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Why does everyone one them to work on older liscenses?
I'll be honest, if Retro wants to prove something, other than being famous for making Metroid Prime and successfuly transfering a 2D game into 3D, make something new. Retro's time to shine is upon us, let them become the new "Rare" of Nintendo and bring us unforgettable gems and new IPs like Rare did for Nintendo. Retro's flavor is much different from Rare. Rare was more associated with an older audience style, yet the lighthearted attitude always warmed it's way into games making them fun and unforgettable.
Retro is more the detailed, and epic scope of things. Something Nintendo could use a lot right now to help pull in a more older audience. So I say away with the remakes, and bringing up old franchises. Bring us a shocker, bring us something that's gonna define you guys for who you really are. That's what I want to see from them. :)
Thank God they're taking a break. Metroid has been going downhill since.
Prime 9.7
Echoes 9.1
Corruption 8.5
They should have stopped at Prime, IMO. It was one hell of a great game.farrell2k
Pft...GS under-rated MP3 in a big way. It's almost a joke. I've been playing it and it's got 9.5 all over it.
Earthbound!ArisShadowsOMG. I forgot about that. Another Earthbound would be amazing. I mean Ness is in Smash Bros. They gotta do something with it.
According to Wikipedia, Retro is a second-party developer, meaning that their not owned by Nintendo, but can only make games for Nintendo's consoles because of contract.Subacious
Wrong, keep up on your gaming news and stop relying on Wikipedia casual. Nintendo owns 100% of Retro. Meaning retro is a 1st party. Not second. They own 100% not 49% lik they did with Rare. Thats why rare was able to be sold. Retro is a PART of Nintendo so that cant happen.
[QUOTE="Subacious"]According to Wikipedia, Retro is a second-party developer, meaning that their not owned by Nintendo, but can only make games for Nintendo's consoles because of contract.cipherr
Wrong, keep up on your gaming news and stop relying on Wikipedia casual. Nintendo owns 100% of Retro. Meaning retro is a 1st party. Not second. They own 100% not 49% lik they did with Rare. Thats why rare was able to be sold. Retro is a PART of Nintendo so that cant happen.
Learn business jerk. Don't talk down to someone when they are correct. 1st party developer is a Nintendo team. Retro is not Nintendo, they work under them, but are not actually part of them. This means they are 2nd party. If they were completely independant, they would be 3rd party. Shut up.Thank God they're taking a break. Metroid has been going downhill since.
Prime 9.7
Echoes 9.1
Corruption 8.5
They should have stopped at Prime, IMO. It was one hell of a great game.farrell2k
From what I've played so far, Prime 3 has the potential to be at least as good as the original (one of my all-time favorite games). There's no way Echoes was as good as Corruption (it was somewhat of a letdown to me. Like someone quote 1up as saying, Retro went out with a bang.
[QUOTE="cipherr"][QUOTE="Subacious"]According to Wikipedia, Retro is a second-party developer, meaning that their not owned by Nintendo, but can only make games for Nintendo's consoles because of contract.coreygames
Wrong, keep up on your gaming news and stop relying on Wikipedia casual. Nintendo owns 100% of Retro. Meaning retro is a 1st party. Not second. They own 100% not 49% lik they did with Rare. Thats why rare was able to be sold. Retro is a PART of Nintendo so that cant happen.
Learn business jerk. Don't talk down to someone when they are correct. 1st party developer is a Nintendo team. Retro is not Nintendo, they work under them, but are not actually part of them. This means they are 2nd party. If they were completely independant, they would be 3rd party. Shut up.Why are people calling each other "casual"? This is one of those terms like "n00b" that just makes the user sound like a jackass. Sure, some people are casual gamers to the point of annoyance, but I'd hardly say that anyone on System Wars is the typical "casual".
[QUOTE="cipherr"][QUOTE="Subacious"]According to Wikipedia, Retro is a second-party developer, meaning that their not owned by Nintendo, but can only make games for Nintendo's consoles because of contract.coreygames
Wrong, keep up on your gaming news and stop relying on Wikipedia casual. Nintendo owns 100% of Retro. Meaning retro is a 1st party. Not second. They own 100% not 49% lik they did with Rare. Thats why rare was able to be sold. Retro is a PART of Nintendo so that cant happen.
Learn business jerk. Don't talk down to someone when they are correct. 1st party developer is a Nintendo team. Retro is not Nintendo, they work under them, but are not actually part of them. This means they are 2nd party. If they were completely independant, they would be 3rd party. Shut up.Whatch your language. He is correct. A second party developer is either contractually obligated to one console or owned in partial by the conlsole manufacturer. The key word here is partial ownership. Retro Studios is wholly owned by Nintendo making it a 1st party subsidiary of Nintendo. Intelligent systems for example has a contractual partnership with Nintendo and is a 2nd party developer. Nintendo only has partial ownership of Intelligent Systems but is their exclusive publisher.
[QUOTE="cipherr"][QUOTE="Subacious"]According to Wikipedia, Retro is a second-party developer, meaning that their not owned by Nintendo, but can only make games for Nintendo's consoles because of contract.coreygames
Wrong, keep up on your gaming news and stop relying on Wikipedia casual. Nintendo owns 100% of Retro. Meaning retro is a 1st party. Not second. They own 100% not 49% lik they did with Rare. Thats why rare was able to be sold. Retro is a PART of Nintendo so that cant happen.
