I thought the story was terribly lazy with the same old immigrant comes to america, gets into shit. Considering I am a fan of crime fiction books Id seen the damn near exact same story dozens of times where a eastern european guy comes to america, meets his brother already here that pictures himself a big shot when he isnt, marriage massacre, gets in some shit with black gangs blah blah. GTA4 was just a rip off of 2 or maybe 3 lesser known crime novels.
I got sick of people constantly calling me.
I got sick of having to drive people around constantly.
I hated how they gave you this gigantic huge ass city, but you only actually see maybe 7% of it when playing the story. If you just go exploring on your own you find out there is not point to going to the rest of city because its lifeless and dead aside from some manequins that walk around.
I got sick of having to spend all my time driving back and fourth through the cities just to advance a storyline a little bit.
I got sick of the piss poor combat gameplay.
I got sick of the radio stations real fast.
I hated how predictible the whole game was.
I hated how it was basically just like the previous 2 or 3 GTA games only with a new coat of paint.
Hmmmmmmm come to think of it, maybe I just dont like GTA games and thats my problem. I was trying to enjoy something I just dont enjoy.
Screw it, Ill pick up 5 in a year or so when its cheap.
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