knack is a flop get over it
LOL i love's like being in on the best new secret of the PS4 and no one realizes it......but because some snobbish reviewers who haven't played a good action platformer since Super Mario Galaxy or Ratchet & Clank turned there nose up at it, everyone is going to dismiss it.
LOL whatever your loss, i just finished playing 3 straight hours of it, and it just gets better and better, don't take my word for it, by all means go and try the demo on the PS4 kiosks first, don't spend the money until you try it...if you're even the slightest lover of platformers or action games, you will enjoy playing the demo.
That's good for you but you need to stop acting like your opinion == fact. A majority of reviewers didn't like the game, get over it already. Play the game because you like it but stop trying to tell people the reviewers are wrong because you disagree with them.
First of all i can absolutely tell reviewers there wrong, what qualifies them to be reviewers?, the fact that they played video games for 15 to 20 years and have either a journalism or some kind of writing degree as well.....Okay i'm 44 years old and have been gaming for 35 years, which is longer than most of today's reviewers have been alive, and i have an english lit degree, as well as a computer hardware and software upgrades and repair degree from N.Y.I.T.
So i think i'm every bit as qualified to be a reviewer as they are, and i'm certainly more than qualified to question there reviews....but i am not telling people to run out and spend $60, what i am saying is to go and play the demo, and ignore the reviews until they have tried the demo for themselves and then make a decision.THATS ALL !!!
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