Learn business jerk. Don't talk down to someone when they are correct. 1st party developer is a Nintendo team. Retro is not Nintendo, they work under them, but are not actually part of them. This means they are 2nd party. If they were completely independant, they would be 3rd party. Shut up.Sorry to say, but he's correct. Like Intelligent Systems is to Nintendo, so is Retro.You can't work in Retro now, without at least having worked in some way with Nintendo. Retro is just another development studio of Nintendo like EAD (Makers of Zelda and Mario) but not having the "Nintendo" name. Retro and Intelligent Systems are both Nintendo companies, and could be argued they are "First Party" devs in fact, becuase they are in-house developers. Not some second party, who's majority is owned by another company, and business decisions are heavily influenced by another company.
Hey coreygames, nice cut and paste job. By the way I caught your cut and paste job before you edited the (thus a 1st party developer) from your cut and paste article. Nice try though.IchiroisawsomeI know, I had to :lol: at myself for not seeing the "It is currently wholly owned by Nintendo (thus a first-party developer), with over 50 employees." and didn't want anyone to notice. I was owned :(
[QUOTE="Ichiroisawsome"]Hey coreygames, nice cut and paste job. By the way I caught your cut and paste job before you edited the (thus a 1st party developer) from your cut and paste article. Nice try though.coreygamesI know, I had to :lol: at myself for not seeing the "It is currently wholly owned by Nintendo (thus a first-party developer), with over 50 employees." and didn't want anyone to notice. I was owned :(
Hahaha. Maybe that will teach you next time not to pounce on somebody who knows what they are talking about. By the way Intelligent systems is not really a 1st party developer. It is it's own developement house that was founded byt Gunpei Yokoi inventor of the Gameboy. Yokoi and others from RD1 desided to start their own development house with the support of Nintendo. Intelligent systems has only developed Nintendo published games, however they do make 3rd party middleware and other game related tools for any developer that wants them. I did not realize this later fact untill a few years ago I saw the credits to an EA or Ubisoft game that had Intelligent Systems listed as one of the coders. This game was on the PS1. Oh crap that was more than a few years ago.
Anyway it is hard to understand the video game business and even tell the difference between 1st and second party. Heck a lot of people believed that Factor 5 was a 2nd developer to Nintendo when in fact it wasn't. Yes Factor 5 made only Nintendo published games for two Nintendo consoles and yes they developed the DSP for the N64, GameCube, and Wii, but they were still 3rd party.
I know, I had to :lol: at myself for not seeing the "It is currently wholly owned by Nintendo (thus a first-party developer), with over 50 employees." and didn't want anyone to notice. I was owned :([QUOTE="coreygames"][QUOTE="Ichiroisawsome"]Hey coreygames, nice cut and paste job. By the way I caught your cut and paste job before you edited the (thus a 1st party developer) from your cut and paste article. Nice try though.Ichiroisawsome
Hahaha. Maybe that will teach you next time not to pounce on somebody who knows what they are talking about. By the way Intelligent systems is not really a 1st party developer. It is it's own developement house that was founded byt Gunpei Yokoi inventor of the Gameboy. Yokoi and others from RD1 desided to start their own development house with the support of Nintendo. Intelligent systems has only developed Nintendo published games, however they do make 3rd party middleware and other game related tools for any developer that wants them. I did not realize this later fact untill a few years ago I saw the credits to an EA or Ubisoft game that had Intelligent Systems listed as one of the coders. This game was on the PS1. Oh crap that was more than a few years ago.
Anyway it is hard to understand the video game business and even tell the difference between 1st and second party. Heck a lot of people believed that Factor 5 was a 2nd developer to Nintendo when in fact it wasn't. Yes Factor 5 made only Nintendo published games for two Nintendo consoles and yes they developed the DSP for the N64, GameCube, and Wii, but they were still 3rd party.
Hey, if there are historical discrepencies, take it up with wiki. And if you can't tell by my sig., I have trouble with learning when I'm going to be right or wrong.Yeah sometimes Wiki sucks. I use them for a place to start for info. Oh I have to correct myself. Intelligent Systems is now wholly owned by Nintendo (Nintendo used to have a 49% ownership).
Thank God they're taking a break. Metroid has been going downhill since.
Prime 9.7
Echoes 9.1
Corruption 8.5
They should have stopped at Prime, IMO. It was one hell of a great game.farrell2k
Just because it decreased a point mean it's bad?
MP3 was AAA EVERYWHERE except here and Yahoo games. Yes, Yahoo games.
im glad that their stopping on metroid prime. dont get me wrong i love the series but i think its about time they stppoed using a franchaise that already has proven itself and make a name for more creativity.
thats why i think they shouldnt do a kid icarus game for the wii but rather a original IP which is more "down to earth".
EDIT: made it seem as if i wanted a KI sequel.
im glad that their stopping on metroid prime. dont get me wrong i love the series but i think its about time they stppoed using a franchaise that already has proven itself and make a name for more creativity.
thats why i think they should do a kid icarus game for the wii but rather a original IP which is more "down to earth".
Like their unreleased Football game for the Gamecube?
sounds like a good time to start development on a new Wii exclusive online multiplayer fps game that will put games like Halo and Killzonewith MP3-similar controls. ;P
[QUOTE="reyad-u"]im glad that their stopping on metroid prime. dont get me wrong i love the series but i think its about time they stppoed using a franchaise that already has proven itself and make a name for more creativity.
thats why i think they should do a kid icarus game for the wii but rather a original IP which is more "down to earth".
Like their unreleased Football game for the Gamecube?
naah more like a action adventure game. but i wouldnt mind a sci fi FPS :P.
Well, they also had....
NFL Retro Football- 2
Raven Blade - 2
Thunder Rally Car Combat(need IGN Insider to view screens)
Action Adventure (namelessgame that many believe Retro used the basis of this game to make Prime series)
I'm sure they'll either be given a ****c license to work on, or revive one of their older ideas, in whichI'm interested in the Raven Blade game more than anything that could come from Retro Studios.
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