[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"]Sadly, you are not that gamer.What if gamers are NOT fanboys, and get the BEST there is for their gaming needs ?
And how do you know ? Are you 100% sure that if PS3 would ever get a game looking like Fable 2 or Mass Effect or Lost ODyssey or Bioshock i would not buy one the moment those were released ?
Are you 100% sure i will not get a PS3 when FF13 is definatly confirmed not for 360 and the game is out ?
How are you so sure, when i have ALL console bar PS3 ? And when i say ALL i mean ALL, bar PS1 that i sold, since i could play all games on my PS2
What i am mostly mad about with PS3 is that had the nerve to make a 600$ console, with no FF13 in 2007 in US, garabge graphics comparing to the vastly better in textures/shaders 360, and in general make that disastewr in all areas called PS3 a huge gaming failure, just to promote ... the god damn BLUE RAY crap
Am i clear ? IF PS3 released without blue ray CRAP, and had a 8600GT inside, ans 1GB ram, i would pay up to 700$ to get my hands on it, and play Crysis in it too !!!
Now, why the HELL PS3 is what it is, is beyond me, do not expect me to buy one for no GOOD reason though, and stop bashing it for what it is, a machine that SHOULD not in any way cost 600$ but 400$ max
Wow you do seem to be upset over this. You should settle down a little. I am however 100% sure you are a console fanboy though.Wrong again, i am "get what has the best price/games ratio available" with an emphasis in game, that is all. Eventually i plan to get a PS3 in 400$, BUT now that is 600$ i will have to wait for either a price drop OR FF13 is out, and i plan on a pc in late 2008, with the best of DX10 card and play Crysis in 200fps, and ALL games coming to pc, the ones that will CLEARLY look vastly better than what 360 does NOW, unlike games like Bioshock, Alan Wake etc that the 360 version will look about same with PC
Then why did you troll on the PC forums and post in the thread with all of the 2007 games listed and saying that all of those games suck and posting a list of console games that are "better"?That is EXACTLY why i will not get a pc now, because console games NOW, look FAAAAAAR more impressive than all those mediocre looking pc games listed, bar Crysis and maybe Dragon Age, those are the only pc games to stand out for now, in 2008-2009 though, that DX10 will become common case, and games will surpass Alan Wake, Fable 2 visuals by far, THEN and only then a PC will be a must have
Is that enough for my motives for now ? I will not just move to DX10 for ... Crysis, if it was 3-4 RPG's with such graphics though, i would have a PC in an instant
BTW the PC forum trolling was not intented, i was linked to that thread by a ssystem wars one, and thought i was still in system wars, clear now ?
So basically you are a graphics whore. Thanks for the info. BTW, what is the point in bashing the PC now, if you know it is going to be better in the end...same can be said about the PS3.
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