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If I recall correctly, the third-party devs were like all over the Wii as well during the release hype it had right? But when games were released from them, we got half-assed games/terrible ports that were also barley advertised and then when they sold like crap the second time around, threw it in our faces that it was the reason they don't like making third-party games on a Nintendo console and etc? I'm worried that this might happen again if the Wii-U doesn't match or fall just a little short of the power Nextbox/PS4 have once we see them. This can make the difference between them being the PS2 of next-gen or another Wii repeat.
I really hope they get it right this time.
One concern of mine is that with the new direction of the tablet controller, is Nintendo abandoning motion controls altogether? I've heard that the Wii-U will support both, but how is it possible for devs to develop control schemes that are going to be radically different, without the motion type being compete WAGGLE?MLBknights58The tablet is a motion controller as well lol
[QUOTE="MLBknights58"]One concern of mine is that with the new direction of the tablet controller, is Nintendo abandoning motion controls altogether? I've heard that the Wii-U will support both, but how is it possible for devs to develop control schemes that are going to be radically different, without the motion type being compete WAGGLE?ShadowDeathXThe tablet is a motion controller as well lol How in the hell? 1:1 Sword control using a tablet controller.. ? I don't think so.
[QUOTE="ShadowDeathX"][QUOTE="MLBknights58"]One concern of mine is that with the new direction of the tablet controller, is Nintendo abandoning motion controls altogether? I've heard that the Wii-U will support both, but how is it possible for devs to develop control schemes that are going to be radically different, without the motion type being compete WAGGLE?MLBknights58The tablet is a motion controller as well lol How in the hell? 1:1 Sword control using a tablet controller.. ? I don't think so. Not that kind of motion, lol. Sort of like a panoramic motion. Remember that e3 tech demo, I think it was called shield pose ( not sure) where the player had arrows coming towards him in a 3D space separate from the TV, and he had to rotate the controller to see that space through the wii u screen? It seems like a cool feature to have.
[QUOTE="MLBknights58"][QUOTE="ShadowDeathX"] The tablet is a motion controller as well lolD4W1L4HHow in the hell? 1:1 Sword control using a tablet controller.. ? I don't think so. Not that kind of motion, lol. Sort of like a panoramic motion. Remember that e3 tech demo, I think it was called shield pose ( not sure) where the player had arrows coming towards him in a 3D space separate from the TV, and he had to rotate the controller to see that space through the wii u screen? It seems like a cool feature to have.
its called arrow to the knee pose
Not that kind of motion, lol. Sort of like a panoramic motion. Remember that e3 tech demo, I think it was called shield pose ( not sure) where the player had arrows coming towards him in a 3D space separate from the TV, and he had to rotate the controller to see that space through the wii u screen? It seems like a cool feature to have.[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"][QUOTE="MLBknights58"] How in the hell? 1:1 Sword control using a tablet controller.. ? I don't think so.NJGIANTSNY
its called arrow to the knee pose
And the PS4 and Xbox 720 will be obsolete upon launch, or even before, by PC hardware, your point?The console will be obsolete when the PS4 and Xbox 720 hit the shelves.
So far, everything Ive heard about Wii-U has had me convinced that this will be the first next gen console I get. Of course, I'll wait and see what Sony, Microsoft (and Apple :O) have to offer. All Nintendo needs to do to win me over, is get a good online and good third party support. For me, it was the lack of third party that destroyed the Wii. The libray is very weak. Alright, friend-codes = no. Especially if they really are trying to win their old hardcore players, like myself, back. This is the one thing that has me worried about the Wii-U. Will they get it right? I mean c'mon, they restrict the internet to much. On the Wii its like playing against mindless people with no name. No leader-board no nothing. No way to chat with friends (infact you had to add each friend seperately for each game) And Super Smash Bros Brawl was a huge disappointment. The main reason I upgraded from Melee, was for the online. But it turned out to be a laggy, piece of 1/4 done crap. It can't be that hard to give us a decent online, if they really want to win us over they need to look at xbox's online. See what makes it so popular. Be "inspired" by it and "borrow" it. (Except for the pay-for-part xD)
The tablet doesnt sound half as bad as everyone here makes it out to be. It sounds awesome to use, I reckon. It is exciting to see how developers will make use of it. Oh and someone asked how it could be a motion-control device? It works the same way as 3DS's motion controls. You can steer with it, you can hold it up and aim a bow etc. I think I saw a video where he'd put the tablet down on the ground, and the ball would appear on it. (This is golf) and used the wii-mote to swing.
