To be fair, it used to be something worth of comparison.
Back then when you put a SNES game vs Sega Genesis, either of these vs. Neo Geo, Neo Geo vs Sega CD, any of those against a 3DO, PS1 or Sega Saturn vs N64, PS2 vs Gamecube, any of these vs. XBox, the discrepancy was so great that no one had to even mention any technical aspect, what rendering techniques each game used, resolution, etc. Just the pic comparison and you're done, one is clearly superior to the other, and it showed. There was always a console that was clearly superior hardware-wise, and PC games were almost always that much far ahead from anything else...
But I don't remember people being this fanatic about it. Of course everyone cared about graphics, but not near as much as now, when it's not such a big issue as before. Everyone gets gorgeous games on their platforms, and if you disagree, you almost certainly are just being spoiled. Now we have radically comparing even pics from a multiplat game (like that absurd Wolfenstein: The New Order comparison), just to see which has the slight advantage over the other to claim ownage... going down to which AA is being used, how light is being rendered, resolution... it's almost like now the result is not what matters, but if the game is "technically" superior. I don't know, I think this became nonsense.
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