considering one of the best consoles (and I am a hug fan of sega) ever. Yet because people perferred the PS2 over it and not all fans faults either because Sega did it to themselves really. So why care about it now when most of you guys either didn't purchase it or you ditched it?xscrapzx

I'm assuming most of the people who say the console was great purchased one.

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#56 RazMaTaz-1
Member since 2007 • 2097 Posts
as much as i love sega, i can see where they are coming from. Dreamcast 2? come on, we got 3 consoles already on the market. Shenmue 3? well its obvious that if Sega makes it, all you gonna hear is "im dissapointed", i mean, look what people said about Diablo 3.
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#57 deactivated-5f4694ac412a8
Member since 2005 • 8599 Posts

Dreamcast was the dam best console ever, DC2 wud've raped all.... too bad for you SegaDrCoCoPiMp

Damn best console ever? That's a little too far, isn't it? It only had a dozen or so good games. My God, it can't even compete with most of Nintendo's systems.

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#58 110million
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[QUOTE="DrCoCoPiMp"]Dreamcast was the dam best console ever, DC2 wud've raped all.... too bad for you SegaDeathScape666

Damn best console ever? That's a little too far, isn't it? It only had a dozen or so good games. My God, it can't even compete with most of Nintendo's systems.

I had about 25 dreamcast games, more then I got through the entire gamecube's life.

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#59 Phenom316
Member since 2008 • 1650 Posts

I hate him

I hate him so much

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#60 slystallion26
Member since 2005 • 819 Posts

blame microsoft as them entering the market made it impossible for sega to continue to be in the market as they could no longer be profitable with 4 contenders and 4 systems out

Blame microsoft....i would prefer it to be sony ,sega,nintendo battling it out

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#61 xscrapzx
Member since 2007 • 6636 Posts

blame microsoft as them entering the market made it impossible for sega to continue to be in the market as they could no longer be profitable with 4 contenders and 4 systems out

Blame microsoft....i would prefer it to be sony ,sega,nintendo battling it out


No its not microsoft's fault at all. If you know how it really went down you wouldn't of said that. The bottom line is Sega messed up bigtime with the Saturn. They made the thing to damn high spec at the time and devs had a hard time making games for it because of this and not only that the cost never really got down to where it could sell like hot cakes because of the manufacturing costs. They completely ditched it and said we are not supporting it anymore and started making the Dreamcast. Well that didn't go to well over some of the biggest devs like EA who were involved with Sega in making new games and now they lost a lot money because they spent all this time in developing new games that were not going to be used. EA stopped supporting them and said they weren't going to make anymore games for Sega's console. So when the Dreamcast came out it sold well, but then when it came time for the PS2 to come out all the devs supported them and pretty much you know what happened aftwards.

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#62 Panzer_Zwei
Member since 2006 • 15498 Posts
Sega says no to common sense !!! Norg
I guess sticking with their two biggest failures ever would be the most sensate thing to do. :|
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#63 austin_is_god
Member since 2003 • 635 Posts

[QUOTE="ULTIMATEZWARRIO"]at the very least i want a sonic adventure 3 game, instead of these half-a$$ed wannabes110million

Well, it seems "Sonic Unleased" is a new Sonic Adventure game. In Japan it is called "Sonic World Adventure" I can't wait for the game.

Yeah I was hyped until that horrid werewolf footage, its officialy ruined like all the other sonic games now.

I dunno, alot of people are jumping on the whole werehog thing as something that will ruin the game but I like what I have seen so far and it isn't all that far off what I hoped for when it was announced.

The speed thing is fine and all but the MD Sonic games were not just about pressing right on the d-pad and running through a stage. They were proper platform games with exploration and lots of different paths through a level. The idea of slowing down the game for the night levels is a good idea to me because it brings back the platforming action from the old games that seems to be missing from the day sections. I quite liked the live presentation from E3 I watched on GS. I just hope the waves of enemies doesn't become boring.

I really miss the cool enemies from the old games too. The big mistake to me with modern Sonic games is that they lost all connection to the worlds and style from the old games so there is no connection to the Sonic universe. As much as I hate mario, there are so many things that have been in every game and certain design elements, the Sonic games lost that after the MD games. I would also love to know who the hell keeps setting the games in the REAL world!?!

Of course the other big mistake was Sega Japan allowing Sega America to make so many crap games with the Sonic name on them such as Heroes and Shadow :roll:

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#64 organic_machine
Member since 2004 • 10143 Posts

I dunno, alot of people are jumping on the whole werehog thing as something that will ruin the game but I like what I have seen so far and it isn't all that far off what I hoped for when it was announced.

