So let me start with all the reasons why I personally I think that COD is the best franchise, with the best sales numbers and most popularity in this game.
- Fast-Paced, Easy to get into the game
A lot of games are that.
- Addicting with a lot of unlocks
Addiction is an opinion, a lot of multiplayer games have unlockables.
- Very in-depth customizing
There's a lot of customisables, but I wouldn't say it's 'in-depth' because it's mostly just aesthetics....
- Runs at 60fps at all time
It runs at 60fps because the engine is really old.
Lolwut? Get over yourself, they are very basic.
- Very innovative, just take a look at how COD4 has changed from COD3 and how MW2 changed from COD4
"How MW2 changed from CoD4" Lol. Ok, if you say so!!!
- AC-130 - Nuff Said, You don't have no AC-130s in BFs
You are justifying why CoD is the best franchise and this is one of your points? AC-130 is only even in MW2 and MW3, and those two games are one of the worst CoD games, and worst games ever.
- You have to actually earn your vehicles unlike BF they spawn in your base
1) Your vehicles get shot down in CoD as soon as they enter the airspace.
2) I bet you also think it's cheap that the army in real life has vehicles that are in their base, and the soldiers don't actually try and get 10 360 spin no scope killstreak to earn the right to pilot/ride in a vehicle?
- Very fresh, they get DLCs added every month now. BF hasn't even got a map pack since B2K expansion
DLC is a plague to the industry. But if you enjoy paying extra for maps they cut off prior to release, then good for you.
- Very Good Campaign, best story and ending. Very dramatic
No, just no. It's not the best... Have you played any game other than CoD to realize this? Ok, Treyarch's CoDs had decent campaign, but it's not the 'best'. as for Modern Warfare, is just stupid. That's all I can say for MW.
- Addicting Co-op mode like spec ops
Opinion. Spec Ops is a good idea but they end up just tacking it on, it isn't great.
As much as I enjoyed Black Ops and WaW, Zombies sucks hard. No incentive to go back and do it again because you will lose. It is impossible to win. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E So why bother? There is no final wave or anything, it's stupid. Play Undead Nightmare, now that's a zombie game.
So basically, CoD is the best franchise because opinions and you haven't played any other games in your lifetime besides CoD to account for a better game.
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