am seriously loving this game! I played the last 2 on ps3 and enjoyed them but this one is something specail.. and gamespots cons are agian a joke. Bad camera on spherical worlds? The camera has been perfect on every spherical world i've been to... whats' with gs always picking on camera... this isnt' the first time they have said the camera has issues in a game where i haven't seen it at all. Their other flaw - Some invisible walls on platforms, again haven't seen that either.
Then we have GS positives:
- Clank's puzzle portions are outstanding
- Combat is smooth and rewarding
- Lots of cool gadgets and weapons
- Traveling across the universe is really cool
- Tons of worthwhile collectibles
Yet all that and a camera issue that doesn't exist as the negative puts it down to 8.5? lol what? most other review sites have given this game at least a 9.0.. what gs couldn't stray far from their last bad review of this series? giving this a 9.0 would of hurt their 360 fanbase? it seems that gs i more conserned with giving both 360 and ps3 equal AAAe than actaully giving a game a proper score... that's just my opinion, and you can take it or leave it.
What else gets me is the lack of love for this game on SW... it has to get AAAe be even talked about? It's a stellar game and the best platformer on any platform...yes even tops mario galaxy (puts up flame shield for the flaming sheep launch that is immenint with that The spherical worlds and star ship sandboxes are great! There's a ton of Sectors to explore , unlockables, weapons powerups, the platforming is incredible, shooting is addictive, and the graphics are the best i've ever seen in this genre.
You guys need to show this game more love... It saddens me that this will probably be the last ratchet and clank game...let alone the last "HD" non-nintendo platformer... This genre is dying and you folks aren't helping. You would rather be playing a loot whore gun fest of a fake rpg that sucks for single player then a good platformer with a great story and increidble puzzles that make you think. I hope some of you actually bought this game and aren't avoiding it becasue it didn't score AAAE..... Please do yourself a favor and play this... its a blast!
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