Resident Mama:Cooking for Zombies
The ultimate mini game collection
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I don't care. I'm getting it on 360. Doesn't matter what you fanboys say, it will look considerably better in HD and horror games rely on graphcis more than other genres. Also you speak like you only own a wii, how pathetic to want a wii version of RE5 if you own a 360/PS3.Kratos_OMEGA
I am an RE fan and I own all three systems. I even played the RE remake on the ds. I would like RE 5 on the wii and then whatever system it is rated better on between the 360 and ps3.
i really enjoyed the shooting mechanics in the RE4 wiiport. i can see a few places the controls could be approved upon and RE 5 would be a great game to improve those mechanics they used in RE 4.
Let it come. You won't nearly get the same experiance on the Wii as you will with the PS3 and 360 version.Wasdie
Resident Mama:Cooking for Zombies
The ultimate mini game collection
am i the only one that thinksa RE mini gam collection would actually be tons of fun? It could be like the first rayman but you get to smash zombies heads and pop off there body parts. a gory humorous blast!
the graphics would take the hit. really bad. but they would have to cut the number of zombies on screen, RE5 is about the number of zombies at one time and there speed and AI. THE WII CANNOT DO THIS. IT DOESNT HAVE THE CPU POWER. ive played RE4 on the wii and will admit that the control was great. but it felt just as good on the cube and PS2. why would you want a washed out port? if you think far cry, splinter cell,and COD4 was bad, a resident evil 5 port would be a joke. nintendo already said the wii is only a little more powerful then the cube (and i think they mean in its online and features, not graphics and physics). i think you will get chronicles 2 instead.prodiqy32you are so misinformed.
Wii cant handle RE5 graphics!!!!!!!!!!!!.... See my sig and notice I own a wii, and know a thing or two about 3D rendering...etc
The Main problem is, the wii cannot handle the high polygon count from the characters and environtments modeled for a 360 or PS3 game like RE5. Also the shaders are far, far too advaced for wii, not to mention texture resolution, physics, Global illumination...the list goes on and on. People need to realize that Capcom would essentially have to build RE5 from the ground up just to make it work on the wii, and then it still wouldnt be the same game. They will be better to use resources to make a wii specific RE game.
I think it absolutely should come out for Wii. Just downgrade the graphics. I'm sure the game runs on pretty much the same engine as RE4 and all they did was amp up the graphics.
Having said that, and owning a Wii, by the time RE5 comes out I will probably have bought my second console anyway.
It's actually hard. Downgrading a game that much and then optimizing it for Wii is hard.
[QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the graphics would take the hit. really bad. but they would have to cut the number of zombies on screen, RE5 is about the number of zombies at one time and there speed and AI. THE WII CANNOT DO THIS. IT DOESNT HAVE THE CPU POWER. ive played RE4 on the wii and will admit that the control was great. but it felt just as good on the cube and PS2. why would you want a washed out port? if you think far cry, splinter cell,and COD4 was bad, a resident evil 5 port would be a joke. nintendo already said the wii is only a little more powerful then the cube (and i think they mean in its online and features, not graphics and physics). i think you will get chronicles 2 instead.nintendo-4lifeyou are so misinformed. ok. but i guess we will find out.
[QUOTE="Wasdie"]Let it come. You won't nearly get the same experiance on the Wii as you will with the PS3 and 360 version.KungfuKitten
[QUOTE="Huff"]Resident Mama:Cooking for Zombies
The ultimate mini game collection
am i the only one that thinksa RE mini gam collection would actually be tons of fun? It could be like the first rayman but you get to smash zombies heads and pop off there body parts. a gory humorous blast!
that would be pretty fun having mini games like cut the right body part off with a swordRE5 will be a DISGUSTING JOKE for Wii.......the same reason if GTA 4 (hypothetically) comes out for the Wii :lol:
Who in hell is even going to care if the BETTER VERSIONS are out for 360, PS3?
Maybe desperate Sheep :lol:
Enjoy your watered down version. z_gaming_masterone could argue that the other versions would be watered down due to controls (or lack of accurate controls)
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Enjoy your watered down version. out0v0rderone could argue that the other versions would be watered down due to controls (or lack of accurate controls)
wii version: less enemies on screen, possible frame rate issues, certain gameplay features only possible with the ps3 and 360's power, possible (or worse) controls
wow, i wonder which ones more watered down? :roll:
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Enjoy your watered down version. out0v0rderone could argue that the other versions would be watered down due to controls (or lack of accurate controls) that is desperation talking. you know as well as we do that the control of resident evil 4 was just as good. dont play dumb.
