@charizard1605 said:
@khoofia_pika said:
@charizard1605 said:
@khoofia_pika: I've probably not worded that as well as I could have but what I mean is, Uncharted 4 seems to have this thing where it likes to put you in encounters designed round its mobility or stealth mechanics- which would be wonderful, if the stealth and mobility mechanics in the game were worth a damn, which they are not, and which only makes those encounters more frustrating to me.
The stealth mechanics are pretty rudimentary, yeah, but I thought there was nothing wrong with Drake's mobility. In fact movement in general is smoother and much faster in UC4 than it has ever been in the series. And the stealth thing is only an issue if you let it be. I get that I'm making excuses for the game, but the reason UC4's encounter design is so good is not because of stealth options, but in general because of the much more open ended level design and sense of verticality.
Also, just some of the situations the game puts you in are awesome, much better and much more creative than anything the series has ever done.
When I say mobility based mechanics, I mean the game insists on having drawn out platforming setpieces and moments, when the platforming mechanics in the game are, at best, slightly below average.
Stealth is definitely an issue, like you said, and unfortunately, when the game keeps emphasizing it (and the platforming), I will take issue with it. Uncharted 4 was at its best with its big setpiece moments like the jeep, or when it emphasized its shooting (which is the one thing they nailed).
Collectively, the poorly distributed gameplay encounter (relative to the depth of the mechanics) and the terrible pacing of the game are enough to drag it down for me. It's a good game, it's not even close to a bad game (and anyone who says otherwise has had the good fortune of not actually playing bad games), but it's misguided at best.
The platforming is the best it's ever been in Uncharted. It's not top of the class, sure, but it's at least above average, it works very well most of the times, and the addition of the rope elevates it to another level. You might be conflating UC4 with 2 and 3, because those two (and 1 as well) had serious issues in the platforming area. Most of those issues have been ironed out in UC4. Also when I think of platforming focused sections in Uncharted 4, I think of the set pieces like the clock tower, which was fucking brilliant, so forgive me for disagreeing with you vehemently.
As for the stealth, I mean, sure, it's rudimentary (as I said before), but for what it is, it is serviceable. It works well, it isn't bad. And the game never outright forces you to use stealth, it's always there as an option. I mean, yes, it is emphasized in a couple of encounters, but it is not mandatory, and the encounters where it is emphasized are not the frequent. Compare this with UC2 and 3, which had outright mandatory stealth sections without stealth mechanics (even basic ones), where the game would send you back to the previous checkpoint if your enemies spotted you.
Also, Uncharted 4 had I think one big set piece? The jeep chase? So I'd say it was at its best during its quieter moments, when two characters were interacting with each other. If you talk about gameplay, it was at its best during shootouts, which you said too, so I guess I half agree with you.
I'll give you pacing, I guess. I mean, I personally had no issues with the pacing on both my playthroughs, but I can see why people might not agree with me (and apparently a lot of people don't).
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