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One of the best ownage threads ever, including L1qu1dSword's famous bet, and this quote from him in that thread:
"LOL mgs will be lucky to get 9.0
10.0 lol..... want to put money on that?
I think NG2 has a better chance then MGS. GTA will be awesome and stands SOME chance."
To this day, "Trophies > Achievements" is the greatest SW thread I have EVER witnessed. Saolin's leaf-counting antics and GhostMLD/General-Ram also provided many memorable moments.Floppy_Jim
OMG me and that guy went back and forth with each other untill I found out the truth. He wasint just a fanboy,but also crazy.
One of the great moments in SW history.bez2083
I dont believe I was around for that, but it has to be infamous for a NOOB like me to read about it and know the name with infamy. lol. Dude got caught lying about owning consoles right? lol.
To appreciate it the situation, you have to read through the whole thread. It's long, but it is truly ridiculous.
I just did it a couple of days ago. One of the most epic threads ive ever seen. The pure ownage in that thread was too much for me.[QUOTE="bez2083"]One of the great moments in SW history.IIJuggaNottII
I dont believe I was around for that, but it has to be infamous for a NOOB like me to read about it and know the name with infamy. lol. Dude got caught lying about owning consoles right? lol.
funniest thing Ive ever seen that thread was. unbelievable ownage getting caught lying about owning consoles.[QUOTE="Lionheart08"]
Nintendo's biggest facepalm moment in history.
Wow..I loved this moment. Ravi Drumz Or whatever his name is a total party animal...he was serious too. lol. I was watching to see which one I would get a PS3 or Wii...well, Im enjoying the PS3. Wow...Ravi Drumz
Honestly, if someone else sees this and doesnt say this was the best moment of 08, then I will just be baffled. Even If if you were Pro-nintendo, you had to find it funny. Im pretty sure no one eased up on the ninty boys for a long time though after watching that. History right there.
1. When lems said Ninja Gaiden 2 will outsell MGS4
2. When lems so convinced MGS4 will receive 8.5
3. When lems so convincedToo Human will receive AAA
4. When lems so confident 360 is slowly beating PS3 in Jpn
[QUOTE="IIJuggaNottII"][QUOTE="bez2083"]One of the great moments in SW history.desyple
I dont believe I was around for that, but it has to be infamous for a NOOB like me to read about it and know the name with infamy. lol. Dude got caught lying about owning consoles right? lol.
funniest thing Ive ever seen that thread was. unbelievable ownage getting caught lying about owning consoles. Oh wow... I just read like about 20 pages of that thread (not in order) and that was about the biggest amount of ownage I have ever seen in my life. It's like he set it up so that he WOULD get caught lying so many times. And it's not like he just let it go and admitted it, he kept it going throughout the entire thread. Made me laugh :lol:[QUOTE="PS_John"]This is John's Brother Here I Can Confirm John Is Telling The Truth, Our Xbox 360 Broke In 2007 And A Week Later I Moved To My Own Flat And Got My Own 360! I Dont See The Reason Not To Believe PS_John Because Can Check My Gamertag Which Is The Same As My UserName Here For ProofFusibleSo do you consider yourself your own brother...alter ego maybe. First you say "this is John's brother", then you go into saying "check my gamertag as it is the same as my user name" when if it were your brother per se it would be written more like this " check his gamertag it is the same as his user name" not the other way around. You sir are not a good liar. Your worse than KeyWii(R.I.P) was.
[QUOTE="PS_John"][QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"][QUOTE="PS_John"]You mean the picture you copied and pasted from here? I got my xbox 360 back today, logged on a min ago and it crashed so I turned it off and then I got RROD when i turned it on........
no i didnt and explain this
PS John
"M$ robbed me"
PS John is Offline Last Playing Xbox 360 Dashboard
Offline for 21 Mins
ok so u ppl wanna hear the truth?PS_JohnSo he WAS lying about everything before, and now he thinks that he has any remnants of credibility left that people would actually believe what he says now? That's what got me.
