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Didn't the PS4 have frame-rate problems with Ghosts. Oh yeah it did, so Frame-rate over Resolution - Frame-rate over Resolution. ;)
Yeah didn't BF4 had resolution + frames problems on xbox one..?
Lets see how this one turn out..
Oh and MGS5 was 1080p 60FPS on PS4 while on xbox one is 720p..
MGS5 was made by the biggest sony fanboy in the world, who at the same time is a money hungry fool.
dem excuses
its boosted to 882p lol wtf
Didn't the PS4 have frame-rate problems with Ghosts. Oh yeah it did, so Frame-rate over Resolution - Frame-rate over Resolution. ;)
Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4 judder caused by frame rate exceeding 60FPS
Didn't the PS4 have frame-rate problems with Ghosts. Oh yeah it did, so Frame-rate over Resolution - Frame-rate over Resolution. ;)
Yeah didn't BF4 had resolution + frames problems on xbox one..?
Lets see how this one turn out..
Oh and MGS5 was 1080p 60FPS on PS4 while on xbox one is 720p..
MGS5 was made by the biggest sony fanboy in the world, who at the same time is a money hungry fool.
He was on Microsoft's stage at last years E3, not Sony's. Reach further, cupcake.
Didn't the PS4 have frame-rate problems with Ghosts. Oh yeah it did, so Frame-rate over Resolution - Frame-rate over Resolution. ;)
Yeah didn't BF4 had resolution + frames problems on xbox one..?
Lets see how this one turn out..
Oh and MGS5 was 1080p 60FPS on PS4 while on xbox one is 720p..
MGS5 was made by the biggest sony fanboy in the world, who at the same time is a money hungry fool.
He was on Microsoft's stage at last years E3, not Sony's. Reach further, cupcake.
As I said, because he is a money hungry idiot... If you don't know that he is the biggest Sony fan, you should check history...
How does that make him the fool if he's getting the money from Microsoft and then producing inferior versions for their platform? Sounds like he's a smart haha. Hardly a fanboy if he even agrees to turn out on the apposing forces E3, the biggest gaming event of the year. Ya. Maybe Microsoft begged? A plausible possibility.
The reso for a game that doesn't come out till November has been confirmed? Cows really hurt that Pauperstation4 is not the lead platform.
Trailer was awesome sauce graphically with that One footage.
Kuu2 c'mon. You're smart enough to know what a marketing deal is, hence the DLC. Very poor show from you.
MGS5 was made by the biggest sony fanboy in the world, who at the same time is a money hungry fool.
Oh please dude stop,MGS5 ran better on PS4 because the PS4 is stronger not because of Konami on purpose sabotaging its own
In fact when ask about the PS4 and xbox one Kujima say both were about the same,sadly he ate those words with the xbox one version been 720p with missing effect.
The reso for a game that doesn't come out till November has been confirmed? Cows really hurt that Pauperstation4 is not the lead platform.
Trailer was awesome sauce graphically with that One footage.
How do you know the PS4 is not the lead platform.? Just because the game was shown on xbox one doesn't mean the XBO was the lead platform,and rumors point at the PS4 as been the lead platforms,which would not surprise me at all,been easy to work and stronger.
@kuu2 Well wishful thinking for you maybe... pretty reasonable explanation for the rest of us lol. Xbox got the DLC first for Ghosts and that sure as hell wasn't the lead platform. Top kek.
720P? 900P? 1080P? Who cares. I'll buy it because it's a lot of fun. I have both the PS4 and the Xbox One and I'll buy it for whatever platform my online friends buy it on. That's probably the Xbox One. Resolution < Friends
720P? 900P? 1080P? Who cares. I'll buy it because it's a lot of fun. I have both the PS4 and the Xbox One and I'll buy it for whatever platform my online friends buy it on. That's probably the Xbox One. Resolution < Friends
You need better friends.
720P? 900P? 1080P? Who cares. I'll buy it because it's a lot of fun. I have both the PS4 and the Xbox One and I'll buy it for whatever platform my online friends buy it on. That's probably the Xbox One. Resolution < Friends
You need better friends.
Yup, the quality of friends is judged by how many P's the games they buy have.