Why would you want to play a version that would have to be completely butchered just to run?
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Enjoy your watered down version. out0v0rderone could argue that the other versions would be watered down due to controls (or lack of accurate controls)
The only thing the Wii version did for Resi 4 was dumb it down to noob levels of skill and take away some weapon balancing. Give me the Cube version any day.
I agree. a downgraded version could be possible. I think (but not completely sure) that capcom said they will make a wii version of RE5 if 4 and UC sell wellBuryMe
A rep told the guy running the petition that.
In fact, this post needs a link to the petition. Get on that TC.
the graphics would take the hit. really bad. but they would have to cut the number of zombies on screen, RE5 is about the number of zombies at one time and there speed and AI. THE WII CANNOT DO THIS. IT DOESNT HAVE THE CPU POWER.prodiqy32Yet it could handle RE4, with similar amounts of zombies on the screen, also moving at fast speeds... I doubt that the zombies in RE5 will have significantly improved AI from the zombies in RE4, considering that they're zombies and thus highly-developed AI is both out of character and unnecessary for gameplay.
[QUOTE="BuryMe"]I agree. a downgraded version could be possible. I think (but not completely sure) that capcom said they will make a wii version of RE5 if 4 and UC sell wellZenfoldor
A rep told the guy running the petition that.
In fact, this post needs a link to the petition. Get on that TC. Done.32,177 signatures.[QUOTE="Zenfoldor"][QUOTE="BuryMe"]I agree. a downgraded version could be possible. I think (but not completely sure) that capcom said they will make a wii version of RE5 if 4 and UC sell wellGreyhound222
A rep told the guy running the petition that.
In fact, this post needs a link to the petition. Get on that TC. Done.32,177 signatures.and wonder if people realize these don't work >_>
Wii cant handle RE5 graphics!!!!!!!!!!!!.... See my sig and notice I own a wii, and know a thing or two about 3D rendering...etc
The Main problem is, the wii cannot handle the high polygon count from the characters and environtments modeled for a 360 or PS3 game like RE5. Also the shaders are far, far too advaced for wii, not to mention texture resolution, physics, Global illumination...the list goes on and on. People need to realize that Capcom would essentially have to build RE5 from the ground up just to make it work on the wii, and then it still wouldnt be the same game. They will be better to use resources to make a wii specific RE game.
Or they could simply retool the RE4 engine and build the game around that. Very little of what you mentioned actually effects the gameplay. And if RE4 can run of the cube's measly 24 MB of ram and 400 some MHz CPU, they have much more room to add AI, enemies on screen, etc.
Actually RE4 has sold 1.32 million on Wii and RE UC will be selling one million.
If they ignore Wii as a multiplatform option they are probaably cutting out a huge fraction of their sales.
For all those saying the wii couldn't run it all it would take is a slightly different version that returns to the series roots and away from the RE4 path which would make many RE fanboys happy.grapefruit21
let's not turn this into a "old RE fans hating RE4 because it was different debate" thread
[QUOTE="grapefruit21"]For all those saying the wii couldn't run it all it would take is a slightly different version that returns to the series roots and away from the RE4 path which would make many RE fanboys happy.Sonick54
let's not turn this into a "old RE fans hating RE4 because it was different debate" thread
I prefer RE4 I was just throwing the possibility out there.[QUOTE="Sonick54"][QUOTE="grapefruit21"]For all those saying the wii couldn't run it all it would take is a slightly different version that returns to the series roots and away from the RE4 path which would make many RE fanboys happy.grapefruit21
let's not turn this into a "old RE fans hating RE4 because it was different debate" thread
I prefer RE4 I was just throwing the possibility out there.oh, carry on then :P
Capcom have mentioned they haven't totally disregarded the option of making Resident Evil 5 for the Wii, aside the already announced PS3 and 360 versions. Eventhough we won't be seeing the game for another year or so, I still don't understand what reason Capcom has for not immediately making it for the Wii as well. Sure, the Wii version would be different to the PS360 one because of the big graphical differences and whatnot, but it can't be that much of a hastle right? But, that's not the main point.Resident Evil 5 on Wii is a hard task to do as the coding for it and the hadware power available means that you would have to make a completely different game. Also, 1.3 million out of over 22 million Wii users. Woohoo big deal. That's only like 5% of the Wii owners.
