My 2nd Xbox 360 just RRoD'd for the 2nd time. No, I'm not saying this is my 2nd RRoD, I'm saying that I own 2 Xbox 360's, and #2 just RRoD'd after coming back from repair less than 3 months after going in.
Let me give you all a little bit of background on this:
I purchased an Xbox 360 Pro at launch. It lasted about a year until I got my first RRoD on it. Instead of waiting for Microsoft to repair it, I bought a 2nd Xbox 360 (Core) to use in the mean time. Well, because I only need 1 Xbox 360 at a time, when I got my Pro system back, I put the Core system away. So about a year ago, my Pro system starts getting disk read errors. So I switch back to my core system and keep playing. Unfortunately, my core system starts freezing up on me. Because it wasn't giving me RRoD (it was freezing, i.e. going to RRoD soon) Microsoft made me pay $100 to get it repaired since it was out of warranty (the 3 years apparently ONLY covers RRoD). So fine, they charge me $100, and that was like 3 months ago. Well today, it started locking up on Gears of War. About 30 minutes later, I get the RRoD.
So now, after buying 2 Xbox 360's, after getting each repaired once, having to pay $100 for one of those repairs, I now again have 2 broken Xbox 360's. I'm so pissed off right now. I love the Xbox 360 but Microsoft has not done right by me. So I'm sorry but I have to let you all know that if you are thinking of buying one of these $299 360's, I would say don't waste your money.
Whats ironic is that a few hours ago I made a thread telling people if they don't have a 360 already, they need to get one at that price. Sorry to say, after Microsoft's utter inability to provide their loyal customers with reliable hardware, I cannot make that recommendation in the least.
Microsoft, if you're reading this, you need to wake up. I have doubts that I'll ever buy another Microsoft console again.
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