[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]Huh, howzbout letting me in on what were the glitches you encountered and their affect on your game ? :o 2 missions in a row that we've tried to do/complete. the first was simple enough, go fetch 4 blah blah, then return to either claptrap or some other dude-Well we go back and both clap trap and other dude are not there and neither one is able to be found. We actually tried exiting the game and starting it again and still cant find them :| The 2nd glitch is go up to a gate, honk your horn and proceed. Well we honked that muther fvcking horn a hundred times, tried different vehicles and the gate wont open, we finally gave up. Not impressed. Hmm, I know both those missions and just went through them with my main character on the second play through and a new character I just started not too long ago but had no probs but hmm, I dunno if I ever done them with someone on-line.[QUOTE="Heil68"]After experiencing 2 pretty big game glitches in BL2 with The Eroica, I think I'm done with GBX. Trading in BL2 for something that's enjoyable to play. Heil68
Sounds messed up man. :?
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