720P? 900P? 1080P? Who cares. I'll buy it because it's a lot of fun. I have both the PS4 and the Xbox One and I'll buy it for whatever platform my online friends buy it on. That's probably the Xbox One. Resolution < Friends
You need better friends.
Yup, the quality of friends is judged by how many P's the games they buy have.
relax it was a joke.
720P? 900P? 1080P? Who cares. I'll buy it because it's a lot of fun. I have both the PS4 and the Xbox One and I'll buy it for whatever platform my online friends buy it on. That's probably the Xbox One. Resolution < Friends
You need better friends.
Yup, the quality of friends is judged by how many P's the games they buy have.
relax it was a joke.
relax, I was joking.
If this trailer were for any other game/series than Call of Duty this would probably be my most anticipated game -- as the trailer really was that good.
But the trailer was for Call of everything shown was completely pointless.
LMAO sub 900P
Poor Xbone... meh are they any xbone fans besides shawn30 and blackace to make fun of these days?
I think it will be 1080p, I think they can get it out of the console, and we still have 6 months of developing left.
No, the PS4 version ran higher than 60fps hence the judder lol. Xbone version is the one with frame drops at 720p.
I am talking about the next CoD... It isn't out yet so we don't know anything about it. I wasn't talking about CoD: Ghosts.
LOL no u were talking about current COD. LolbacktrackLOL
I read this earlier and I really feel like DF is grasping. It seems like since the launch of these systems, they have nothing better to report on than resolutions & framerates. This game isn't even out yet and here they are trying to determine the res of this game based off a compressed trailer. Seriously? 882p? Really? Dumbassess *SMH*
lol, the only reason people say this is cuzz they got their feelings hurt...hahaha.
Lets see, new video comes out and is stated that is xbone,of course its gonna get pixel counted.
What has me interested is Kevin spacey but from what I hear from others cod on pc is complete crud so I highly doubt I'll play this beyond someone else owning it and me trying it.
IF it turns out to be good then I'll get the PC version.
But that is a big "If"
The vote question doesn't make sense, it just says.....resolution boosted and gives a list of platforms.
anyway it still looks a bit blurry. i will be getting it on PS4 because they have more people playing and better graphics....screw the dlc if it was something good it would be part of the original game.
Damn is Ps4 gonna chew the Bone up and spit it out through the entire generation lol. But hey I'll give credit for going slightly above 720p like in Ghosts.
It has the most problem with FPS as you can see,882p for COD AW 792P for Titanfall with drops to 30 FPS,i don't think FPS will be 1080p on xbox one unless the game is totally unimpressive or un demanding.
The hoops they'll jump through to avoid making a 720p game. I bet that resolution has been banned at Microsoft HQ.
I won't play anyhting under 1440p anymore, it just hurts my eyes. My eyes bleed when i play 1080p on the ps4 and the xbox one make them explode out of the sockets. Master race PC
The hoops they'll jump through to avoid making a 720p game. I bet that resolution has been banned at Microsoft HQ.
Yep 792P in Titanfall prove it,even if the game suffer frame wise like Titanfall did,a 60FPS game that drops to 33 frames when several titans are around.
The hoops they'll jump through to avoid making a 720p game. I bet that resolution has been banned at Microsoft HQ.
Yep 792P in Titanfall prove it,even if the game suffer frame wise like Titanfall did,a 60FPS game that drops to 33 frames when several titans are around.
Yeah Titanfall is pretty rough on XB1. I play it on PC as well and its tough to keep 60 there too.
On a side note I played COD Ghosts on the PS4 a little this weekend to get more of the trophies..... That game DOES NOT run at a steady 60fps in the campaign.
The hoops they'll jump through to avoid making a 720p game. I bet that resolution has been banned at Microsoft HQ.
Yep 792P in Titanfall prove it,even if the game suffer frame wise like Titanfall did,a 60FPS game that drops to 33 frames when several titans are around.
Yeah Titanfall is pretty rough on XB1. I play it on PC as well and its tough to keep 60 there too.
On a side note I played COD Ghosts on the PS4 a little this weekend to get more of the trophies..... That game DOES NOT run at a steady 60fps in the campaign.
Yes it has some frames drops,just like on PC also have bugs that gave frame problems.
But the PS4 version was 1080p the xbox one version was 720p.
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