Last page of a 1000+ post thread after being proven wrong so many times, [QUOTE="PS_John"]ok so u ppl wanna hear the truth?blazndragon0So he WAS lying about everything before, and now he thinks that he has any remnants of credibility left that people would actually believe what he says now? That's what got me. what truth he was already proven to have lied about everything that he said.
Nintendo's biggest facepalm moment in history.
What the heck was Nintendo thinking? The dude look like a complete fool.:lol:
Yeah those are some great moments in System Wars.
FF13 going to the 360 was the best. All those online petitions :lol:
One of the great moments in SW history.bez2083LMAO!!!! I remember that thread. I think I posted on it :lol:
Nintendo's biggest facepalm moment in history.
What the heck was Nintendo thinking? The dude look like a complete fool.:lol:
LMAO!!! Was that wii music??[QUOTE="dark-warmachine"][QUOTE="Lionheart08"]
Nintendo's biggest facepalm moment in history.
What the heck was Nintendo thinking? The dude look like a complete fool.:lol:
i just cant look at that with a straight face its too funny. what a horrible ideaThe funny thing is that he was trying to hard to sell it. Anyway, I'm a look back on this thread whenever I need a good laugh.:lol:yeah that was hillarious. so many Cows were going nuts and that had to be the biggest ownage of '08 or was it the sales of the holidays? either way they will go down as the most rememberedYeah those are some great moments in System Wars.
FF13 going to the 360 was the best. All those online petitions :lol:
Nintendo's biggest facepalm moment in history.
What the heck was Nintendo thinking? The dude look like a complete fool.:lol:
Haha Ravi Drumz, instant win. Also, any of CoD_John or whoever's shenanigans
[QUOTE="kungfuchaos"]After being such a XBOX and 360 diehard since 2001, my opinion of the PS3 has been changed. I recently purchased a PS3 along with MGS 4. I haven't been this blown away by a game since Halo. I cant believe how fun and engrossing the story is in MGS 4. Most games, I cant stand to watch the cut scenes, but with MGS 4, they are really and truely part of the game.
As far as the PS3 goes, I cant believe I waited all this time to get one. This thing is a beautiful peace of machinery. I love the interface, HOME has a tone of potential and of course BluRay capabilities just sweeten the pot. For those of you who also own a PS3, what other games can you recommend to me.
You purchased a PS3 again? I thought you already had one. I may be wrong. Sorry if I am.
[QUOTE="-GhostMLD-"]HAZE BETTER THAN GEARS OF WAR 2 CONFIRMED.even if too human flops, its still out b4 KZ2.
Even a flop is better then a game u cant play.
[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]yeah that was hillarious. so many Cows were going nuts and that had to be the biggest ownage of '08 or was it the sales of the holidays? either way they will go down as the most rememberedI recall one guy saying he was considering suicide because it went multiplatform. He said he wasn't going to do it but it did cross his mind a couple times. Crazy stuff.Yeah those are some great moments in System Wars.
FF13 going to the 360 was the best. All those online petitions :lol:
PS_John wrote: The last person that told me to give up ended up in hostipal, so I suggest you do not say that again.
I had to quote this in here, after i saw this under the circumstances it was in, i completely LOL'd IRL for about 10 minutes after i snorted my coffee, this guy is just a gem.
[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]yeah that was hillarious. so many Cows were going nuts and that had to be the biggest ownage of '08 or was it the sales of the holidays? either way they will go down as the most remembered :lol: I can't even imagine how many youtube MS hate videos were made :lol:Yeah those are some great moments in System Wars.
FF13 going to the 360 was the best. All those online petitions :lol:
[QUOTE="bez2083"]One of the great moments in SW history.AJH_18ROFL! that is the most awesome thread i have ever read. the truly sad part is that PS john keeps coming back to try to prove he has a 360! and Dreams-Visions had some pretty epic posts in there too! lol :lol:
Yeah, I remember laughing at his trophy thread back in spring :lol: I am still laughing myself to sleep :lol: especially on pages 18-20 :lol:PS_John wrote: The last person that told me to give up ended up in hostipal, so I suggest you do not say that again.
I had to quote this in here, after i saw this under the circumstances it was in, i completely LOL'd IRL for about 10 minutes after i snorted my coffee, this guy is just a gem.
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