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This is a useless argument without developers telling us what the memory usage of console games are actually like. Textures can be compressed and decompressed on the fly, efficient caching (Like what is being done with the PS3 version of Oblivion) can eliminate any performance bottlenecks associated with accessing the hard drive etc. As long as developers tailor the games to the different architechtures there should be no problems.But even that's not a very good analogy. For one thing, the 7900 has a larger bus. With the narrower bus of the RSX, doing those effects may just tip the scale the wrong way, you know?
It has also been shown that without tiling, the 10MB eDRAM just cannot handle anything over 720p with 2XAA without a performance penalty and if you look at the performance and architechture of a 7900GT (Just a rough estimation of the RSX) you'll find the performance impact of doing the same thing in the framebuffer of the GPU is practically neglible. A2D
This is a useless argument without developers telling us what the memory usage of console games are actually like. Textures can be compressed and decompressed on the fly, efficient caching (Like what is being done with the PS3 version of Oblivion) can eliminate any performance bottlenecks associated with accessing the hard drive etc. As long as developers tailor the games to the different architechtures there should be no problems.similar to the previous post, taking a 7900gt and halving its memory bus (256b -> 128b)... that's called a 7600gt.
It has also been shown that without tiling, the 10MB eDRAM just cannot handle anything over 720p with 2XAA without a performance penalty and if you look at the performance and architechture of a 7900GT (Just a rough estimation of the RSX) you'll find the performance impact of doing the same thing in the framebuffer of the GPU is practically neglible. A2D
This is a useless argument without developers telling us what the memory usage of console games are actually like. Textures can be compressed and decompressed on the fly, efficient caching (Like what is being done with the PS3 version of Oblivion) can eliminate any performance bottlenecks associated with accessing the hard drive etc. As long as developers tailor the games to the different architechtures there should be no problems.
It has also been shown that without tiling, the 10MB eDRAM just cannot handle anything over 720p with 2XAA without a performance penalty and if you look at the performance and architechture of a 7900GT (Just a rough estimation of the RSX) you'll find the performance impact of doing the same thing in the framebuffer of the GPU is practically neglible. A2D
sega said virtua tennis is 1080p native 60 fps with x2 anti aliasing.
RAM doesn't rule everything. I have a gig on my PC and since its only DDR it doesn't really make anything faster or games run any more smoothly. I mean its noticable going from 512MB to 1GB in games like Oblivion. You also have to remember that these consoles ae designed differently, so saying what 360 has to offer is easier to develop for is a dev's opinion and your assumption.
It comes down to what a developer can and can't do. I can easily say PS3 is difficult to develop for if I never put any time into it and just because a game is multiplat doesn't mean the devs are experts at both consoles, some comments by devs prove this.
ram does run everything.
Main System RAM :
Xbox 360 :512 MB GDDR3 RAM (700 MHz), shared with GPU
Memory bandwidth :
22.4 GBps__________
Playstation 3 :256 MB XDR RAM (3.2GHz)
Memory bandwidth :
25.6 GBps
256 mb 128 bit gddr3 @ 650 mhz 20.8 gb bandwidth
256 mb xdr 64 bit @ 3200 mhz 25.6 gb bandwidth
xbox 360
 512 mb 128 bit gddr3 @ 700 mhz 22.4 gb bandwidth unified between gpu/cpu
10 mb edram 256 gb bandwidth
the bandwidth means little when cell is restricted to 256 mb xdr, some games require more main memory than video memory, rsx can access the xdr, but cell cannot access the gddr3 .
overall 512 mb unified less bandwidth is better than less memory and  split system memory more bandwidth.
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