RE4 has sold around 1.3 million copies and is currently the best selling Wii game that isn't made by Nintendo, unless you count Mario & Sonic Olympics which was mainly Sega. Then there's RE: Umbrella Chronicles with around 700k, which eventhough doesn't seem like that much, you have to remember that the game was only released 2 months ago. This clearly shows that the Resident Evil fanbase on the Wii is respectable, so doubts about RE5 selling on the Wii should be thrown off a cliff. Not only that, but the Gamecube had quite a few games in the series, so if the trend continues with Nintendo consoles and its fans it would work for the Wii.
Now now, cows, lemmings and other forms of Wii haters, don't give me the "The Wii can't handle the graphics that RE5 will have on PS360" argument. You have to live with the fact that some Resident Evil fans out there with the Wii Edition prefer the benefits of gameplay with the Wii Remote rather than cutting edge graphics. If it does take a little more time to customize RE5 for the Wii then so be it. We'll be waiting.
:lol: I almost let the topic turn into a "Cow: Just wait!" or a lemming and their MGS4 port rumours, but yeah you get what I mean.Erebyssial
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Enjoy your watered down version. Erebyssial
I don't play graphics, so I sure would.
Its not just the "graphics" that would get severely downgraded. It couldn't handle the phsyics either. It wont be able to have all the stuff going on screenthat the 360 and PS3 versions have. It will be a totally downgraded experience any way you look at it. But you can be in denial all want and like "teh Wiimote" will make up for everything.
RE games are survival horror. .. so why would you want an uglyer game when the point of it is to try to feel some what scary. ill give you an example. RE 1,2,3 are on the PS1, there was a game i think called RE surviver also on the ps1, it was a Fps. it was bad, that would be the case if wii got re5[QUOTE="Erebyssial"][QUOTE="samusarmada"]i wouldnt want them to ruin the game by doing a run down port.iamshivy
How is it ruining a game, honestly. If a Wii version of a game looks worse, how does that effect the other consoles it's on?
I meant how would the making of a Wii version effect the PS360 version. They wouldn't change the PS360 version to fit with the Wii so I don't see any problems.
[QUOTE="Zenfoldor"][QUOTE="BuryMe"]I agree. a downgraded version could be possible. I think (but not completely sure) that capcom said they will make a wii version of RE5 if 4 and UC sell wellGreyhound222
A rep told the guy running the petition that.
In fact, this post needs a link to the petition. Get on that TC. Done.32,177 signatures.Yeah, and I remember hearing that Capcom would at the least highly consider porting it to the Wii if it got 25 000 signs.
[QUOTE="Erebyssial"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Enjoy your watered down version. EnergyAbsorber
I don't play graphics, so I sure would.
Its not just the "graphics" that would get severely downgraded. It couldn't handle the phsyics either. It wont be able to have all the stuff going on screenthat the 360 and PS3 versions have. It will be a totally downgraded experience any way you look at it. But you can be in denial all want and like "teh Wiimote" will make up for everything.
I know it's not only the graphics. As I said before, I'm well aware the PS360 version of the game will be superior. But being a crappier version isn't the point, Wii-only owners who are RE fans won't care about the watered down features enough to make the game feel like an absolute joke.
[QUOTE="EnergyAbsorber"][QUOTE="Erebyssial"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Enjoy your watered down version. Erebyssial
I don't play graphics, so I sure would.
Its not just the "graphics" that would get severely downgraded. It couldn't handle the phsyics either. It wont be able to have all the stuff going on screenthat the 360 and PS3 versions have. It will be a totally downgraded experience any way you look at it. But you can be in denial all want and like "teh Wiimote" will make up for everything.
I know it's not only the graphics. As I said before, I'm well aware the PS360 version of the game will be superior. But being a crappier version isn't the point, Wii-only owners who are RE fans won't care about the watered down features enough to make the game feel like an absolute joke.
well they should care because you'll be sending the message that wii owners love more ports.
Resident Evil 5 on Wii is a hard task to do as the coding for it and the hadware power available means that you would have to make a completely different game. Also, 1.3 million out of over 22 million Wii users. Woohoo big deal. That's only like 5% of the Wii owners.AIH_PSP
The portion of Wii owners that have the game doesn't mean anything. It's the amount sold that counts, anything that sells over 1 million copies is a success in terms of making money.
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