I think we should host this event, with pre-determined questions. The two mega fan boys of the forum since Yoo-Foo and Keywii face off in a civil discussion concerning questions by our forumites.
If the Democrats and Republicans can have town hall debates! WHY CANT WE!
comon this would be some serious fun.
Heres a possible format for this.
We let casey make a mod approved thread that is stickied just for questions to be answered. Questions should be more about the future of each system and the console war, thier games, and why each canidate believes thier system and line up to be more powerful. Questions should also be directed toward both participants, not an individual. Think questions along the lines of "name three games that PS3/360 have too much hope for, and three games to smash those dreams"
A total of 5 questions should be picked, and they should be picked by Either Casey (since he has to allow us to do this,) or users. The participants are given 3 days to come up with arguements and present them. Then after they see each others arguements, may have 1 day to write reactions to the opponents answers.
Then the thread will be opened up to voting by the community for one week.
A winner will be crowned and we all laugh
Wouldn't be much of a debate lemmings don't have much going for them. 8)
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