[QUOTE="Silvereign"][QUOTE="njo"]your right the 360 fails unlike sony who
1)has 1 or 2 great games in thier library Temporary
2)system overheats after 5min of playing a blu ray movie on ocasion :roll: Lemmings are the last one to talk about hardware problems
3)whose expensive technology was forced on a consumer who might not need it We will need it
4)who said that the cgi trailers at e3 were real All companies lie and boast at some point in this generation
5)who compared the ps3 to a fine dinner and said that the ps3 was shooting for the sun What?
6)who said the ps3 was too cheap Because its worth 800$ plus
7)who's losing alot of exclusives to microsoft Vice versa Oblivion, Saint's Row 2 anyone?
8)who's online is free but not together as of now Your scared of Home admit it
9) who's system is way to expensive for the child to teen market that the system is usually ment for It's 2007 Video games are not mainly for children It's aged at out age group. Well mine at the least.
10)who's system has sold the least out of everyone The 360 isn't selling well. Only the wii is.
1)i never said they were never going to get more great games You were stating the here and now which Im telling you is not going to be like that.
2)i know its fun to say lemmings like a little kid to feel better. but yes the 360 has some harware issues too, and i didnt say that they dont It's more then some....:| Those hardware issues is making me wait on the purchase of my 360.
3)not everyone need what you need, having a lower cost system and giving the consumer options is actualy a good thing
You think Nintendo made a cheap system for you???? Theycan't compete with Sony and Microsoft in the same department.
4)im almost positive nintendo and microsoft havent said and showed as much false information as sony, maybe not even at all
Doesn't matter they still have.
5)those quotes are from former president ken kutagari what?
6)600$ isnt cheap and saying it is sounds very stupid even though you are right about it costing sony 800$+ to make
It's not cheap but your getting more value for your dollar.
7)oblivion was never exclusive in the first place, about saints row, i dont know if they said they were exclusive to thr 360
The point is 360 will be sharing alot more games with the PS3 and PS3 will be sharing alot more games with the 360
8)no i just like a cohesive online where i can see what my friends are doing at anytime and join them and have it all work funtionally and have it ready for launch and beyond
So you will like Home then
9)i said usually, videogames have alway been marketed for the younger crowd, that being said adults like it too and i never said they didnt
10) #1nintendo ds #2wii #360 #4ps3
I'm pretty sure PS3 is selling well with no games and a 600$ price tag.
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