[QUOTE="WiiMan21"]How so?The console will be obsolete when the PS4 and Xbox 720 hit the shelves.
the great herd movement of course....
in a time long long ago the Wii was crazied by kids, soccor moms, n grampa grandma but soon after flinging Wii motes at each other knocking some sense into them they come to realize the PS3 XBOX 360 was the way to go.
You know the saying the grass is always greener on the other side so during the sleeping movement sheep hopped over the fence to experience gaming bliss
the end
I think they learned with the Wii that they don;t need HD at all. All it needs are great games, and that is a guarantee with Nintendo.meetroid8they didn't become dominant like the ps2 though and that's probably because they could not get third parties on board. The controls were not what they were used to developing for and the SD visuals became worse and worse as HDTVs gained popularity. Also the hardware was not good enough, and at the very least the WiiU will have a couple of years of hardware equality, and if they are smart (and if the rumors are true that the WiiU will be expensive at first) then maybe Nintendo will have better hardware than the wii in comparison with it's generational peers.
One concern of mine is that with the new direction of the tablet controller, is Nintendo abandoning motion controls altogether? I've heard that the Wii-U will support both, but how is it possible for devs to develop control schemes that are going to be radically different, without the motion type being compete WAGGLE?MLBknights58
The gaming industry minus Nintendo is lazy in implementing good motion controls. You can take a quick look at the 3rd party titles on the Wii for reference.
Its no wonder Ninty is scrapping it.
I read that quote in reggie's voice lol. Seriously, if I could get a console with the same 3rd party as MS and Sony with Nintendo's first party games I would buy that it in a heart beat. I really hope the Wii U is that console.hummer700
Same here. All Wii U need is the following: a excellent library of 3rd party support for hardcore/casual audience, a much much better online structure w/o those darn friend codes, special features like backward compatability, app store, net flix, etc., and finally, really creative uses of the tablet. These are like a must have for it to become pretty damn successful. Oh and let's not forget, a strong launch lineup and everything ready to go Day 1.
[QUOTE="MLBknights58"]One concern of mine is that with the new direction of the tablet controller, is Nintendo abandoning motion controls altogether? I've heard that the Wii-U will support both, but how is it possible for devs to develop control schemes that are going to be radically different, without the motion type being compete WAGGLE?nitekids2004
The gaming industry minus Nintendo is lazy in implementing good motion controls. You can take a quick look at the 3rd party titles on the Wii for reference.
Its no wonder Ninty is scrapping it.
Very true. But it is now 2012, and I sincerely hope that devs have been able to brainstorm ideas to utilize motion control, and then execute said ideas into a pretty well thought out game mechanic. Skyward Sword basically laid the blueprint for how motion controls should be done. Wasn't Red Steel 2's controls not that bad? Regardless, if Nintendo is scrapping them I don't blame them, but they better come up with some pretty innovative, or gimmicky, ideas to make that Tablet stand out even more. I know I will be purchasing it close to launch, but in order to bring back casuals they need to have that gimmick in place. The hardcore will return once the games show up.Nintendo and they're narrow sighted thinking will get them exactly where they are now with the Wii.
Great launch but dead in the water a few years later, all Microsoft had to do was reimagine Nintendo's gimmick and they stole their casual market almost instantly.
the casual crap and gimmicks can only get you so far. They need to focus on hardware and hardcore support, that will get them longevity.
Pretty much this. No **** the Wii U needs more than just HD. For starters, it could use a name that isn't piss-poor.F**k Reggie.
