[QUOTE="Nirron"][QUOTE="Fizzman"]dev's do get it, but whats the point of putting games with violence, and other mature oriented themes on a system where only 80 year old grandpas, and soccermoms play.osan0
What's the point of putting colorful, artistic games like de Blob, Valkyria Chronicles, and Viva Pinata on a system where only latchkey teenagers with too much adrenaline and moronic frat boys want to kill things? See, I can play the system stereotype game too! I do feel dirty now typing something that narrow minded.
I do wonder if Reggie along with the rest of Nintendo have considered, oh, I don't know, reaching out to a few third party developers about using the system? Perhaps helping them along with concepts? They have great first party games, and quite a few gems in the third party department, but it could be so much better.
Why should they do that? nintendo have already provided templates to demonstrate how to do alot fo things on wii, from a FPS to a golf game. they did it with their own games. they have shown that a) its doable B) it works well when done right and C) theres nothing wrong with the wii thats stopping them from doing it. what more can they do? make the game for them? hell last gen they even gave some 3rd parties access to their own IPs and they just mucked em up mostly (starfox adventures especially was masaquered last gen...howevert fzero GX was ace...sega really delivered with that).
i agree with reggie on this one. there not making wii games..there making 360 and PS3 games and trying to clobber that design philosophy onto the wii. its like trying to make a PS3 game run on a 360 without properly porting it..the game will fall apart. 3rd parties have failed to learn that it wont work, it doesent work and it will never work. the game just falls to pieces, every time, without fail.
but, and heres the really sad thing, devs have completly missed the platform where its design philosophies will fit...mostly. afterall 3rd parties wouldnt want to get the leg out and start building new ideas from scratch now would they? cant go makign a new rule book of game design..thats silly talk. but yeah. the PC. a RTS. DUH! u dont necessarily need the latest and greatest tech for a RTS. a game like warcraft 3 would be great on the wii. i am astonished that not a single dev has even tried to make a RTS on the wii...really i *face palm* when i think of it. basic common sense. there finally makign some point and click adventure games...finally. not rocket science. what about a game like freelancer. could use the wiimote and nunchuck to great effect and provide more depth than most next gen games can dream of.
really...3rd parties are just shocking with not just their complete lack of imagination (all platoforms have that problem) but their complete lack of just thinking something through on wii. there asking all the wrong questions like "how do i make this game work on wii?". they should be asking "what would work on wii?".
ninty cant be held responsibe for that just like MS or sony cant be help responsible for 3rd parties going multiplat and exclusives going out the window. its not something they can control.
I actually had no idea they had provided templates and what not. I already somewhat retracted my statement when zhengi corrected me, but thanks for completely obliterating my doubt. I actually agree with what you wrote; well formed comparison of what's been wrong with developers on the Wii. Said it better than Reggie did in his comments
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