I've been seeing WAAAY too much damage control around the crowning of Super Mario Galaxy's GoTY award. I'd like to squish these statements like the bugs that they are. And I want to clarify something: I am NOT a fanboy. I own a Wii, a 360, and a gaming computer, not to mention I plan to get a PS3 in a year or two.
1) Damage Control:It didn't deserve it.
Response: Wow. Just wow. You would not beleive how many times just this one sentence pops up as damage control, with nothing to support it. Gears of War won GoTY last year, am I not right? What if I, a single person, went up to Gamespot and said "OH, Gears of War stunk, it surely didn't deserve GoTY." Would that change their mind? NO! Obviously, if a game didn't deserve it, it wouldn't win it on a site that fanboys(I'm looking at you Lemmings)claim to be "unbaised." And that leads me to my next point.
Verdict: If it didn't deserve it, why would it win?
2) Damage Control: 8.8= Gamespot Stinks. 8.5= Gamespot is the worst reveiwing site ever. GOTY= Hail Gamespot!
Response: Sure, I'll give you this, there is truth in this statement. But hey, not every sheep thought this. Lets look at a more familar gameing event, shall we? Mass Effect. Had enough hype to go to the moon and back. When Gamespot gave it a 8.5, some of the lemmings screamed "NOOOO! Thats soooo wrong!" while others said "Whatever." This is what happened with Twilight Princess and Corruption. Some (a majority, I'll give you that again) screamed "Teh bais!" while others kept their cool.
Verdict: Its not exclusive to sheep to do this, Cows and Lemmings do it all the time.
3) Damage Control: But I didn't like it.
Response: The second lamest damage control besides "It didn't deserve it." I'll keep this one short. Not everyone has to like the GoTY. I could probably name 100 people that didn't like WoW, but it won GOTY, didn't it? I don't like GTA, but does that mean its not a good game? Of course not, its a great game, but its not my kind of game.
Verdict: If we all liked the same thing, the world would be pretty boring, right? I like guitar, my friend likes drums. Does that mean neither is good? Of course not.
4)Damage Control:But its only jumping!
Response: Using this godly logic, I could say that Gears of War, Call of Duty 4, Crysis, and Halo 3 are just shooting. Short sweet and to the point, there is more to it than Jumping, as much to it that all those shooters have more than shooting it them.
Verdict: I made myself very clear.
5) Damage Control: Teh Kidiness!
Response: Wow, someone needs to grow up and learn a bit of logic. BY calling a game "kiddy" you basically just admitted that your uber manly shooters got killed by a kiddy game. Besides, no games are kiddy. Adults still play Pokemon. If any game that appeals to kids can be called kiddy, I guess GTA is kiddy,because I know more kids than adults that play that game.
Verdict: Don't say this, you admit that your games are worse than a kiddy game, in theory of course.
6) Damage Control:My eyes are bleeding!
Response: Lets get this straight. Super Mario Galaxy has good graphics, you have to be blind not to see that. Surely not as good tecnhcally as Crysis, but the art in my, and most other gamers, opinions, is miles ahead of anything else. Besides, is the Mona Lisa famous for her Polygon count?
Verdict: It has good graphics, grow up.
Well, I'm gonna go ahead and post this and reserve a post for more arguements. Discuss, no flamming, and give me some good ideas:)
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