I would like to make a solid point. Halo has been designed by Bungie for 3 installments now. Resistance was designed for the first time by Insomniac. Resistance is also a 3rd party, while Haloe is a 1st party game. Yet, Resistance looks better. Hmm, THE POWA of the CELL? Ethier that or Bungie is incompetent. This is also Insomniacs first time in first person shooters if I'm not mistaken. And yet, its story blows away Halo 2, and may or may not blow away halo 3 since halo 3 may not have enough memory on its small 9 gig dvd to hold a game with fuller things to top Resistance. Halo 3 = let down. E3 in July Killzone 2 will be revealed. I got bets, that it will smoke Halo 3 in all angles.caseypayne69No... just no...
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