If you weren't impressed by the Xbox 360's motion-tracking camera, don't fret, as Microsoft's next-gen Kinect will supposedly blow it out of the water. According to Nick Burton, the technology development head over at Rare Ltd., the Xbox One Kinect has 'ten times the power of its predecessor.' He and his team are currently working on Kinect Sports Rivals, a motion-heavy sports game that takes advantage of the Xbox One's fancy new camera. 'It can register a fingertip from three meters away, a feat that was impossible last generation, and its wider field of tracking means it can register more players and at closer distances,' Burton added. Are you at all excited for the new-and-improved Kinect that must be connected in order to play Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below. I do find the finger detection that close to be interesting. but what really hurts me is that this confirms what game that Rare enjoys KS and will stick with it. Maybe give Banjo to Turn1o or something. Ruffian games?
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