[QUOTE="Darth_DuMas"][QUOTE="KungfuKitten"][QUOTE="BlackIsle_rip"] [QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="BlackIsle_rip"]Your just reassuring my point. You have to learn from the past and move on. KungfuKitten
You don't enslave the zombies, you kill them.That's fine when zombies are green and decayed. You are extremely naive to think that black communities are going to embrace Resident Evil 5 with open arms.
Hey, their loss.
What happened in the past was slavery between very poor people and very vile people. Not between this skin colour and that. That's what the very vile people made of it. It should have zippo to do with this game. But yes i can see it may cause some uproar. If it does, then apparently this issue hasn't been given a proper place yet. Maybe that will finally happen then.
Are you naive, like race isn't an issue naive or are you just talking about RE5.
They were thought of as less thats why they were treated diffierently, 100 million coloured people, thats 70 million black killed and 30 million Indians were left to starve to death (weren't allowed to get on with it and provide for them selves) in the last 200 years because they were considered unimportant.
I think they used a combination of the bible (misinterpreting of certain sections) and Darwins theorys (I think) for this as justification, he specifically tried to prove scientifically that people of colour weren't even the same animals.
Are you really trying to say that there has been no race issue since slavary was abolished? Like people of colour were just playing the race card all this time.
Im not really going to touch on RE5 though because i've already posted about it in the past. I said the games not racist, just certain individuals that may play it.
KungFuKitten I respect you through your past posts and opinions, but I like other people of colour know race is still an issue.
In the UK the BNP grow bigger than ever, Europe, the US... well its definitely an issue. Racism still continues to this day.
I apologise if I misunderstand you, please elaborate on what you mean if I have.
Either way I still respect you.
(Edited out some irrelevant details and tone, I also apologise for any offensive tone of my post, none intended)
I can have a bit awkward ways of thinking because i don't make certain usual connections and tend to make many unusual connections in my mind. Just so You know, if that's the case, that's something i can't help.
Ok, what i wanted to say is that race isn't the issue at all. That's a mentality i just can't agree with. Sure there are people being abused, discriminated all over the place, but not because of a difference in race but because of the people who turn race into an issue.
I don't really know how to explain it, but i'll give it a shot.
It's like someone poor makes plush puppies for a living. Puppies with big noses, but never small noses because he thinks less of them.
Now one day a group of people pass by his store and say: "Good sir, You're doing wrong. Plush puppies are of equal value, big noses or small. They have equal rights to be, so don't discriminate between their noses and sell them regardless. The size of their nose shouldn't matter." The plush puppy creator nods in agreement, as he comes to see his idea to limit his store to big nosed puppies is silly. He tells the crowd to come back tomorrow, and the people move on.
He closes his shop and spends his night creating a beautiful plush puppy with a smaller nose, using his finest materials, and places both puppies on a table near the window for all to see. Since the small nosed puppy cost him more to make, he raises its pricetag by just a tad.
Then the next day the same people come across the same store and they notice a table with two puppies on it, one with a big nose and one with a small nose. The sight of it all infuriates them, and they shout in choir: "How can You sell a small nosed puppy for more than a big nosed puppy? This insinuates a difference between the value of a big and small nosed puppy!".
The shopkeeper goes emo in frustration.
It's very hard for me to explain but maybe You can understand the frustration that i feel as well. It wasn't something discriminating if the people didn't care about their nose. But they did, in an attempt to stop people to care about their nose. That's just silly. I really think it would have been for the best if people didn't make a fuss about what races appear in RE5. Maybe i'm wrong in that.Oh no I understand, like this is only a thing because people have turned it into a thing a bit like video game violence. Sorry I get you now :)
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