I enjoy both, but I find Killzone to be the overall better game. It's graphics are jaw dropping, it has superior gameplay than just about every other shooter out there, the guns feel solid to shoot and the AI is great, and it has a kick ass multiplayer.
Resistance is a pretty solid shooter and it's weapons are more creative than Killzone, with the Bulls Eye that "paints" an enemy and your shots will follow them where the go, the gun that allows you to shoot through walls etc....it also features up to 60 player epic battles and an excellent 8 player co-op mode.
I know the games get a lot of hate here because they are high scoring exclusives that make the 360 fanboys jelly, but I encourage anyone who is more level minded to check these games out.
I highly doubt most of the haters have even played the games before.
I wonder when you'll be more open to other platforms... If it's anything on PS3, you'd think they are the world's best. If it's on PC or 360, you'd say they suck.
You hyped PS All-Stars and LBP Karting, thinking they're the best ever. But they flopped hard.
I am open to all platforms, if there is a good game I don't care what system it's for. When have I said these games sucked on 360 or PC? Not once.
Flop is just an opinion, it might flop in SW but I don't care about that, only my opinion. If a game is a great to me then it's not a flop to me.
Honestly, I bet if Halo is PS3's franchise, your whole "Killzone > Halo" arguments would be different. It's only the name "PlayStation 3" that you care about. If a 5 year old made a simple game by using tools and just throw colours and objects in it randomly, and slapped "PS3" on the top of the case and call it a PS3 exclusive, you'd hype it to the max and make a hype thread. :lol:
It's quite sad that some people have an attachment to the system and refuse to praise games on other systems. It's called fanboys.
I may have a preference on my PS3 over the 360, but I would still admit that Halo 4 is a better game than Killzone 3 because of awesome multiplayer and it's something that you would spend your time on longer than other games. You only said Killzone is better just because it's on PS3.
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