[QUOTE="accameron"]Sorry, I posted this in another thread, but I felt that it was valid enough for a new thread to be made about this. The whole "10 year lifespan" claim is the biggest bunch of bullcrap propaganda. Did the PS1 really still have legitimate games made for it 10 years after it first came out? No. Will the PS2? No. New consoles are released about every 5 years or so, and there is a little overlap between the old and new generations (as seen with PS2 and PS3 right now). This is further exacerbated by backwards compatibility. Otherwise, the real "lifespan" of any system is at best 5-6 years, and that is if you buy it at launch.
PS3 claiming a "10 year lifespan" is untrue propaganda, plain and simple. That for some reason is spouted off over and over by rabid, mouth-breathing PS3 fanboys.
First of all, you have proven how ignorant and prejudiced you are when it comes to gaming and Sony.
1) Nobody ever claimed the PS1 or PS2 had or would have a 10 year lifespan. So to act like because those consoles didn't it makes SOny's PS3 claims "bullcrap propaganda" is a lie.
2) THe PS2 was released in 2000. That meant it has already been out for over7 years in Japan and almost 7 years in NA. there are still games coming out for it and beign made because people are still buying the console and it has the largest user base. So your claim that new consoles come out every 5 years is pointless and totally meaningless. ESPECIALLY considering the PS3 came out more than 6 years (almost 7 if you consider PS2 japanese launch) after the PS2.
3) Your claim that the consoles life isn't really that long because overlap and backwards compatibility shouldn't count is so ridiculous and idiotic it is borderline offensive. Frankly, it seems to me your thread is more guilty of lies and propaganda than you accuse of Sony.
1. The "bullcrap propaganda" is what Sony is spouting off about the PS3. We have all heard it, don't try to deny that.
2. Consoles DO come out every 5-6 years. Face the facts. Yes, games are still being made for the PS2, since there are like 100 million of them still out there. Unless Sony makes some serious moves SOON with pricing and games, there will be nowhere near 100 million PS3s, or even a quarter of that. You can bet if that happens, that in 5-6 years when the PS4 comes out, support for the PS3 will not be as good as it is now for the PS2. ECONOMICS. And I don't expect to see many more games coming out for the PS2 next year, at least ones worthwhile.
3. You are offended because I said that there is an overlap between game generations? Sorry dood. Console lives really aren't that long, due to backwards compatibility. I said it. I have not lied a single time in any of my posts.
Face it, Sony is the king of idiotic propaganda (how many moronic things have Sony said in the last year or two regarding the PS3? Want me to find some good quotes?? How could you possibly defend a company that makes such crazy claims and boasts? ). And for some reason, mouth-breathing sony loyalists seem to eat it all up, despite the ridiculousness of it all.
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