[QUOTE="lesner87"][QUOTE="angelkimne"]Well if you don't think even one of these are main exclusives.... : Ninja Gaiden 2 Not important 8.0 title only . remind me again how many games on ps3 are rated over 8/10 ??
Dead or Alive 4 Nothing to miss out on , - the game got 8.8, there is only one ps3 exclusive which has scored higher
Forza Motorsport 2 Nothing special (Grand Turismo is better,Grid is also good)-Forza 2 got higher ratings than 4 of the 5 gt games released
Project Gotham Ravcing 3 & 4 Again nothing special - PGR3 got 8.8 which only one ps3 game has bested, and pgr4 is better than any driving game on the ps3 by a mile.
Amped 3 What AMPED ? Seriously AMPED ? - better than any snowboarding game on the ps3
Ace Combat 6 Again nothing special - the game got 8.5 there are 2 ps3 games which have scored higher.
Blue Dragon HAHHA LMFAO are you kidding me ? A 6.0 GAME ? - its an rpg, something which ps fans would love to have in thier libraries
Lost Odyssey Nothing to miss out on only 7.5- yet again something ps3 owners would love to have
Perfect Dark Zero Yes something good.Count that 1 -
Banjo ok count that in 2
Kameo What ? i think you forgot to read the word "important" - best platformer this gen only one ps3 game has scored higher
Lips Nothing special as of yet - thats funny to hear from a cow, all you guys talk about is games in the distance
Scene It Nothing special 7.5 - The same score as the ps3 equivilant
Infinite Undiscovery hahaha 6.5 game important ? come on man ! - another game most ps3 rpg fans would buy
Saints Row NOT EXCLUSIVE, really? where does your information come from?
Too Human Again please be serious understand my posts and than reply.I wrote IMPORTANT EXCLUSIVES that would be worth buying both the consoles.5.5 game worth buying Xbox ? ok im with you on this one, i thought the game was a bit dull
Halo 3 & Gears 2
For both Halo and Gears we all know that they will come to PCs sooner or later.Most of the people over here with UNBIASED views will Agree with me :) . -its already been said that it wont happen, if it does it wont be for at least another 2 years, big woop.
And I say Halo 3 & Gears 2 because you stated it as out right fact, which means either you don't think either of them are 'Major Exclusives' or you have total proof both will go too PC.
So that makes it a total of 3-4 titles ? 2 of them will most probably appear on PC.But still 200$ isnt much.Still my point proved.Much will be missed out if you dont own a PS3 rather than a 360.
Live a little and think for yourself sometime. You'll might find yourself pleasantly surprised.
You can bash Too Human all you want, but I beat that games 3 times already, It's more than justified the cost of buying it.
You have never played a 360 therefore you have no idea what the games are like, as is reflected in your post
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