[QUOTE="shadowcat2576"] I'm so glad that most of you were able to prove the TC's point. He asked for explanations for specific games and hardly anyone gave them. Instead this devolved into your standard "Wii games suck" thread. He's right it really shouldn't be that hard to give rational reasons why you like or don't like a game. See I can do it for the other two systems:
LBP: I'm interested in it as a platformers, but am honestly very concerned that the primary focus will the on the building and user created content which I'm not crazy about.
MGS4: I haven't played the others, so the story holds no draw for me. I've played a few games with stelth elements which I find tedious and boring. Gameplay sure makes it look like a tps which is not my thing.
Resistance 1&2: FPS are not my kind of game
Warhawk: Online only, sorry don't play online
MAG: see above (not sure if it'd online only, but that sure sounds like the focus.
Heavenly Sword: I'm slightly interested in this, but it's short and some of the reviews made it sound combursome and tedious.
Uncharted: I'd be interested in this if I had a PS3, but I'd perfer Tomb Raider for the character and story.
GEoW 1&2: Shooters are not my game
Mass Effect: The combo of rpg/shooter doesn't appeal to me. I like RPGs, but the setting for this just doesn't thrill me
BK:N&B I may get this when it comes out, but the vehicles still bother me.
Bioshock: Bought this on sale because of the good reviews and the hype. I thought the concept and the upgrades would make it more enjoyable than most fps, it didn't
Viva Pinata: Sim games bore me after a while
See not that hard at all
if no exclusives on the 360 or ps3 interest you, and none of the multiplats that come to those interest you eithher . then what games do you play? seriously, and if they dont interest you why on earth does the wii library interest you
A. I never said that no exclusives or multiplats on 360 and PS3 interest me. I was giving an example of how one could respond to such a list as the one presented by the TC by giving thoughout, reasonable responses other than "All games on XXXX system suck and don't interest me." (This list does reflect how I feel about these particular games)B. Here are the highlights of my Wii collection for me
SMG, SPM, Nights, and Sonic: All of these are great to at least decent platformers, a genre that I love and has way too few quality titles on other systems
Zack & Wiki: I got into the genre on another system and though the point and click and puzzle solving with the Wiimote would be fun
Elebits: Enjoyable unique use of the Wiimote
Warioware, Wii Sports, RRR 1&2, Mario Party 8: All of these utilize the Wiimote for the major gameplay, may not be the best games out there, but are more fun to play than if I was using a standard controller
NMH: I bought this on a lark based on reviews and to see how the Wiimote did. Not usually my type of game but I enjoyed the humor
Zelda, SSBB, MK:Wii- All games I enjoyed in the past and enjoy on the Wii
Again I'm not saying every Wii game is great or that all games on other systems suck. I, unlike some on here realize that people have different tastes. I just wanted to point out how silly it was that most of the people in this thread were doing exactly what the TC was trying to point out. You can not like most Wii games, you can even not like all of them, but just saying "All those games suck!" doesn't tell us anything past the fact that you're most likely a fanboy.
For the record, I have around 30 Wii games, over 70 DS, around 15 PSP, and about 10 360 games. so I am in no way hurting for games that satisfy my desire to play games.
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