Also post your setups...
ok let me explain my setup...
ok so my setup consists of
CONSOLES - in the picture it shows i have a psp,Wii and a ox360 also not included is my nintendo with zelda oot my PS2 with resident evil 4 and my Xbox with black hawkdown did have a GC but it dies R.I.P(you will be missed).
Acceseries and games - Wii - Zelda TP, redsteel, wiisports, wii remote with nunchuck and a 1gb memory card still in its packaging (my wii is very new) Xbox360 - COD3, Halo 2, xboxlive camera, wired pad, wireless pad, 20 gb HDD, Xboxlive, Xboxlivegold account, ipod nano (to play music on xbox) PSP - MetalGearSolid PO, Spiderman 2, 512mb memory card, playgear pocket with FFIIV custom vincent skin, screen protrctor.
And finnaly my HDTV is a 32" LCD Samsung LE26R41BD its a yearold when i bought it it cost me £800
i would rate my setup a 8.5 it will be a 10 when i get a ps3 and a nintendo adaptor for wii live and also a ds lite when zelda phantom hourglass.
P.S. sorry about the picture quality it was taken off my mobil phone. also if you could posibly try to get your name into the picture than would help i know some people use other pictures and pass them off as there own
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