wait a sec you include viva pinata paradise which is basically viva pinata with some additional features and wont include MP Triology which contains 3 but also the remake of 1 and 2 ? also New Player Controll MP 1 and 2 is included in MP Triolgy those games were never released as NPC Mp 1 and 2 outside of japanfarnham
Viva Pinata 2 is universally regarded a full-fledged sequal. Theres a long list of features i can give but i have to go in a bit. Just think of it like SMG to SMG2, same idea but better.
The rest im not going to argue with anymore, i dont want people to think of me as a Retro hater. The bottom line is, Retro have only released one game this gen.
I haven't played PDZ beyond the demo, but I think a lot of people over-exaggerate its "badness."
Its so sad, i don't ive ever seen a greater case of jumping on the hate bandwagon than PDZ. First fact is, its not better than PD64. It never was going to be and every knows this. But the idea that its actually a bad game baffles me.
The game has 32 player multiplayer including many modes including something very similar to left 4 dead. You can have bots to fill in the missing places (useful a.i.) and when a person leaves, they are replaced with bots. You can do this both offline, online and system link. The story mode had full online/offiline co-op with many missions. It had all the amazing gadgets from the first game including jetpacks, something all games are quickly jumping on. Oh and there was also a 1st-person cover mechanic, another thing a certain game seems to have borrowed. I havent played it since 2009 but overall it was an great game and was filled with content.
People saying PDZ is a bad game is the equivelant of someone saying nuts and bolts is crap. Its just absurd. You also have to consider that this released in 2005 and understanding that, its easy to see why Greg thought it deserved AAA. People like to bring up PDZ and compare it to the most recent games and use that as a justification of why it didnt deserve its score. Funny thing is, it still has all these games beat in a straight features list.
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