The speed thing is fine and all but the MD Sonic games were not just about pressing right on the d-pad and running through a stage. They were proper platform games with exploration and lots of different paths through a level. The idea of slowing down the game for the night levels is a good idea to me because it brings back the platforming action from the old games that seems to be missing from the day sections. I quite liked the live presentation from E3 I watched on GS. I just hope the waves of enemies doesn't become boring.

I really miss the cool enemies from the old games too. The big mistake to me with modern Sonic games is that they lost all connection to the worlds and style from the old games so there is no connection to the Sonic universe. As much as I hate mario, there are so many things that have been in every game and certain design elements, the Sonic games lost that after the MD games. I would also love to know who the hell keeps setting the games in the REAL world!?!

Of course the other big mistake was Sega Japan allowing Sega America to make so many crap games with the Sonic name on them such as Heroes and Shadow :roll:


FINALLY!!! Someone that understands how I feel! The original Sonics weren't about speed to me at all. But with every new Sonic, they keep trying to make it faster and faster and they're missing the point. I still don't think I've found all of the possible passageways in Casino Night Zone.

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#65 jasonharris48
Member since 2006 • 21441 Posts
by now I'd be happy for a Shenmue3 novel, digital novel, short story....ANYTHING!!! just let me know how Ryo will pummel Lan Ditiger35010
Same here
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#66 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts
Sega is a lost soul. They have been falling for so long now that they dont know how to get back up. All they need is one good game and maybe..just MAYBE...they may become a good company again. :(
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#67 AzatiS
Member since 2004 • 14969 Posts

[QUOTE="SolidGame_basic"]I can understand no Dreamcast 2, but no Shenmue 3 wtf :cry:Flamestos

As much as I hate to say I can understand no Shenmue 3. The sales just didn't justify the amount of money put into the game even though the series is awesome. I still want a new Shenmue and Jet Grind Radio though too bad they will never happen.

agree , but lets not forget that now tools and engines are way more easy to work. If then Smue was about 10 millions now would be half or less. Same for Jet set Radio. Now the technique for JSR graphics is something "simple" that wont take much time , money etc.

Too bad indeed. SEGA had some of the best innovative IPs i ever played , arcade and consoles.

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#68 st1ka
Member since 2008 • 8179 Posts

blame microsoft as them entering the market made it impossible for sega to continue to be in the market as they could no longer be profitable with 4 contenders and 4 systems out

Blame microsoft....i would prefer it to be sony ,sega,nintendo battling it out


yeah microsoft is also the reason behind global warmth

and the world war 2

oh and you know the movie sixth sense? well bruce Willis is dead

what i spoiled the movie for you? well dont blame me blame microsoft its all their fault

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#69 ineedmoney555
Member since 2008 • 534 Posts

Sega is a lost soul. They have been falling for so long now that they dont know how to get back up. All they need is one good game and maybe..just MAYBE...they may become a good company again. :(II_Seraphim_II

i think platinum could save them. Madworld has AAA potential if you ask me

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#70 ferrarimanf355
Member since 2005 • 1884 Posts

Sega is a lost soul. They have been falling for so long now that they dont know how to get back up. All they need is one good game and maybe..just MAYBE...they may become a good company again. :(II_Seraphim_II

A new Daytona USA would be that game, at least for me.

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#71 austin_is_god
Member since 2003 • 635 Posts

[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]Sega is a lost soul. They have been falling for so long now that they dont know how to get back up. All they need is one good game and maybe..just MAYBE...they may become a good company again. :(ferrarimanf355

A new Daytona USA would be that game, at least for me.

Ever since I bought my 360 in September 06 I thought that the original arcade game on live arcade would have been the biggest live arcade game ever. It's a shame that the Sega games on live were done by SoA and the only Sega arcade game to make it onto live was Golden Axe. Even though it is an all time classic and still one of my favourite arcade games ever, there are so many more games I would have loved to see on live as well. Not least of all Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder! I will never forgive Sega for not making a Saturn version of that game. Well, no System-32 games on the Saturn at ALL. I guess I have to hope for a Golden Axe Sega Ages, along with Shinobi, Daytona, a System-16 collection... I could go on for hours.

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#72 fabz_95
Member since 2006 • 15425 Posts

at the very least i want a sonic adventure 3 game, instead of these half-a$$ed wannabesULTIMATEZWARRIO

Still do you think they'll be able to make a sonic adventure 3 thats as good as the other 2 now that they have practically destroyed the sonic series