That's great, as always Nintendo pushing the industry where most devs are afraid too, you know, forward. HD is cool and all, i mean i can't wait to see the new Metroid, Zelda and Mario in shining HD, but i'm also incredibely excited to see the features the new controller will bring, there is a whole new gamma of possibilities to work with, this new controller will bring completely new experiences, i mean, being able to coach a team on our controller in a Sports game, use the features as a mirror in a racing game, having a new interface for a Metroid game, the posibilities are endless, Reggie is right, WiiU needs more than just HD and with this new controller they will deliver for both, core and casual gamers, can't wait to know more about the console :)
they didn't become dominant like the ps2 though and that's probably because they could not get third parties on board. The controls were not what they were used to developing for and the SD visuals became worse and worse as HDTVs gained popularity. Also the hardware was not good enough, and at the very least the WiiU will have a couple of years of hardware equality, and if they are smart (and if the rumors are true that the WiiU will be expensive at first) then maybe Nintendo will have better hardware than the wii in comparison with it's generational peers.[QUOTE="meetroid8"]I think they learned with the Wii that they don;t need HD at all. All it needs are great games, and that is a guarantee with Nintendo.GunSmith1_basic
the wii was dominant enough the ps2 generation was just an absolute blow out and i dont even understand why but i presume it was the exclusive third party games which definately set it off
No no no, tablet controller is a total gimmick that won't work lawls. It's all about teh superior grafix, a la 720 and PSfour. ----- Honestly, the only thing that will kill the Wii-U is the pricing and the marketing IMO. I am strangely confident about Ninty's ability to secure 3rd party support (and continued 3rd party support) in the future for Wii-U.That's great, as always Nintendo pushing the industry where most devs are afraid too, you know, forward. HD is cool and all, i mean i can't wait to see the new Metroid, Zelda and Mario in shining HD, but i'm also incredibely excited to see the features the new controller will bring, there is a whole new gamma of possibilities to work with, this new controller will bring completely new experiences, i mean, being able to coach a team on our controller in a Sports game, use the features as a mirror in a racing game, having a new interface for a Metroid game, the posibilities are endless, Reggie is right, WiiU needs more than just HD and with this new controller they will deliver for both, core and casual gamers, can't wait to know more about the console :)
Nintendo will win over those who have an intention of buying it. Those who still aren't interested come E3 most definitely had no intention of buying one anyway. The online is probably good enough. If anyone would know it would be EA and Activision. Third party support won't be a problem this time because developers said the problem with Wii was the power. We'll probably see hybrid games like with playstation move as well.
Well, I guess Nintendo has been saving the Pokemon MMO up their sleeves for years. Breaking that baby out at launch with the WiiU would win next gen too, sadly...
A Pokemon MMO. I cannot see Nintendo releasing a Pokemon MMO on console... like ever. Not with their current online infrastructure Dragon Quest X has yet to be released on Wii, (And is also coming to Wii-U) so if that MMO structure does well we may see more Nintendo MMO's in the future. But one with Pokemon on the cover? Not likely. It is already a powerhouse in the mobile market, and the formula is in no need of change to speak. Pokemon works so well because it's on handhelds. An MMO I think would not work as well as everyone believes.Well, I guess Nintendo has been saving the Pokemon MMO up their sleeves for years. Breaking that baby out at launch with the WiiU would win next gen too, sadly...
You're crazy, the Pokemon formula is as old and busted as all of the rest of Nintendo's crap. A Pokemon MMO on WiiU would blow sheeat UP!!!
You're crazy, the Pokemon formula is as old and busted as all of the rest of Nintendo's crap. A Pokemon MMO on WiiU would blow sheeat UP!!!
I want to see them expand this more into media and other functional features. I know Nintendo's been hesitant, but this system could really be a better overall media entertainment system than the other systems because of it's controller. Stream Netflix on the t.v. or in bed with your tablet. Want to browse the web, and share videos? It could (potentially) do double surfing, via a Wii Remote for the t.v. and Tablet interface on the other. How about Netflix on one and Web/gaming on the other? This might sound dumb, but I'm sure Nintendo could some with better approaches to it.
Also, I want them to make the connectivity of 3DS and WiiU a forefront of the system now. Seriously, they've teased us too much, since the GCN-GBA days, and now we have two powerful systems that can communicate well with each other. I want to (if possible) use my 3DS in some games if I don't have a tablet controller. 3DS has the gryo controls like the tablet, cameras on it, a touch screen, and 3D screen, along with a single circle pad, and almost the same amount of face buttons. Add the circle pad pro, and you have another Wii U controller!
A game like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles would so rock finally. How about apps that take advantage of this? Video chat from 3DS to WiiU or a group chat with a mix of both systems? hell ya! Maybe even some online games (maybe the Wii U ones can be eShop games or something) that can play with one another? An upgrade to Swapnote letting you share pictures and messages between 3DS and WiiU friends?
Speaking of friends, make the WiiU and 3DS share the same friend's list and other features, so they better communicate! I think the WiiU could really bring lots to the table, and if it's powered similarily between the PS4 and Xbox 720, I think the WiiU could win every time for me, because of these added functions available only to the system. It would make it unique, and it's one reason I buy most games on PS3 because online is free. If Nintendo's online is free again, and has these cross platform features, I'd buy that version instead.
i don't think lightning is going to strike twice for nintendo, they found the casual market but microsoft and sony have also now found it too and i know what their trying to do with the tablet but ehhh i'm really interested to see how the wii-u performs. It could either be a good success or another virtual boy
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