Life of the Wii. Hmm. Well, being that its outselling everything lately other than the DS. And most people thought the lack of 3rd party and novelty of the stylus concept would wear off, and look were that got you. Now, the Wii is already at 5 million or so. With titles like Sadness, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil 5, Guitar Hero, Scarface, Dragon Quest Swords, Dragon Quest 9, Necro-Nesia, Mario Party 8, Super Smash Bros. Brawl,Final Fantasy, numerous and potential DS ports, Manhunt 2, Madden, Spider Man 3, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, Devil Kings, all the VC games, the eventual online game play being free of charge and looking like it'll be pretty well done, not great but good. And the broken wrist straps, somehow got it more publicity and got people's attention. To say the Wii failed, as it has the sales in 3 months that it took the 360 6-8 months to achieve, is naive. Naive and afraid of numbers. How 5 million is bigger than the 1.5 million.
As for the Gamecube references, well the Wii doesn't have a gender confused CPU/GPU. (PS3)
Well, if the Wii is 2 or 1.5 times more powerful than the GC, and take Resident Evil 4 which used 80% or so of the GC's power. Times those beautiful graphics by 2 and a half and you have a pretty pretty picture.
And who is to say Nintendo doesn't start releasing games in HD.
Well, I've wasted enough of my time with this moronic thread.
You obviously don't know how to read. Or add.
360 has better graphics but no gameplay difference. The online is better, but its barely next-gen coz the game play experience hasn't changed at all.
PS3 has better graphics but no gameplay difference. In fact its downgraded.
Wii, has slightly better graphics but entirely different online( VC, Weather, News, Chat) and a whole new way to play their games with increased 3rd party support.
Better graphics are a given. 8-bit to 16 to 32 t0 64 to HD.
If it sucks in HD, it sucks in regular.
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